Top 5 Best Chinese Companies in Zimbabwe

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There were several Chinese companies operating in Zimbabwe across various sectors. These companies have been involved in infrastructure development, mining, ... read more...

  1. Top 1

    Anjin Investments

    Anjin Investments is a Chinese mining company that has operated in Zimbabwe, particularly in the Marange diamond fields. It was formed as a joint venture between a Chinese company called Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group (AFECC) and a Zimbabwean state-owned enterprise, the Zimbabwe Defense Forces.

    Anjin Investments was one of the companies involved in diamond mining in Marange, a region known for its significant diamond deposits. However, the operations of Anjin Investments and other companies in the Marange diamond fields have been controversial due to allegations of human rights abuses, lack of transparency, and environmental concerns.

    In 2016, the Zimbabwean government ordered all diamond mining companies in Marange to stop operations and leave the area. This decision came after years of allegations and reports of corruption, illegal mining activities, and exploitation of workers. The government cited the need to restructure the diamond mining sector to ensure more transparency and accountability.

    Founded: 2009

    Headquarters: Haidian, Beijing, China

    Officie: 89 Kingsmead Road, Borrowdale Harare


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  2. Top 2

    Sinohydro Corporation

    Sinohydro Corporation, also known as Power Construction Corporation of China (PowerChina), is a major Chinese state-owned company specializing in infrastructure development and construction projects. With a global presence, Sinohydro is recognized as one of the largest and most influential engineering and construction companies in China.

    The company has been involved in numerous large-scale infrastructure projects both within China and internationally. One of Sinohydro's key areas of expertise is in hydropower and water resources engineering. They have been instrumental in the construction of several major hydropower plants around the world, contributing to the generation of clean and renewable energy.

    In addition to hydropower projects, Sinohydro has also participated in various other types of infrastructure development, including road construction, dam building, airport expansions, and more. Their involvement in projects often spans multiple stages, from feasibility studies and planning to engineering, procurement, and construction.

    In Africa, including Zimbabwe, Sinohydro has been engaged in critical infrastructure ventures, such as the expansion of existing power plants and the construction of new ones. For example, they have participated in projects aimed at increasing the capacity of hydroelectric power stations and coal-fired thermal power plants to meet the growing energy demands in the region.

    Founded: 1950
    Headquarters: Beijing, China
    Officie: Hwange, Zimbabwe

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  3. China Jiangsu International Group (CJIG) is a Chinese state-owned enterprise that operates in the construction and infrastructure development sector. Established in Jiangsu province, China, CJIG has expanded its presence globally and engaged in a wide range of projects in various countries.

    As a reputable construction company, CJIG has been involved in numerous international infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, airports, and railways. Their expertise in these areas has contributed to the modernization and development of transportation networks in different regions.

    In Africa, CJIG has participated in several key projects aimed at improving infrastructure and fostering economic growth. For instance, they have been instrumental in road construction projects, enhancing connectivity and accessibility in the countries they operate in. Additionally, CJIG has been involved in the construction and expansion of airports, contributing to the improvement of air travel facilities on the continent.

    One of CJIG's notable contributions in Zimbabwe was its involvement in the expansion of the Victoria Falls International Airport. The airport expansion aimed to accommodate larger aircraft and increase tourism capacity in the region, as Victoria Falls is one of Zimbabwe's major tourist attractions.

    Founded: 1980

    Headquarters: Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

    Officie: 72 Qn Elizabeth Rd, Greendale, Harare


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  4. Top 4

    Huawei Technologies

    Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company that has become one of the world's leading players in the telecommunications and technology industry. Founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, Huawei has grown from a small company in Shenzhen, China, to a global powerhouse with a strong presence in various sectors.

    One of Huawei's core areas of expertise is in the telecommunications equipment and infrastructure domain. The company is a major provider of network equipment, such as routers, switches, and base stations, which are crucial components for building and maintaining communication networks worldwide. Huawei has played a significant role in the development and implementation of 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies, contributing to the advancement of global telecommunications capabilities.

    In addition to its presence in the telecommunications industry, Huawei has expanded its portfolio to include a wide range of consumer electronics products. The company manufactures smartphones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, and other connected devices, making it a well-known brand in the consumer electronics market.

    However, Huawei's global expansion has not been without challenges and controversies. The company has faced scrutiny from some governments, particularly regarding concerns over data privacy, cybersecurity, and its close ties to the Chinese government. As a result, some countries have imposed restrictions on Huawei's involvement in building their telecommunications networks, citing national security concerns.

    Founded: 1987

    Headquarters: Shenzhen, China

    Office: 4, 40 Kwame Krumah, Harare, Zimbabwe


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  5. Top 5

    ZTE Corporation

    ZTE Corporation is a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and systems company based in Shenzhen, China. Established in 1985, ZTE has grown to become one of the major players in the global telecommunications industry. The company specializes in providing a wide range of products and services, including network equipment, smartphones, telecommunications software, and solutions for carriers, enterprises, and consumers.

    has been actively involved in the development and deployment of various telecommunications technologies. The company has played a significant role in the advancement of 3G and 4G technologies, contributing to the expansion of mobile communication networks worldwide. Like its Chinese counterpart, Huawei, ZTE has also been at the forefront of 5G development and deployment, offering cutting-edge 5G infrastructure and devices to support the next generation of wireless connectivity.

    In addition to its focus on telecommunications equipment, ZTE is a prominent player in the smartphone market. The company designs and manufactures a wide range of smartphones catering to different market segments, from budget-friendly devices to high-end flagship models. ZTE smartphones are sold in various countries and have gained popularity for offering competitive features at affordable prices.

    Despite its global success, ZTE has faced challenges in international markets, particularly in relation to compliance with trade regulations. In 2018, the United States imposed a trade ban on ZTE for violating U.S. export control laws by illegally shipping products to Iran and North Korea. The ban severely impacted ZTE's operations and access to vital components from U.S. suppliers. However, the ban was later lifted after ZTE reached an agreement with the U.S. government and agreed to pay fines and implement corrective measures.

    Founded: 1985

    Headquarters: Shenzhen, China

    Office: 159 Enterprise rd, Chisipiti, Harare East, Harare, ZW


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Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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