Top 8 Best DNA Testing Kits

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As at-home DNA testing grows more precise and affordable, DNA firms' features become more expansive and tempting. In this article, Toplist will produce the ... read more...

  1. It's simple to see why MyHeritage DNA has become one of the most popular DNA kits. MyHeritage's DNA test kit is inexpensive, instructive, and may be used in conjunction with one of the most comprehensive family tree builders available.

    MyHeritage is an easy-to-use DNA testing kit that allows you to track your heritage across 42+ countries throughout the world. You can also pay to have access to MyHeritage's billions of historical records, allowing you to go in-depth with your genealogy research.

    How to use:

    • When your MyHeritage kit arrives, you'll be given a code to enter online to activate the DNA kit and receive your results as soon as they're ready.
    • Two cotton swabs are included. Rub one on the inside of your cheeks for 30-60 seconds before placing it inside the included vial and sealing it. Repeat with the second swab and vial.
    • Return it in the attached envelope, and you should be able to view your findings online a few weeks later.

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    MyHeritage DNA
    MyHeritage DNA
    MyHeritage DNA
    MyHeritage DNA

  2. AncestryDNA is the DNA testing service of genealogy behemoth, and it has quickly established itself as one of the most well-known names in DNA testing since its launch in 2012. AncestryDNA's enormous database of over 10 million members is a big plus, which means you have a better chance of locating a long-lost cousin with whom you genetically match.

    More than 500 places around the world are covered by DNA reports. You can also leverage the resources of the world's most popular genealogical website with AncestryDNA. You can possibly access billions of records from all across the world by obtaining an archive records subscription.

    How to use:

    • AncestryDNA will send you a package with a vial to fill with your saliva and a blue stabilizing liquid to add.
    • Place it in the collecting bag and return it to the company.
    • Before giving your sample, make sure you don't eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for 30 minutes.
    • Before you go, make sure you activate your account online.

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  3. The LivingDNA goes beyond the industry standard family-line ancestry, known as autosomal DNA, and offers you data from your maternal line as well. If you're a man, the test can also look into your paternal ancestors. This is a more detailed type of testing that most competitors do not offer, and it can provide you with an additional layer of insight. However, the test is more expensive than the industry standard, and the findings can take up to 12 weeks to arrive.

    LivingDNA test results span back 10 generations and cover 80 different places throughout the world, allowing you to obtain highly accurate and particular information about your family history. In addition, the results include a map called "Your Ancestry Through History," which is a kind of timeline that you can use to trace your family's movement across thousands of years.

    How to use:

    • Your LivingDNA kit will arrive in a box with instructions for online activation.
    • The cotton swab is then used to scrape inside your cheek, and the swab is placed back into the attached bag to be returned to the company.
    • The test results will be available online in 12 weeks.

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  4. Vitagene is more than just a DNA test; it also offers health screening and the option to enroll in a monthly supplement plan. This is a really unique service in the DNA testing industry, and it really distinguishes Vitagene.

    The test's ancestry report portion will show you a unique combination of ethnicities mapped over 25 regions of the world, with a percentage breakdown. The health section recommends which vitamins you should take, as well as which activities and fitness regimes are optimal for your specific DNA. It can also test for a number of characteristics, such as how your body handles lactose and alcohol, and whether you should avoid gluten.

    How to use:

    • Your Vitagene test should come within 3-5 days after ordering, at which point you should register your kit online, use the cotton swabs to rub on the inside of your cheeks, seal them, and send them back.
    • The findings should be available for viewing three to four weeks after they are received by the lab.

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  5. Futura Genetics uses cutting-edge DNA science to empower and educate people about their own health. The Vancouver-based uses advanced DNA profiling testing from its EU lab to identify each person's susceptibility to 28 of the most common diseases.

    Those who want to be proactive about their health can use Futura Genetics' cutting-edge testing to learn more about their health concerns. Scientists identify genetic markers for diseases such as Alzheimer's, lung cancer, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and more than 20 other common diseases based on studies of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), and show each person's risk level for getting such diseases later in life.

    How to use:

    • Simply collect your saliva in a tube using the provided funnel, check for bubbles, remove the funnel, shake the sample for 5 seconds, and send it to the lab.
    • The test kit contains all of the required ingredients as well as instructions.

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    Futura Genetics
    Futura Genetics
    Futura Genetics
    Futura Genetics
  6. GPS Origins brags about their tests' ability to trace your DNA and family history over more than 900 distinct geographic places throughout the world. This is more than most businesses claim, while GPS Origins' price is a little higher as well.

    The DNA test does not provide health or fitness recommendations, but GPS Origins does offer skin and healthy weight testing that are focused on exercise. By examining hundreds of thousands of autosomal markers, the DNA origins test examines your DNA to determine the unique migration patterns of your gene pool.

    How to use:

    • GPS Origins use four cheek swabs, which you wipe inside your mouth and then include in a package that you return to the firm after registering the kit online.

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    GPS Origins
    GPS Origins
    GPS Origins
    GPS Origins
  7. If you choose the Ancestry + Health test, 23andMe is one of the few DNA testing firms that also gives you a plethora of information about your health. The health report includes information such as an assessment of your risk of developing Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease, as well as other inherited disorders. It also provides you with "trait reports," which might tell you if you prefer sweet or salty foods.

    If you only do the ancestry test, you will receive a breakdown of your family history, including your ethnic mix and the percentage of your DNA that match certain worldwide groups. Furthermore, the DNA relations tool can help you locate persons with whom you have genetic ancestors and build a family tree.

    How to use:

    • Your 23andMe test will arrive in a tiny kit with a piece of instructions, a plastic bag, and the sample collection tube with a funnel tip.
    • To begin, create an online account and register your kit with the company.
    • Fill the tube with your saliva after ensuring that you haven't eaten, smoked, drank, chewed gum, or brushed your teeth 30 minutes before giving your sample.
    • Then fill the tube with buffer liquid, seal it, shake it, and send it back to the company in the enclosed box.

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  8. Nutrisystem's balanced meal plans and personal coaching have helped millions of people lose weight over the last 45 years. They're now taking weight loss to a molecular level.

    The goal of Nutrisystem's DNA Body Blueprint Kit is to give people a better understanding of how their bodies work. Customers will obtain crucial insights into how their bodies absorb food and how their genetics influence their eating practices, which is similar to other DNA tests.

    How to use:

    • The test can be taken at home and requires easy cheek swabs, which you then send back to the lab for analysis.

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