Top 8 Best Drinks to Soothe a Sore Throat and Boost Immunity

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An achy throat is the worst of all because it makes swallowing difficult, and your immunity is your best friend when it comes to warding off diseases. The ... read more...

  1. This drink has long been a favorite in traditional Indian households due to its numerous benefits, including fighting off the common cold and flu, as well as relieving severe pain caused by an injury. Turmeric, the main ingredient in this drink, is a common spice found in many Indian dishes. Curcumin, the polyphenol abundant in turmeric, has been shown in scientific studies to have a variety of beneficial properties. Curcumin is not only an effective antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agent, but it also aids in the prevention of certain cancers.

    Other spices added to this drink, such as cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper, boost its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Piperine in black pepper boosts the bioavailability of curcumin in golden milk by increasing curcumin absorption in the blood. A pinch of black pepper can greatly enhance the health benefits of this drink.

    Turmeric Golden Milk
    Turmeric Golden Milk
    Turmeric Golden Milk
    Turmeric Golden Milk

  2. Top 2


    Long before the advent of conventional western medicines, kadha was frequently used to soothe a sore throat or combat nasal congestion caused by a cough and cold attack. The best part about this concoction is that it can be consumed by anyone, whether they are children, adults, or the elderly. Various kadha recipes are popular in various Indian households, and many of them have been passed down through generations. The immunity-boosting kadha recipe, with ingredients recommended by India's Ministry of Ayush.

    Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties not only aid in flu prevention but also improve gut health and blood sugar levels. Kadha can be consumed early in the morning or in place of your evening tea.

  3. An all-time favorite tea that not only tastes good but also cures colds and sore throats. Ginger tea has potent medicinal properties that quickly relieve itchy throats. You must ensure that the ginger is properly infused with the tea in order for it to have a distinct taste and aroma. To add to your tea, grate it, pierce it, or dice it into small pieces.

    Ginger tea may also be beneficial in relieving a sore throat. In fact, a 2013 study found that a hot water extract of fresh ginger may help protect you from the respiratory syncytial virus, a highly infectious virus that commonly affects young children, though more robust human studies are needed. Ginger on the other hand has several sesquiterpenes, which have antiviral properties, and are particularly effective against cold viruses. Further, the addition of honey and cayenne peppers increases the antimicrobial potency of this drink. Cayenne pepper has capsaicin that reduces inflammation of the nervous system.

    Ginger tea
    Ginger tea
    Ginger tea
    Ginger tea
  4. Green leafy vegetables, particularly dark green leafy vegetables, are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They not only aid in the fight against infections, but also in the regeneration of immune system cells. 2 cups of spinach per day can meet your daily vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate requirements. Spinach is also high in vitamin C and betacyanin, which help the body's immune system. Kale contains vitamins A, C, K, E, and folate.

    Cucumber contains manganese, copper, potassium, and vitamins that help keep your immune system healthy, whereas celery has antimicrobial properties that aid in the fight against infections. You can customize your green smoothie by adding two spoons of probiotic yogurt or juicy fruit to the blender.

    Green Smoothie
    Green Smoothie
    Green Smoothie
    Green Smoothie
  5. Mint tea is a herbal tea made by infusing mint leaves in hot water. Mint tea made with peppermint leaves is called peppermint tea, and mint tea made with spearmint is called spearmint tea. There also exist teas that infuse peppermint and spearmint leaves.

    Another warm beverage that many people turn to when they have a sore throat is peppermint tea. This is due to the presence of spearmint, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and soothe a sore throat. Another warm beverage that many people turn to when they have a sore throat is peppermint tea. This is due to the presence of spearmint, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and soothe a sore throat.

    Peppermint tea
    Peppermint tea
    Peppermint tea
    Peppermint tea
  6. Citrus fruits are high in flavonoids, which have excellent antioxidant properties and are not only high in vitamin C and A. Flavonoids are bioactive compounds that aid in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. You can select from a wide range of citrus fruits at a market near you. The bright pink grapefruit is high in lycopene, which protects cells from damage, while oranges are high in potassium and can help you control your blood pressure.

    Lemon, a kitchen staple, is also high in limonoids, as well as vitamin C and other antioxidants. Limonoids protect you from aging-related degenerative diseases and cancer. By adding a spoonful of honey to these fruit juices, you can boost their health quotient. Honey is a cholesterol- and sodium-free immunostimulant that not only has antimicrobial and anti-diabetic properties but also promotes heart health and weight loss.

    Citrus Fruits’ Juice
    Citrus Fruits’ Juice
    Citrus Fruits’ Juice
    Citrus Fruits’ Juice
  7. Chamomile tea is another herbal tea that is recommended for sore throat. It is a natural healer due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties. It soothes a sore throat and alleviates cold symptoms. You can enjoy this flavorful tea even more if you add some honey to it. If you don't like ginger tea, you could try chamomile tea, which is made from dried Matricaria flowers. Chamomile tea, according to Amber Robins, MD, a board-certified family medicine doctor and lifestyle medicine strategist at Camillia Wellness in Maryland, can reduce throat inflammation.

    Furthermore, chamomile tea can help you relax and sleep, which can boost your immune system and help you recover faster from illness. People who do not get enough sleep may be more susceptible to catching cold or other infections.

    Chamomile tea
    Chamomile tea
    Chamomile tea
    Chamomile tea
  8. Top 8


    Kefir is a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt or ayran that is made from kefir grains, a specific type of mesophilic symbiotic culture. The drink originated in the North Caucasus, in particular the Elbrus region along the upper mountainous sections of Circassia, Karachay, and Balkaria from where it came to Russia, and from there it spread to Europe and the United States, where it is prepared by inoculating the milk of cows, goats, or sheep with kefir grains.

    The fermentation process is also high in enzymes. Proteins that are difficult to digest, such as milk casein, are pre-digested. If you are sensitive to milk casein, you may be able to drink homemade kefir once the health of your gut lining has been restored and your inner ecosystem has been restored. However, it is not only the bacteria that make kefir a good choice. Another advantage of drinking kefir over other fermented drinks like kombucha is that kefir products are frequently fortified with vitamin D, which has been shown to play an important role in immune system function.


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