Top 7 Best Japanese Acoustic Guitar Brands

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Japanese instruments have been relied upon by many professional musicians because their quality and attention to detail are second to none. This is a list of ... read more...

  1. Top 1


    Ibanez stands out as a highly popular inclusion in this list, having achieved remarkable international success over the years. Established in 1908 by Hoshino Gakki, a company initially focused on producing sheet music and other musical items, Ibanez has grown into a renowned Japanese guitar brand. Today, Ibanez is widely recognized for its extensive lineup of top-notch guitars and basses, which are favored by musicians across various genres.

    Similar to Takamine, Ibanez's origins can be traced back to classical guitars. The brand drew inspiration from Salvador Ibanez, a Spanish luthier, and initially operated under the name "Ibanez Salvador" before simplifying it to "Ibanez." Although it started as a small company, Ibanez experienced rapid expansion in the 1970s when it began manufacturing replicas of Fender and Gibson guitars. Notably, Ibanez is known for producing superb semi-hollow guitars that offer exceptional sound quality. Additionally, the brand offers an extensive catalog of affordably priced acoustic guitars, catering to beginners and starting players.

    Founded: 1908
    : Hoshino Gakki
    : Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

    Photo by @officialibanezguitars via Instagram
    Photo by @officialibanezguitars via Instagram
    Photo by @officialibanezguitars via Instagram
    Photo by @officialibanezguitars via Instagram

  2. Top 2


    Takamine ranks fifth on the list of the best Japanese guitar brands. This company began in 1959 as a family-run guitar shop and has since grown to become a world-renowned guitar manufacturer. Mount Takamine, which stands close to the shop, inspired the name. Takamine, like many other Japanese guitar manufacturers, began by primarily producing classical guitars.

    Takamine, like Yamaha, became noted for its ingenuity, and it was a pioneer of acoustic-electric amplification. The Palathetic undersaddle pickup was created by the firm in 1978. The Palathetic pickup is now one of the most advanced undersaddle pickups on the market. It has six separate piezo components, each of which penetrates the soundboard.

    Takamine is a renowned brand in the world of acoustic guitars, known for their high-quality craftsmanship and excellent sound. With a history spanning over half a century, Takamine has established itself as a reputable and innovative manufacturer of acoustic guitars.

    guitars are highly regarded for their rich tones, great projection, and balanced sound. They offer a wide range of models to cater to different playing styles and preferences. Whether you're a beginner, an intermediate player, or a professional musician, Takamine has guitars suitable for all levels.

    One of the standout features of Takamine guitars is their use of quality tonewoods. They carefully select and utilize tonewoods such as spruce, cedar, mahogany, and rosewood to achieve optimal resonance and tonal characteristics. This attention to wood selection contributes to the distinct and desirable sound that Takamine guitars are known for.

    Founded: 1959
    : Gitaro Takamine
    : Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan

    Photo by @takamineguitars via Instagram
    Photo by @takamineguitars via Instagram
    Photo by @takamineguitars via Instagram
    Photo by @takamineguitars via Instagram
  3. Top 3


    Originally established in 1887 as a dedicated manufacturer of pianos and organs, Yamaha gradually expanded its presence in the guitar industry during the following years. Initially, they focused on producing simple nylon-string acoustic guitars for domestic sales.

    However, in the 1960s, the immense popularity of the British rock band, The Beatles, led to a significant surge in demand for guitars worldwide. Established brands like Gibson struggled to keep up with this demand. Recognizing this opportunity, Yamaha capitalized on it by exporting affordable yet high-quality acoustic guitars to the Western market, which garnered tremendous success.

    Today, Yamaha offers a diverse range of instruments, catering to everyone from beginners to professional musicians. Although the brand doesn't adhere to a specific aesthetic or style, its instruments are known for their functional and understated design, which musicians have come to rely upon.

    In this list of the best Japanese acoustic guitar brands,Yamaha is highly recommended for their entry-level and student models, suitable for children and beginners. However, it's important to note that Yamaha isn't solely focused on the beginner market. Their Yamaha FGX5 Red Label Series, priced below $2000, competes admirably with other high-quality acoustic guitars.

    Founded: 1887
    : Torakasu Yamaha
    : Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan

    Photo by @yamaha_guitar_japan via Instagram
    Photo by @yamaha_guitar_japan via Instagram
    Photo by @yamaha_guitar_japan via Instagram
    Photo by @yamaha_guitar_japan via Instagram
  4. Top 4


    While Fernandes is primarily known for their electric guitars and basses, they also offer a selection of acoustic guitars. Although not as widely recognized in the acoustic guitar market, Fernandes acoustic guitars still provide quality instruments for players seeking a different tonal experience.

    Fernandes acoustic guitars are designed to deliver a unique blend of tone, playability, and style. They offer a range of models that cater to different playing styles and preferences, providing options for both beginners and more advanced players.

    Fernandes acoustic guitars often feature solid tonewoods, such as spruce, cedar, mahogany, and rosewood, which contribute to their distinct sound characteristics. The choice of tonewoods can impact the guitar's resonance, projection, and overall tonal balance.

    While not as extensive as their electric guitar lineup, Fernandes acoustic guitars offer a variety of body shapes and sizes, including dreadnought, concert, and auditorium styles. This allows players to find a comfortable and suitable instrument that suits their playing style and desired sound.

    In terms of aesthetics, Fernandes acoustic guitars showcase their own unique design elements and finishes. They may incorporate ornate inlays, bindings, and other decorative features to enhance the overall visual appeal of the instrument.

    It's important to note that Fernandes' focus and reputation primarily lie within the electric guitar realm. However, for guitarists who appreciate Fernandes' craftsmanship and want to explore their acoustic offerings, Fernandes acoustic guitars can provide an alternative option with their own distinct tonal characteristics and design elements.

    Founded: 1969
    : Shinichi Ito
    : Osaka, Japan

    Photo by Fernandes via
    Photo by Fernandes via
    Photo by Fernandes via
    Photo by Fernandes via
  5. Top 5


    Morris is a longstanding Japanese brand that produces high-quality acoustic guitars. Founded in the early 1900s, Morris has established a reputation for craftsmanship and attention to detail and has become a popular choice for musicians worldwide.

    Morris acoustic guitars are crafted using carefully selected tonewoods, such as spruce, cedar, mahogany, and rosewood, to create instruments that deliver a rich and balanced sound. The brand offers a wide range of body styles, including dreadnought, concert, and jumbo, catering to different playing preferences and musical genres.

    In addition to their traditional acoustic guitars, Morris also produces a range of acoustic-electric models, featuring built-in pickups and preamps for amplified performance. The brand also offers a variety of finishes and ornamental touches, including inlays and bindings, to customize the appearance of each guitar.

    Morris acoustic guitars are highly regarded for their quality, sound, and playability. The brand's commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail has earned them a loyal following among musicians of all levels, from beginners to professionals.

    Founded: 1967
    : Toshio Moridaira
    : Nagano, Japan

    Photo by @morris_guitars via Instagram
    Photo by @morris_guitars via Instagram
    Photo by @morris_guitars via Instagram
    Photo by @morris_guitars via Instagram
  6. Top 6


    In the realm of musical instruments, Tokai is a well-regarded brand recognized for their electric guitars, basses, and amps. Although they are most prominently known for their electric guitar line, Tokai also produces an assortment of acoustic guitars.

    Tokai acoustic guitars are carefully crafted with meticulous attention to detail, and are designed to provide exceptional playability and sound quality. The brand uses high-quality tonewoods, such as spruce, cedar, mahogany, and rosewood, to create instruments that produce a well-rounded and resonant tone.

    These acoustic guitars are available in a range of body styles, including dreadnought, grand auditorium, and concert, catering to different playing preferences and genres. The guitars often feature classic designs and finishes, with select models incorporating ornamental touches like inlays and bindings.

    Although Tokai is widely recognized for their electric instruments, their acoustic guitars exhibit the brand's unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and excellence. While they may not have the same level of recognition as some specialized acoustic guitar brands, Tokai acoustic guitars are a reliable choice for guitarists seeking a well-made instrument that prioritizes sound quality and ease of use.

    Founded: 1947
    : Tadayouki Adachi
    : Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
    : N/A
    : N/A

    Photo by Tokai from ebay
    Photo by Tokai from ebay
    Photo by Tokai from ebay
    Photo by Tokai from ebay
  7. Yamaki is a respected brand in the world of acoustic guitars, known for producing high-quality instruments with excellent craftsmanship. Founded in Japan in the mid-20th century, Yamaki has built a reputation for their dedication to creating guitars with exceptional sound and playability.

    Yamaki acoustic guitars are crafted using carefully selected tonewoods, including spruce, cedar, mahogany, and rosewood. These tonewoods contribute to the guitars' rich, warm tones and resonance. The brand's commitment to using quality materials ensures that their instruments produce a balanced and pleasing sound.

    Yamaki offers a variety of acoustic guitar models, including dreadnought, concert, and auditorium styles. This range allows players to find a guitar that suits their playing style and preferences. Whether you're a beginner or a professional guitarist, Yamaki provides options for players of all levels.

    In terms of aesthetics, Yamaki acoustic guitars often feature simple yet elegant designs. The focus is on the quality of construction and the instrument's performance rather than elaborate ornamentation. This straightforward approach appeals to musicians who prioritize functionality and a classic aesthetic.

    While not as widely recognized as some other acoustic guitar brands, Yamaki has earned a loyal following among guitar enthusiasts who appreciate the brand's commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail.

    Founded: 1962
    : Yasuyuki Teradaira
    : Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
    : N/A
    : N/A

    Photo by Yamaki from ebay
    Photo by Yamaki from ebay
    Owner: PinetopJackson via Youtube

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