Top 7 Best Websites for Learning Nutrition

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In the digital age, the internet has become a valuable resource for learning about nutrition. To assist you in your quest for knowledge, here is a list of the ... read more...

  1. Top 1

    Eat This, Not That!

    Eat This, Not That! (ETNT) is a popular health and nutrition website that offers practical advice, tips, and information on making healthier food choices. The website aims to help individuals navigate the complex world of nutrition and make informed decisions about their diet.

    Eat This, Not That! covers a wide range of topics related to food, nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living. The website provides articles, lists, and guides that highlight healthier alternatives to common food choices, hence the name "Eat This, Not That." These recommendations are often based on nutritional content, ingredients, and potential health benefits.

    The content on Eat This, Not That! includes articles on various aspects of nutrition, such as the best and worst food options at popular restaurants, tips for grocery shopping and meal planning, information on specific diets and eating styles, and insights into the nutritional value and health effects of different foods.

    The website also offers resources and tools to help readers achieve their health and weight loss goals. This includes meal plans, recipe ideas, workout routines, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can also sign up for the site’s newsletter to receive weekly nutrition tips straight to your inbox.


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    Eat This, Not That!

  2. Top 2 is a nonprofit website that provides evidence-based information on nutrition and health. It was founded by Dr. Michael Greger, a physician, and New York Times bestselling author. The website aims to present scientific research and studies in an accessible manner to help people make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle.

    The primary focus of is to examine the latest research in nutrition and analyze its implications for human health. The website covers a wide range of subjects, such as the impact of different foods on specific health conditions, the benefits of various dietary patterns (e.g., plant-based diets), the role of specific nutrients in disease prevention, and the effects of different cooking methods on nutrient retention. The information presented on is based on scientific evidence and is referenced and cited accordingly.

    One of the site’s top features that makes it become one of the best websites for learning nutrition is the Video Library, with resources spanning over 2,000 topics. You can easily find what you’re looking for by browsing through an A-Z list of all topics on There are some very specific topics such as antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D Supplements to help aid your research. Or if you are generally curious about health, you can use the Video of the Day feature for a random health video.


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  3. Top 3

    Open Food Facts

    Open Food Facts is an online collaborative project and database that provides information about food products from around the world. It aims to promote transparency and help consumers make informed choices about the food they buy and consume.

    You may be aware of the popular health advice: “Read the nutrition labels” but you can easily be misled as brands try their best to hide nutritional information to help sell products. Open Food Facts become one of the best websites for learning nutrition because it removes the murkiness of food labels by providing nutritional information on food products from all across the globe. Every item is given a Nutri-Score ranging from A to E as well as a whole ingredients list. The score uses the NOVA system, which classifies the level of processing done in different food products. In this way, you can be aware of which foods are most likely to cause damage to your health.

    Open Food Facts collects and aggregates data on food products from various sources, including food labels, packaging, and user contributions. The information is crowdsourced, with individuals and volunteers contributing to the database by scanning product barcodes, entering product details, and submitting photos. Users can also search for specific products or browse through categories to access detailed information.


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    Open Food Facts
  4. Top 4 is the official website of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The website serves as a trusted source of evidence-based information and resources related to nutrition, health, and wellness. offers a wide range of content and features to support individuals in making informed food choices and leading healthy lifestyles. provides comprehensive information on various aspects of nutrition, including macronutrients, micronutrients, dietary guidelines, and the role of nutrition in preventing and managing chronic diseases. Users can access articles, fact sheets, and practical tips on topics such as healthy eating, weight management, sports nutrition, and special dietary considerations.

    The website also addresses nutrition needs at different life stages, including pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and older adulthood. It provides guidance on nutrition during each stage of life, along with tips for promoting healthy eating habits in families and across generations.

    The website features a collection of healthy recipes, meal ideas, and meal-planning tips to help individuals create balanced and nutritious meals. The recipes span various dietary preferences and requirements, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options. offers resources and guidance for managing specific health conditions and dietary needs. It provides information on topics such as diabetes, heart health, food allergies and intolerances, pediatric nutrition, and more.


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    Eat Right
  5. Top 5

    Healthy Food Guide

    Healthy Food Guide is also one of the best websites for learning nutrition. Healthy Food Guide is a popular website and magazine dedicated to providing evidence-based information, recipes, and resources on healthy eating, nutrition, and overall well-being. The website aims to help individuals make informed choices about their diet and lifestyle to support their health goals.

    The content on Healthy Food Guide covers a wide range of topics related to nutrition and healthy living. The website provides articles, recipes, meal plans, and tips that focus on promoting balanced eating, weight management, disease prevention, and overall wellness.

    Healthy Food Guide provides evidence-based articles written by qualified nutritionists and experts. These articles cover various topics, such as understanding macronutrients and micronutrients, managing common health conditions through diet, decoding food labels, and debunking nutrition myths.

    You can also search through various healthy recipes, with an option to create, email, or print a shopping list of the ingredients. Every recipe on this website comes packed with extensive nutrition information, so you can easily know which recipes are most beneficial for your health. Healthy Food Guide is a superb resource for learning about healthy eating and how you can start living healthier today.


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    Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
    Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
  6. Top 6

    Nourished Kitchen

    Nourished Kitchen is a website dedicated to promoting traditional, whole foods-based cooking and nourishing eating habits. It provides a variety of resources, recipes, and information about nutrition to help individuals adopt a real-food approach to cooking and eating. The website emphasizes the use of fresh, minimally processed ingredients, and traditional cooking methods that maximize the nutritional value and flavor of foods. It embraces the principles of traditional diets, such as those found in traditional cultures and ancestral food practices.

    Nourished Kitchen offers a wide range of recipes focusing on nutrient-dense, whole foods. The recipes often incorporate seasonal produce, quality meats, healthy fats, and fermented foods. The aim is to provide delicious and nourishing meals that support optimal health and well-being. Nourished Kitchen highlights traditional cooking methods that enhance the nutrient content and digestibility of foods. This includes techniques such as fermentation, soaking and sprouting grains and legumes, making bone broths, and using Lacto-fermented foods. Nourished Kitchen also emphasizes the importance of seasonal eating and celebrates the flavors and nutritional benefits of locally available foods.

    The website provides educational articles and resources on various topics related to real-food cooking and nutrition. The website explores the connection between food and overall well-being. It discusses topics related to gut health, immune support, nutrient-dense eating, and the potential benefits of traditional and whole foods diets for various health conditions.


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    Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
    Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
  7. Top 7

    Dr. Pompa

    Dr. Pompa is also one of the best websites for learning nutrition. Dr. Pompa is the official website of Dr. Daniel Pompa, a prominent figure in the field of health, wellness, and functional medicine. Dr. Pompa is a chiropractor and a leading expert in cellular healing and detoxification.

    On his website, Dr. Pompa shares his knowledge and expertise through articles, videos, podcasts, and educational resources. The website focuses on a holistic approach to health and emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just managing symptoms. This site offers practical advice on how to get better with a range of informative articles. You’ll also find access to a health coaching program if you’re serious about boosting your health.

    The website covers a wide range of topics related to health and wellness, including detoxification protocols, fasting strategies, ketogenic diets, exercise, stress management, and more. Dr. Pompa provides in-depth information on these subjects and offers practical tips and guidance to help individuals improve their health and well-being.

    In addition to the educational content, Dr. Pompa offers coaching programs, retreats, and workshops through his website. These programs are designed to provide personalized guidance and support to individuals seeking to optimize their health and overcome chronic health conditions.


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    Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash
    Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

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