Top 12 Best Zombie Manhwa (Webtoons)

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Horror movies frequently feature zombie thrillers. Fans of this subgenre have been enchanted by the gripping tales of survival and blood in grimy films, ... read more...

  1. Top 1

    Sweet Home

    A manhwa (comic) series called "Sweet Home" offers a distinctive perspective on the zombie subgenre. It is one of the best zombie manhwa. The plot centers on Cha Hyun-soo, a high school student who moves into a new apartment building after his family is killed in an automobile accident. He quickly learns, though, that a sinister virus is sweeping the complex and mutating the inhabitants into monsters. These creatures are not your ordinary zombies because they don't move slowly or have no brains like the zombies we're used to seeing in other zombie stories. They are far more hazardous since they are quick, nimble, and intelligent. Based on the person's personality and feelings before to the infection, they also have various skills and traits.

    Cha Hyun-soo
    and a handful of survivors search for a way out of the building and the infected occupants as the plot develops. They quickly learn that the virus has infected the entire city, and that their only chance of surviving is to fight off the monsters and discover a means to stop the infection. Overall, "Sweet Home" is a stressful and fascinating zombie tale that presents a fresh take on the genre. It offers a diverse ensemble of characters who must work together to survive in a world invaded by monsters and addresses topics like solitude, bereavement, and human nature.

    Author: Kim Kan-bi and Hwang Young-chan
    Genre: Horror, zombie
    Chapters: 140

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  2. Top 2

    The Last Human

    South Korean novelist and illustrator Amazing Works is the creator of the "The Last Human" manhwa (comic) series. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic environment, yet there are no classic zombies in it. Instead, the majority of people have evolved into a class of mutant creature known as "evos." The evos, however, are mindless animals who relentlessly chase the surviving humans, who must work together in order to survive, and this is where the story does resemble zombie tales.

    The plot centers on a young guy named Zuo Tiancheng who emerges from a cryogenic slumber to discover that evos had taken over the earth. In order to survive and defend the individuals he encounters along the road, he learns that he has the power to change time. He discovers the mysteries of the evos and the catastrophe that wiped out humanity as he makes his way through the perilous environment.

    A following has grown for "The Last Human" because to its distinctive fusion of action, science fiction, and time travel aspects, as well as its compelling plot and well-rounded characters. Fans of post-apocalyptic survival novels will find plenty of thrill and tension in this book, despite the absence of classic zombies.

    Author & Illustrator: Lee Yeon-do
    : Post-apocalyptic, Action, Adventure, Mystery
    Chapters: 73

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  3. Yun Hyunseok is the author and illustrator of the manhwa series "DICE: The Cube that Changes Everything". That is one of the best zombie manhwa. The protagonist of the tale is a depressed high schooler named Dongtae who suffers from bullying. He receives a mystery cube one day that has the potential to dramatically alter his life. As Dongtae employs the cube, he learns that it has the power to change him into an entirely new being with new skills and traits. He also understands that there are others with cubes that are even more potent than his and that he is not the only one with a cube.

    encounters new people, makes enemies, and learns about the cube's dark and violent side as he immerses himself more fully in the DICE universe. He must make his way through this strange new environment while solving the puzzles surrounding the DICE's history. The DICE manhwa is renowned for its original idea, compelling story, and well-rounded characters. It has become quite well-liked by fans and has been turned into a mobile game.

    Author & Illustrator:
    Yun Hyunseok
    : Action, Fantasy, School Life
    Chapters: 388

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  4. Top 4

    Dead Days

    Ryan is the author and illustrator of the manhwa series "Dead Days". It is one of the best zombie manhwa. The setting of the novel is a world where the majority of people have been transformed into zombies by a virus. The small number of survivors who are still alive must work together to fight for their lives and discover a means to survive the apocalypse. Hyungwoo, the protagonist, is a survivor who lost his family to the disease. He is joined by a group of more survivors, each of whom has special talents and character traits. Together, they must find a means to survive while navigating the perils of the zombie-infested planet.

    The party faces additional difficulties and opponents, both living and undead, as the plot develops. They also learn the truth about the virus and the causes of the zombie epidemic, which sends them on a perilous quest to discover a treatment for the illness. The manhwa Dead Days is renowned for its ferocious action, rich emotional content, and well-rounded characters. Because of its original perspective on the apocalypse and attention to the human aspect of the narrative, it has become very popular among lovers of the zombie subgenre.

    Author & Illustrator: Ryan
    : Action, Horror, Survival
    Chapters: 62

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  5. Kim Eun-hyo and Yang Jae-hyun collaborated on the "King of the Apocalypse" manhwa series. The plot takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where a virus has transformed the vast majority of people into mutant monsters. The few people left must work together to battle these creatures for their lives. Kim Jee-Ha, the protagonist, is a survivor with the unusual talent of being able to identify the monsters' vulnerabilities. He is chosen by a group of survivors who have built a society and are battling the monsters for survival. They must battle the monsters and other gangs of survivors that are a threat to their community together.

    Kim Jee-Ha
    develops into a strong leader later on in the narrative and wins the respect and affection of his fellow survivors. Along the way, he learns the truth about the virus and the actual nature of the creatures, setting him on a perilous quest to find a means to halt the end of the world. The manhwa "King of the Apocalypse" is renowned for its thrilling plot, distinctive characters, and fierce confrontations with the monsters. It has become quite well-liked among followers of the post-apocalyptic subgenre due to its compelling story and thorough world-building.

    Author: Kim Eun-hyo
    : Yang Jae-hyun
    : Action, Horror, Post-Apocalyptic
    Chapters: 486

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  6. Top 6

    Return Survival

    Lee Soo-Hyun created the manhwa series "Return Survival" both as an author and an illustrator. The narrative follows the adventure of Suyeon, a high school student who, following an earthquake, finds herself and her classmates transported to a different planet. Suyeon learns that she and her classmates were sent to this new planet to take part in a survival game where they must compete against other teams in order to survive. To win the game and get home, they must forge across perilous terrain, face monsters, and outwit their rivals.

    Suyeon develops into a capable fighter and the team's leader as the plot goes on. She also discovers the reality behind the survival game and the enigmatic group that created it. She needs to discover a way to triumph in the match and get back to their planet with the aid of her teammates. The manhwa "Return Survival" is renowned for its suspenseful action, themes of survival, and well-rounded characters. Because of its distinctive perspective on the survival game and attention to the human element of the plot, it has become very famous among fans of the Isekai subgenre.

    Author: Lee Sakyung

    Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

    Chapters: 87


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  7. Top 7

    Parallel City

    The Korean manhwa (comic) "Parallel City" was produced by Studio Doha. That is one of the best zombie manhwa. The plot is set in a post-apocalyptic society where the majority of people have been transformed into zombies by a virus. Living in a fortified metropolis named "Parallel City," which is guarded by a huge wall, are the last few survivors. Joonho, a young man who lives in the city and works as a scavenger, is the story's primary character. Joonho longs to escape the city and travel the world, but his obligations to his family and his fear of zombies prevent him from doing so.

    One day, Joonho meets Hyun, a fascinating female with the power to control zombies. To learn more about the virus and discover a treatment, Joonho and Hyun set out on a perilous trek outside of the city. The movie "Parallel City" is renowned for its gripping action sequences, intricate characters, and surprising story turns. It also explores issues like family, survival, and the character of humanity in the face of a disaster on a grand scale.

    Author: Jeon Geuk-jin

    Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi

    Chapters: 111


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  8. Top 8

    Savior Complex

    A Korean manhwa titled "Savior Complex" was written and illustrated by Layoo. The narrative centers on a young guy named Kang Chan who can see and speak with ghosts. Because of this talent, ghosts frequently seek him to assist them in completing their unfinished business on earth. One day, Kang Chan meets Kim Joo-Hee, a ghost who requests assistance from him in locating her corpse. As a result of his willingness to assist her, Kang Chan learns that Joo-Hee was killed by a serial murderer who is still at large. Kang Chan sets out to find the murderer and put him to justice with the aid of Joo-Hee's ghost and a no-nonsense police detective named Seo Pil-Woo.

    Kang Chan and his associates become involved in a broader conspiracy involving dishonest authorities and formidable groups as the plot develops. Kang Chan must also face his internal demons and accept his own previous traumas while on the journey. The movie "Savior Complex" is renowned for its gripping story, well-rounded characters, and exciting action sequences. Justice, atonement, and the effects of violence are among the other issues it examines.

    Author: Layoo
    Genre: Supernatural, Mystery, Action, Drama
    Chapters: 29

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  9. Top 9

    Polar Night

    The author and illustrator of the Korean manhwa "Polar Night" is Bae Seung-hoon. The plot is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the majority of people perished in a sudden cold period. The last few survivors live in a freezing wilderness where the low temperatures can be fatal. Luna, a young girl who lives in a small village and longs to travel beyond the ice, is the story's primary character.

    Luna is forced to flee into the forest after a band of robbers one day attack her village. She encounters an enigmatic man named Sion along the route who is looking for a mythical city called "Polaris."

    Together, Luna and Sion traverse the frigid wastes, dodging perils including inclement weather, dangerous beasts, and conflicting factions. Along the way, they learn the ice age's mysteries and the real meaning of Polaris. "Polar Night" is renowned for its exquisite visual design, complex world-building, and alluring characters. Themes of survival, companionship, and the human drive for knowledge are also explored.

    Author: Bae Seung-hoon
    Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Adventure, Fantasy
    Chapters: 26+

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  10. Korean manhwa "My Daughter Is a Zombie" was written by Yoon Seung-ki and illustrated by Yang Kyung-il. The narrative centers on Lee Jun-gu, a father who is battling to raise his daughter Hye-sun after she turns into a zombie. Hye-sun is bitten by a zombie one day, and she later starts to transform into one. Despite this, Lee Jun-gu does everything he can to keep his daughter safe and healthy, including figuring out how to stop her from craving human flesh.

    Lee Jun-gu finds himself caught up in a broader scheme involving a pharmaceutical firm and a covert government project while he manages the difficulties of rearing a zombie child. With its distinctive perspective on the zombie genre, "My Daughter Is a Zombie" is renowned for examining themes of family, sacrifice, and the extent to which a parent would go in order to protect their kid. Along with dramatic and comedic elements, the manhwa also has tense action scenes.

    Author: Yoon Seung-ki
    :Yang Kyung-il
    Genre: Horror, Comedy, Drama
    Chapters: 88

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  11. Top 11

    Wake Up Deadman

    The Korean manhwa "Wake Up Deadman" was written and illustrated by Kim Yong-Hwan. The novel is set in a post-apocalyptic future where "Night Demons"—monsters that prowl the countryside—roam and humanity is on the verge of extinction. Jun, a survivor who has spent the previous six years unconscious, serves as the story's main character. Jun finds that his body has been augmented with supernatural skills that enable him to battle the Night Demons when he awakens. Jun embarks on an adventure to find a means to vanquish the Night Demons and save humanity alongside a group of other survivors.

    As the plot develops, Jun and his comrades run into numerous groups with their own goals, including a strong company and a religious cult. Jun must also face his own past and adjust to his newfound abilities. The movie "Wake Up Deadman" is renowned for its complex characters, intricate artwork, and action-packed storyline. Themes of survival, identity, and the effects of human behavior on the environment are also explored.

    Author and illustrated:
    Kim Yong-Hwan
    Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Action, Supernatural
    Chapters: 82

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  12. Top 12

    City of the Hungry

    Korean manhwa "City of the Hungry" was written and illustrated by the author and illustrator Ha Il-Kwon. The action of the novel takes place in a world where a mystery illness has transformed the majority of people into monsters like zombies called "Hungries." A young man named Hyeon, who resides in a city overtaken by the Hungries, is the story's primary character. In order to survive, Hyeon and his companions—among them a former soldier by the name of Jin—must navigate the perilous metropolis and scrounge for supplies.

    As the plot develops, Hyeon and his pals learn about a broader conspiracy involving the virus's beginnings and a mysterious group called the "Black Tower." Hyeon must also face his history and accept responsibility for the death of his sister. "City of the Hungry" is renowned for its realistic, brutal depiction of a zombie apocalypse, as well as its rich, complex characters. Themes like guilt, atonement, and the capacity of the human spirit to persevere in the face of insurmountable obstacles are also explored.

    Author and illustrator:
    Ha Il-Kwon
    Genre: Horror, Action, Drama
    Chapters: 16

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