Top 5 Health Benefits of Oat Milk

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Oat milk is one of the many plant-based milk substitutes that have gained enormous popularity in recent years. Because it is naturally devoid of lactose, nuts, ... read more...

  1. Oat milk is an excellent source of many vitamins, minerals, and fiber. One cup (240 mL) of unsweetened, enriched oat milk by Oatly contains:

    • Calories: 120
    • Protein: 3 grams
    • Fat: 5 grams
    • Carbs: 16 grams
    • Dietary fiber: 2 grams
    • Vitamin B12: 50% of the Daily Value (DV)
    • Riboflavin: 45% of the DV
    • Calcium: 25% of the DV
    • Phosphorus: 20% of the DV
    • Vitamin D: 20% of the DV
    • Vitamin A: 20% of the DV
    • Potassium: 8% of the DV
    • Iron: 2% of the DV

    Oat milk is not as nutrient-dense as whole oats, despite the fact that commercial oat milk is frequently fortified with vitamins A and D, calcium, potassium, and iron. Therefore, compared to handmade versions, store-bought versions often include more nutrients. Almond, soy, and cow's milk often have fewer calories, carbohydrates, and fiber than oat milk. In comparison to soy and dairy variations, it offers less protein. Almond milk often has more vitamin E than oat milk, and oat milk typically has more added B vitamins.

    Packed with nutrients
    Packed with nutrients
    Packed with nutrients
    Packed with nutrients

  2. The soluble fiber beta-glucan, which is good for the heart, is abundant in oat milk. Within your stomach, beta-glucan creates a gel-like material that can bind to cholesterol and stop it from being absorbed. In particular, levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which have been connected to heart disease, may be reduced as a result of this. Up to 1.2 grams of beta-glucan can be found in one cup (240 mL) of oat milk.

    For instance, a 1999 research indicated that consuming 3 cups (750 mL) of oat milk per day for 5 weeks lowered total and LDL cholesterol by 3 and 5 percent, respectively. The study involved 66 men with high cholesterol. An analysis of 58 trials, most of which involved persons with high cholesterol, also showed that taking an average of 3.5 grams of beta-glucan daily for 5–6 weeks lowered LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B by 4% and 2%, respectively. The primary protein in LDL cholesterol is apolipoprotein B. It serves as a more accurate risk factor for heart disease than LDL cholesterol alone.

    May lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
    May lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
    May lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
    May lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
  3. Calcium and vitamin D are frequently added to oat milk as supplements since they are good for your bones. Since calcium is the primary mineral involved in the formation of bones, it is crucial for their strength and health. Your bones may grow brittle and more prone to breaking or fracture over time if you consistently consume inadequate amounts of calcium in your diet. Getting enough vitamin D is crucial because it helps your body absorb calcium from your digestive system. A deficiency in vitamin D might prevent your body from absorbing adequate calcium, weakening your bones as a result.

    Additionally, a strong source of vitamin B12 is several varieties of commercial oat milk. According to research, this vitamin helps maintain strong bones and lowers the incidence of osteoporosis, a disorder marked by porous bones, especially in postmenopausal women. However, keep in mind that only commercially available fortified variants of oat milk include vitamin D and B12, not homemade varieties. For comparison, 20 percent of the DV for vitamin D and 50 percent of the DV for vitamin B12 are found in 1 cup (240 mL) of Oatly.

    Great for bone health
    Great for bone health
    Great for bone health
    Great for bone health
  4. For people who must adhere to particular dietary limitations, oat milk is a logical choice. It is vegan and devoid of nuts, soy, and lactose because it is made with oats and water. Oats are naturally gluten-free, however, they may be contaminated if they are processed in the same facilities as grains that contain gluten. Check the label to confirm that the product you've chosen is prepared with gluten-free oats if you want oat milk that is guaranteed to be gluten-free. You may also prepare your own homemade oat milk with oats that have been verified to be gluten-free.

    B vitamins including riboflavin (B2) and vitamin B12 are frequently added to oat milk as fortifiers. B vitamins are crucial for good health and provide a number of advantages. For instance, if you are lacking in this group of vitamins, they may aid in reducing stress, preventing oxidative damage, and promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails.

    Vegan and free from lactose, soy, and nuts
    Vegan and free from lactose, soy, and nuts
    Vegan and free from lactose, soy, and nuts
    Vegan and free from lactose, soy, and nuts
  5. Oat milk is said to assist make your hair and nails stronger and shinier as well as promote quicker growth, in addition to perhaps mending and safeguarding our skin. Supplements for the skin, hair, and nails frequently contain vitamin B 12, in particular. B vitamins also assist lessen skin damage and promote cellular healing by thwarting dangerous free radicals' oxidative damage to your cells. Similar to how they do for skin, B vitamins encourage cell regeneration in the hair, which helps prevent aging. They could also affect the color of your hair; studies have shown that B12 deficiency can hasten graying and hair loss.

    Oat milk is an antioxidant that may be able to protect the skin from free radical damage, pollution, UV radiation, and other effects of daily living. In turn, this can maintain the appearance of healthy skin by lessening the visibility of pigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. It's also a humectant, which means it aids in the skin's ability to retain water, which is why moisturizers frequently contain it.

    Good for skin and hair
    Good for skin and hair
    Good for skin and hair
    Good for skin and hair

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