Top 10 Most Beautiful Islands in Cape Verde

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Cape Verde, commonly known as Cabo Verde, is a group of ten large islands located about 560 kilometers (350 miles) off Africa's west coast. The archipelago, ... read more...

  1. Top 1


    It's easy to figure out what Sal's main business used to be: The name means "salt" in English. The majority of the salt mined in the nineteenth century was transported to Brazil; currently, salt is produced mostly for tourists to take home and for local use. Sal is becoming a famous tourist destination, and it is home to Cape Verde's principal international airport. It's primarily a flat, sandy island, with winter trade winds making it a surfer's paradise. The sun shines virtually every day, and what exactly is rain? Pedra Luna is notable for its leaning cathedral, while Espargos is the island's political and economic center.

    Sal is from all of the Cape Verdean islands, which are the easiest to access from several major European cities and the United Kingdom. The island is ideal for beach relaxation and swimming in the sea. Scuba diving, snorkeling, marine fishing, kite, or windsurfing are just a few of the exciting activities available. You can even go shark-swimming if you're a true explorer!

    At Sal, the main 'city' is Santa Maria. Most cities in Cape Verde, on the other hand, are small and feel more like huge towns. Santa Maria is similar in that it has a unique blend of Cape Verdean culture with many western influences. Santa Maria is ideal for sampling traditional Cape Verdean cuisine, shopping for souvenirs, and taking in the local nightlife.

    Location: Sal Island, Portuguese Ilha do Sal, northeasternmost island of Cape Verde.

  2. The list should be mentioned about Boa Vista - one of the most beautiful islands in Cape Verde. It is an excellent spot to visit because it has mountains, deserts, and beaches. Could there be anything else with a name that means "lovely view"? Since an international airport opened in 2007, more tourists have discovered the island, which is the closest to Africa. In Sal Rei, the island's capital city, be sure to see the gorgeous colonial-style church near the square. Because of its great quality, the salt produced here was long referred to as "royal." You can also buy locally manufactured ceramics as a souvenir after viewing the San Rogue church in Rabil. The wreckage of a Spanish cargo ship that ran aground in 1968 can be found on the northern side of the island.

    Although Boa Vista is a small island, it provides a variety of unique activities. Humpback whales can reproduce safely on the island, while sea turtles can lay their eggs on the beach. You might be able to see some natural wonders depending on what time of year you visit the island!

    Boa Vista is a Portuguese word that means "beautiful view." When one of the Portuguese sea explorers first arrived on the island, he was awestruck by the breathtaking views he beheld. One of those vistas was in the Viana Desert, which is a true extension of the famed Sahara! It's a one-of-a-kind destination in Cape Verde, as well as a national park. Tradewinds from the African continent transport Sahara sand to the island, resulting in the creation of this arid strip.

    Location: Boa Vista Island, Portuguese Ilha da Boa Vista, easternmost island of Cape Verde.

  3. Located to the northwest of Santa Cruz, several cruise ships include visiting Santiago Island on their itineraries. It's not as popular as other islands for day visits from Santa Cruz. However, regardless of how you arrive, you should make it a point to include it on your list of islands to visit while in the Galapagos. It includes informative geology lessons and information about the archipelago's volcanic origins, as well as an abundance of wildlife sightings and excellent snorkeling.

    Santiago Island is also known as San Salvador or James Island, after the first island found in the Caribbean Sea by Columbus. Its name is the English equivalent of Saint James. The island, which is made up of two overlapping volcanoes, is 585 square kilometers (226 square miles) in size and reaches a maximum altitude of 907 meters (2976 feet) at the summit of the northern shield volcano.

    Santiago Island is the largest Cape Verde island; it’s where half the country’s residents live. The country's capital, Praia, is located on this island, which was the first to be colonized. The island is home to several endangered species, including 38 plants and numerous unique birds. The island's geography is diverse, with mountains, verdant valleys, sandy beaches (Praia Prainha being the best), and the country's largest and oldest tree, the 500-year-old kapok. The Mercado de Sucupira in Praia is a great place to go shopping for a variety of items, including handicrafts and local delicacies.

    Location: Santiago, Portuguese Ilha de São Tiago, in the Atlantic Ocean.

  4. São Vicente is a semi-arid island with low-lying mountains. Other islands can be seen on a clear day. Mindelo, Cape Verde's cultural capital, is home to the majority of the island's 80,000 population. Although the city is renowned as the origin of the country's traditional music genres, globalization has resulted in a wide range of music being heard here. The fish market and a replica of Lisbon's iconic Belem tower are among the sights to see in Mindelo. Because of trading with Africa, the town has an African feel. Windsurfers flock to the southwestern island.

    Some of Cape Verde's greatest musicians, writers, and thinkers call São Vicente home. Mindelo, the island's cultural capital, is proud of its long legacy of music and art, as well as having a thriving nightlife, with a lively buzz of music throughout the taverns, restaurants, and nightclubs. São Vicente is a beautiful island in Cape Verde which will not let you down if you're seeking culture and a classic experience.

    Location: The Atlantic Ocean, between the islands of Santo Antão and Santa Luzia.

  5. Santo Antão is a mountainous, windy, and watery island. The second-largest island in Cape Verde has a variety of names. It forms the northwestern border of the island group, with a size of 779 square kilometers and highly varied topography and soil structure. The subtropical environment will surprise you with its luxuriant vegetation, even though the south and west appear arid and barren. The Ribeira is turned green by fir and pine forests. Date and coconut palms, mango and carob trees, as well as citrus, almond, papaya, and orange trees, can all be found. In the highlands, maize, pineapples, coffee, and manioc are grown in terraced fields made up partly of black lava soil and part of white "pozzolana." The scent of eucalyptus, lavender and even lotus blossoms pervades the space. Many paths are lined with acacia, wild figs, and dragon trees.

    Ribeira Grande, the island’s capital and largest city, is a vibrant place. Make sure to visit the food and clothing markets, as well as the Nossa Senhora do: Rosario church, for a sense of tranquility. The harbor village of Porto Novo sells locally manufactured goat's cheese. A scenic drive along a historic route between Porto Novo and Ribeira Grande is a terrific way to see the sights.

    The island's almost 50,000 residents are concentrated in the cities of Porto Novo, Ponta do Sol, Pal, and Ribeira Grande. The people of Santo Antão, on the other hand, are mountain people: despite their Cape Verdean joie de vivre, they have a raw and heavy side to them. This is where the colá music and dance style thrives.

    Location: Portuguese Ilha de Santo Antão, Northwesternmost island of Cape Verde in the Atlantic Ocean.

  6. Top 6


    Fogo is a word that signifies "fire." And this term shows the true nature of the island in the Sotavento, which has a population of around 40,000 people: a volcano. Pico de Fogo is a volcanic mountain that rises to 2,829 meters above sea level, dominating the island's scenery as Cape Verde's highest point. Pico is best viewed from the old craters to the west, which creates a semicircle around the peak and constitutes the Caldeira (giant crater) with a circumference of 9 kilometers. The volcano's main crater has a diameter of 500 meters and a depth of 180 meters. It still spews sulfur vapor through hot fumaroles, creating an impressive natural spectacle. Fogo is prone to becoming damp due to its high mountains and the resulting buildup of clouds. As a result, many different sorts of valuable plants thrive on terraced fields. The Festas do So Filipe and horse races are held on May 1st to commemorate Fogo's discovery.

    Fogo Island is the highest island in the Cape Verde chain. Pico de (Mount) Fogo, which stands at 2,829 meters (9,281) feet, is to blame. Since 1680, the volcano has erupted regularly, with the most recent eruption being in 2014. Fogo's coffee is excellent because of the rich volcanic soil, so get a cup during a break. The island is also noted for its high-quality wines. Climbing Pico, a six-hour hike from the village of Cha das Calderas, is a popular island pastime. Sao Filipe, the island's major city, is worth visiting on foot.

    Location: Portuguese Ilha do Fogo, island of Cabo Verde, in the Atlantic Ocean.

  7. São Nicolau has a population of fewer than 13,000 people, making it a nice area to get away from the crowds. Hikers and mountain bikers flock to the island because of its rugged topography. Because beach access is limited, it is not a very good area to visit if you enjoy beaches. It is, nevertheless, a fantastic site to observe the colorful dwellings that can be found all across Cape Verde. In the mornings, when market activity is brisk, the capital, Ribeira Brava, is at its most colorful. Make a point of visiting the town square, which features a stunning two-towered blue church.

    It is this quiet mood and the splendor of the landscapes that lure holiday-makers to São Nicolau, offering an escape into a sedate environment, yet always promising excitement in the guise of mountain walks or horse-riding routes. Ribeira Brava, the island's capital, is a vibrant colonial town with spectacular architecture and attractive gardens.

    São Nicolau is a beatutiful island which best visited as part of a multi-center island-hopping vacation and is easily accessible via a short internal flight, allowing you to maximize your vacation time.

    Location: The Atlantic Ocean, between the islands of Santa Luzia and Boa Vista.

  8. Top 8


    Brava has a few positive attributes. It’s the smallest Cape Verde island that is populated, so you won’t run into a lot of people. Not that many people could fit on an island that isn't even seven miles long. Second, it is the greenest of these islands, making it the most picturesque — it is known as the floweriest island. The island was discovered by Portuguese sailors in 1462 and was formerly noted for its whaling. Its economy is now based on fishing and agriculture, such as coffee, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Vila Nova Sintra is regarded as the archipelago's most picturesque town.

    Even though Brava, with its capital of Vila Nova Sintra, is Cape Verde's smallest populous island, it should not be overlooked: A visit is greeted with a sea of flowers (particularly soon after the rainy season). Clouds occur all year over Brava because of Monte Fontainhas (976 meters) and its location in the Fogo slipstream. This provides a plant-friendly atmosphere thanks to the dew. Date and coconut palms, as well as colorful oleander plants, hibiscus varieties, almond trees, and bougainvillea, thrive on this tropical, damp island. If you're seeking a change of scenery from Barlavento's primarily desert-like islands, this is the place to go.

    Location: Portuguese Ilha Brava, southernmost island of Cape Verde.

  9. The smallest island in Cape Verde is virtually abandoned, but it attracts yachters as honey attracts flies. The island is low-lying, which means it gets a lot of sun, and the northeasterly trade winds make it a popular, though remote, yachting harbor. It may appear desolate, yet a rough coastline with wind-eroded boulders adds a beautiful element. A two-hour chartered boat cruise from Sao Vincente will get you there. You might find human habitation ruins there — it was abandoned for the last time in the 1960s. Because it was discovered on Saint Lucy's day in 1462, the island is named after her.

    The island remained deserted until the 17th century, when it was turned into a livestock farm. This lasted until the 1960s, when the island was home to a small settlement; but, by the 1990s, the island had become uninhabitable once more.

    The only method to get to the island is to book a fishing boat for the day from Calhau, on the east coast of So Vicente, to carry you to Santa Luzia. In each way, the trip takes about two hours. If you like to visit, our resort representative will be happy to assist you on the best method to get there.

    Location: Barlavento archipelago in Cape Verde located between São Nicolau and São Vicente.
  10. Top 10


    Malo, with its gorgeous sandy beaches, is a beautiful island to go beachcombing. Malo is a nice spot to unwind in tranquil communities with colorful flower-decorated houses, and it is known for its historic salt mines. Despite its limited vegetation, Maio boasts the largest forest in Cape Verde. Maio is a great area to go bird watching, featuring ospreys, sea swallows, and bar-tailed larks. Because it is the city's principal meeting point, the main square of the island's capital, Vila de Malo, is a good site to people-watch. During the summer, the picturesque Morro features a beautiful swimming beach that you'll share with turtles.

    Although the vegetation is scant, Maio offers more than just deserts. In the north of the island, there are salt marshes. The island's look is characterized by hilly landscapes, limestone valleys, acacia woods, and coconut palms. Maio presently boasts the greatest continuous woodland area in Cape Verde as a result of afforestation efforts. This has allowed locals to produce charcoal near Morrinho once more without endangering the tree population.

    On this island, you can see bar-tailed larks, Coursera, cream-colored coursers, and even ospreys, so if you're a birdwatcher, you'll get your money's worth. In the salty ponds near Vila do Maio, you can encounter sea swallows and waders.

    Location: Easternmost of the Sotavento islands of Cape Verde.


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