Top 10 Most Beautiful Waterfalls in Taiwan

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Taiwan is a country with many beautiful landscapes, especially waterfalls. It is an amazing region to enjoy serene waterfalls. Let's discover the most ... read more...

  1. Qingshan Waterfall, one of Taiwan's most tranquil waterfalls, is about 1 hour and 30 minutes from Taipei City. Qingshan Falls' beauty is unique among Taiwan's waterfalls since it goes beyond merely its strength and height. In actuality, the reverse is true.

    This lovely waterfall is found in one of Taiwan's greenest regions. Visits to Qingshan Waterfall, which is surrounded by breathtaking flora, are sure to provide you with a tranquil moment in nature. In a lovely pool, a 30-meter-high waterfall that is ideal for a cool soak in Taiwan's summers. Don't forget your swimsuit—Qingshan Waterfall is one of the few waterfalls in Taipei where you may swim!

    Before ever catching a glimpse of this amazing waterfall, you must travel through a thorny jungle for around 30 minutes after entering the trailhead. The trip is initially very straightforward, following a footpath. However, once you enter the inner jungle, you can expect to work up a sweat as you navigate a mixture of forest trails and rock stacks that must be scrambled over.

    It is free to enter Qingshan Waterfall, however, it is not the most accessible Taiwan waterfall due to its remote location within Yangmingshan National Park. So it's best to drive independently or sign up for a day trip. Take the MRT Red Line to Tamsui and then bus 867 to Shuntian Shengmu Temple if you have to use public transportation. Before you get to the trailhead, you'll still have to hike for another 20 or so minutes.

    Location: 253, New Taipei City, Shimen District


  2. The stunning Frog Rock Waterfall, which is situated in Hsinchu County, is one of Taiwan's best-kept secrets. It's the ideal location to visit with few crowds because it's a destination that's not very well known among tourists.

    Frog Rock Falls, one of Taiwan's most tranquil waterfalls, offers numerous gorgeous walking trails as well as lovely vistas of the verdant environs. Get to the glass-bottom sky bridge for the finest view of the waterfall. From here, visitors can see the waterfall's entire panorama as it cascades 40 meters into a tranquil pool of azure water after flowing through a steep gorge. Although it seems like a fantastic area to swim, the pool is unfortunately inaccessible.

    The waterfall is not the easiest site to get to because it is entirely off the usual path. The best way to get here would be to self-drive, though it is feasible to board a local bus at Neiwan Bridge. Frog Rock Waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Taiwan.

    Location: 313, Hsinchu County, Jianshi Township

  3. Even though Golden WaterFall isn't the largest waterfall in Taiwan, it should be on your list of must-see Taipei attractions.

    This stunning wayside waterfall is found in Ruifang District, just outside the charming towns of Jiufen and Jingguashi. It looks out over a green valley and the Yin-Yang Sea in the distance.

    Golden Waterfall is not only in a beautiful environment, but it is also one of Taiwan's most distinctive tourist destinations. The distinguishing golden hue of this waterfall definitely makes it stand out from other Taiwan waterfalls. Due to concentrations of precious metals like copper and iron that have leaked through the ground from the nearby ancient gold mine, the fall has a unique tint. No photograph could ever do the spectacular setting created by the waterfalls crashing over rust-colored rocks and the rich foliage encircling the falls justice. Although Golden Waterfall is a rare and lovely sight, swimming there is, unfortunately, dangerous due to the water's toxicity levels.

    One of the easiest waterfalls to reach on our list is Golden Waterfall. Take the 856 Taiwan Tourist Shuttle bus to Huangjin Waterfall at Jiufen Old Street. Every 30 to 40 minutes, buses run, with a fare of 15 NT.

    Location: Jinshui Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City

    Photo: Wikipedia
    Photo: Wikipedia
  4. Baiyang waterfall is situated in Taroko National Park. The 2-kilometer trail is flat, paved, and step-free. It is a simple and soothing way to take in some of the park's most beautiful views. This waterfall is also one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Taiwan.

    Although the stroll might initially seem frightening, it soon becomes a beautiful and gorgeous journey. On the approach to the Baiyang Waterfall, which holds court with two drops from a 650-foot high cliff, there are a total of six tunnels that must be cleared.

    According to Taiwan's tourism office, one of the greatest places to see the waterfall is from the Baiyang Suspension Bridge. But after viewing the Baiyang Waterfall, make sure to head a bit further down the route. One more tunnel can be found there, and it's worth exploring. The water curtain of groundwater that streams through the rock roof in the seventh tunnel is man-made and is a sight to behold in and of itself.

    Location: Taroko National Park, Taiwan

  5. One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Ireland is Kayoufeng Waterfall, located in Shizi Township in Pingtung County, is 40 meters high and 10 meters wide. But since there is only a 70-meter elevation gain and only 500 meters between the parking lot and the waterfall, those who move quickly can get there in about 10 minutes from the entrance. It's a very simple hike in Taiwan for such a magnificent waterfall because the trail is maintained along the way and there are stairs to climb and descend.

    The waterfall is surrounded by dampness in the summertime when there is an abundance of water and the spacious valley welcomes the wind from the mountains. As a result, if the light and angle are just right, a rainbow can occasionally be seen crossing the waterfall. However, waterproofing preparation is a requirement for picture-taking photographers. This peaceful, enigmatic, yet accessible scenic location is not without its downsides, though. It's an hour's journey from Kenting, and there are no other tourist attractions nearby that are worth seeing. Even worse, the route from Provincial Highway 1 to the mountains is the most intimidating. Drivers who don't frequently drive in the highlands must pay closer attention because the roadway is narrow and uneven.

    Location: Pingtung County, Taiwan

  6. One of the two magnificent waterfalls at the Shanlinshi Nature Park and Resort is the Chinglong waterfall. You cross the bridge and turn right to leave the main parking area at Shanlinshi. The hike is on a paved trail and should take about 1.5 hours. The best view of the waterfall is at the bottom of all the stairs, however, you may see it from the top as well. Along the route, you can climb to the smaller Chinglong waterfall.

    The drop height and the solid granite base led to the formation of Chinglong Waterfall during the headward erosion phase. Chinglong Waterfall, which cascades 116 meters down layers of granite, is encircled by mists, clouds, and jungles all year. When the water is just trickling in the fall and winter, it resembles a pretty, gentle girl.

    On sunny days, you may see light dancing on the water and a rainbow lying across the sky. Chinglong Waterfall has thus won the nickname “the best waterfall at Sun-Link-Sea” and “the prettiest waterfall in central Taiwan”.

    Location: Nantou County, Taiwan

    Video: World of Waterfalls
  7. On the upper reaches of the Keelung River, in Taiwan's Pingxi District of New Taipei City, sits the beautiful Shifen Waterfall. The falls are the broadest waterfall in Taiwan, measuring a total of 20 meters in height and 40 meters in breadth. It is a cascade waterfall where the rock slopes in the opposite direction from the direction the water flows.

    Shifen Waterfall is a ledge waterfall. Anticline structures, a type of rock formation that opposes the direction of the water's flow, can be seen on both sides of the waterfall. Due to the landscape's resemblance to Niagara Falls in North America, it is known as Taiwan's Niagara Falls. The waterfall's extraordinarily deep pool is beneath the gorgeous stream, which pours into it with a splash. The waterfall or pool is known as "Rainbow Pool" because a rainbow may be seen hanging over it as the sun shines on the mist.

    The Shifen Waterfall is close to a number of viewing platforms for waterfalls. The waterfall's beauty can be viewed from many perspectives by visitors. You may either have a frontal panoramic view of the waterfall from the bottom, which is the top site for many visitors to observe the waterfall and snap photos, or you can walk along the trail and see the emerald waters at the peak of the waterfall to feel the grandeur of the rushing stream.

    Location: Xinbei (New Taipei City), Taiwan

    Photo: tripadvisor
    Photo: tripadvisor
  8. Liangshan waterfall is located n Liangshan Village, Majia Township, next to the Niujiaowan Stream. All year round, there is an endless supply of water in this area. This waterfall is well-known in Pingtung. The waterfall is composed of three layers: a pleasant initial layer, a layer where water is falling quickly, and a layer where the water is roaring and drops roughly 50 meters.

    The pool of green and transparent water, which is quiet and pleasant and an excellent spot to play and unwind, is created when the water comes together at the base of the waterfall. The hydrophilic section is located on the waterfall's first floor. There is a green pool nearby that is quite clear and a great spot for water play and barbecuing.

    Since the trail was entirely restored in 2014, it is now among the simpler hikes to waterfalls. The final 50 meters are a tight bottleneck where the trail has been chiseled out of the rock, so proceed with caution. It could have been much worse, fortunately, they only got scrapes and bruises.

    Location: Pingtung County, Taiwan

  9. The tallest waterfall in northern Taiwan is Wulai Waterfall. A boulevard with restaurants and snacks can be found here, as well as a gondola that connects to an amusement park and the second tier of the waterfall. There are also walks, animals, and limitless alpine views to discover. It rises to 230 meters above sea level at its highest point and descends to 150 meters. Additionally, the waterfall is around 10 meters broad.

    The greatest height drop in northern Taiwan is at Wulai Waterfall. It was referred to as the "waterfall in the cloud" and was one of Taiwan's eight picturesque locations while under Japanese rule. The Wulai Waterfall splits into two spectacular streams of water that flow straight down into the valley during the period of heavy rains. You can also take pleasure in the blushing cherry blossoms adjacent to the waterfall in the spring.

    You must ride the Wulai log cart, Taiwan's sole operating log cart train when you arrive at Wulai. In 1963, the Wulai log cart-previously used to move logs-became a tourist vehicle. In the open carriages, passengers may take in the panorama of the mountain ranges covered in forest. The Wulai Waterfall can be found at the terminal station, where you can get a close-up view of it and take in the relaxed ambiance of being surrounded by mountains and a waterfall.

    Location: Xinbei (New Taipei City), Taiwan

    Photo: wikipedia
    Photo: wikipedia
    Video: Taiwan Everything
  10. One of the most beautiful waterfalls on this list is the Eternal Spring Shrine Waterfall in Taroko Gorge National Park. A lovely tiny shrine carved directly into the cliffside is located beneath the waterfall. The Eternal Spring Shrine is a well-known landmark in Taroko Gorge and the neighboring city of Hualien, in addition to the waterfall's natural beauty. To honor construction workers who lost their lives building Taiwan's Central Cross-Island Highway, the Shrine was constructed in the 1950s.

    The trailhead is just 300 meters from the temple complex, making it rather simple to get there. However, the trail is frequently very slick since natural spring water trickles into the cave tunnel. So it's advised to put on appropriate footwear before attempting this stroll. When you're finished viewing the Shrine, head across to the bridge for stunning views of the Liwu River Valley.

    Go to the small cafe next to the waterfall if you want to capture the greatest picture of it. You can't miss it because it's next to the bus stop!

    Location: 972, Hualien County, Xiulin Township

    Video: World of Waterfalls

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