Top 10 Most Famous Festivals In Cambodia

Bùi Lê Khánh Linh 18 0 Error

Cambodia has the highest number of national holidays of any country on the planet. Many are associated with local customs and are accompanied by large ... read more...

  1. This is one of the largest and most famous festivals in Cambodia. The Khmer calendar is based on the lunar cycle. The first new moon in April is when the Khmer New Year begins. It is typically observed for three days, starting on April 13 or 14.

    In Cambodia, the Khmer New Year is a particularly unique period of the year. Many families throw parties and rent enormous sound systems to play dance music for their guests and neighbors. Families frequently invite others to join them in their celebrations, and they are generally happy to have international guests. People eat unique foods and dress in traditional Cambodian garb. Cambodians use this opportunity to reconnect with their relatives, and many take the entire week off.

    With the horrible events of the Khmer Rouge and the subsequent civil war still fresh in the minds of many people, the opportunity to spend time with family and celebrate peace, long life, and wealth is vital. Businesses frequently host parties for their employees, giving out gifts and providing food. Many establishments will be closed at this time, so visitors should plan accordingly. Those that remain open, as well as most government services, usually do so with fewer employees.

    Date: April 14rd – April 16th


  2. Another most famous festivals in Cambodia is the Water Festival, also known as Bon Om Touk. Every year in the autumn, generally in November, it lasts three days (the date depends on the lunar calendar).

    For a long time, the water festival had been in the background. The army training for the water festival ritual is to put the army through its paces in preparation for a conflict. Throughout history, the Khmer King has always fought his adversaries via sailing. So, as at Bayon Temple, Banteay Chhmar in the Preah Bat Jayavarman VII, he prepares this water festival ritual every year to choose the Champion of Sailing Battle. We observed a lot of sculptures depicting sailing wars fought under Jayvarman VII's command. From then till now, it has been customary to do so.

    People from all across the country flock to the capital, Phnom Penh, for the Water Festival, which includes the following events: Races involving dragon boats The royal ships are lit up. Displays of fireworks, Evening concerts are free.
    The celebration commemorates the conclusion of the rainy season, as well as the beginning of the dry season. The Tonle Sap River's flow has been reversed (a rare natural phenomenon, wherein the river flows in one direction for 6 months and in the other direction for the other half of the year), The Khmer people have two epic naval triumphs over the Champa kingdom and Vietnam (these are thought to have inspired the boat races).

    Date: November 18th - November 20th

  3. The Buddha's discourse in Rajagaha Valuwan Vihara, where 1,250 monks gathered to hear him speak, is commemorated by Meak Bochea.

    According to legend, this was a watershed point in the history of Buddhism, when the Buddha asked his audience to disseminate the Buddhist ideas. On the same day of his death, he delivered another sermon. Meak Bochea is observed on the full moon of the Khmer lunar calendar's third month, which normally occurs in January or February. It is Cambodia's first religious holiday of the year. Processions and meditations are held to commemorate the occasion. People go to Buddhist temples to participate in candle, incense stick, and flower ceremonies.

    Meak Bochea Day is one of the most famous festivals for Buddhist monks in Cambodia and an extremely devout event, but there are still things for non-Buddhist travelers to see and do during this period that they will remember for the rest of their lives. You'll learn about Meak Bochea Day customs in particular, as well as Cambodian cultural customs in general.

    Date: February 16

  4. The King of Cambodia practices an old custom known as the Royal Plowing Ceremony. On the 4th day of the 6th lunar month's waning moon, which is normally in May in the western calendar, the Royal Plowing Ceremony is solemnly held at the start of the sowing and planting season.

    This festival ushers in the rainy season with feasts and prayers in the hopes of a plentiful harvest. The cultural ceremony, which normally takes place at Meru Field in front of the National Museum, near to the Royal Palace, is undoubtedly the highlight of the day.

    Chanting monks petition the soil spirits for permission to plough during the rite. Following that, ceremonial furrows are drawn, rice is distributed, and offerings to the gods are made. Norodom Sihamoni, the King, is frequently seen plowing and planting. With two royal oxen, the King or a chosen representative ploughs a plot of land. These oxen are offered a choice of fodder after travelling around the field three times. The food that the animals eat is thought to foretell the weather or the outcome of the coming year's harvest.

    Date: May 19, 2022

  5. This Cambodian ritual, also known as the "Festival of the Dead" or the "Hungry Ghosts Festival," honors seven generations of ancestors with food offerings at pagodas (shrines). Cambodian Buddhists believe that their ancestors' souls are liberated for 15 days every year.

    Pchum Ben is one of the most famous festivals in Cambodia, usually held in September or October. Expect prices to rise around this time, and establishments will close for the duration of the festival.

    It's been compared to the Cambodian version of Halloween. According to legend, ghosts return to the earth on this day, and food must be served to them. Pchum Ben represents the beginning of a soul's trip to purgatory, a realm that is neither paradise nor hell. Their karma and the offerings made by their living family during Pchum Ben will determine the course of their journey. This event takes place at the conclusion of Buddhist Lent. Food is cooked for the monks during this time in order to generate virtues for the dead.

    Date: 15th day of the 10th Khmer month

  6. The events of this festival, which is a famous festival in Cambodia, are a joy to see. The Angkor Festival is one of Cambodia's most popular annual festivals, taking place in the historic capital of the Khmer Empire. Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni frequently attends. Angkor Festival, which usually takes place in December, is a vibrant display of traditional art performances set against the backdrop of Angkor Wat.

    This one of a kind storytelling event takes place at Angkor Wat, a famed temple and UNESCO World Heritage Site. It can happen at any time of year. Asian performers from various countries gather together to recreate great epic stories based on myths and legends, such as the Ramayana, in their unique national dance costumes and musical and rhythmic interpretations. The Angkor Festival, with its colorful art acts and the holy aura of Angkor Wat, will undoubtedly entertain visitors.

    Date: 24th January 2020

  7. Every year on November 9th, Cambodian Independence Day is commemorated. If the 9th of November falls on a Sunday, the next working day is a holiday. This date is notable because it marks the 50th anniversary of Cambodia's independence from France, which occurred on November 9, 1953. Festivals, parades, and fireworks displays are held all around Cambodia to commemorate Cambodia's independence.

    Cambodians commemorate this day in a variety of ways across the country. The Independence Monument, which is located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, is the major venue for the ceremonial festivities of the ceremony. Every year on this day, a high-ranking official lights a ceremonial flame within the Independence Monument, and visitors lay flower tributes on the monument's stairs.

    The primary celebrations begin with a ceremonial ceremony at the Independence Monument, which is located at the intersection of the Preah Norodom and Preah Sihanouk Boulevards. In front of the Royal Palace, a gala parade with colorful floats and marching bands takes place. The Royal Palace and other buildings are illuminated in the evening, and a massive fireworks display takes place near the Royal Palace's riverbanks.

    Date: November 9th

  8. King Norodom Sihamoni’s Birthday is a Cambodian national holiday that takes place every year on May 14th. Until 2020, public holidays were normally three days long, running from May 13th to May 15th. As part of a shake-up to reduce the number of holidays from 28 to 22, the holiday will be cut to one day starting in 2020. If the day falls on a weekend, the date may change.

    The holiday was established to commemorate His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Baromneath Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia's Royal Birthday.

    The King makes offerings to monks and people who are less fortunate in society to commemorate the event. Many government buildings will be lit up with photos of the King, and citizens will fly the Cambodian flag from their homes. Inside the Royal Palace, there are festivities, as well as a fireworks display on the nearby Tonlé Sap river.

    Date: May 14th
  9. Vesak Bochea Day, also known as Buddha Day, is a famous festival in Cambodia and one of the most important ceremonies for Buddhists around the world. Siddharta Gautama Shakyamuni Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and nirvana are commemorated on this day. Vesak Bochea is a Buddhist holy day celebrated by Buddhists in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, and Southeast Asia, including Cambodia.

    Vesak falls on the first full moon of the fourth lunar month in the Chinese calendar. The Gregorian calendar's date changes from year to year, but it is usually in May. During Vesak, the dharmachakra, or dharma wheel, is a common emblem. It is an eight-spoke wooden wheel. Buddha's teachings on the path to enlightenment are represented by the wheel. The eight spokes represent Buddhism's noble eightfold path.

    Vesak Bochea Day is usually spent at pagodas by Cambodian Buddhists meditating, chanting, and listening to monks recite Buddha's poems and teachings. Many people may also bring food, candles, and flowers to the temple to give to the monks. Monk processions will also be seen, with people of all ages holding candles, incense sticks, and lotus flowers in their hands. The parade represents their offering of blessings to Lord Buddha. Hundreds of monks from various pagodas across the country are also invited to the food-offering event, which is seen to be a method for individuals to accumulate virtue in both this life and the next.

    Date: May 15th

  10. On December 31, 2011, Cambodia held its first-ever Sea Festival and New Year's Countdown at O'Chheuteal, the most popular beach in Preah Sihanouk coastal region, some 230 kilometers southwest of Phnom Penh.

    There's also a Food Festival and an Exhibition of Tourism Development Projects. Beach and water sport activities, as well as a live concert and fireworks to ring in the New Year, are among the other activities planned. The events, which were co-organized by the Ministry of Tourist and the Preah Sihanouk authorities, are aimed at increasing awareness of Cambodia's beach tourism potential. The Sea Festival and the New Year's countdown are projected to attract at least 50,000 people.

    You may watch a variety of exciting beach and water sports events, cultural performances, fireworks displays, and even Khmer kickboxing during the Sea Festival. The Sea Festival was founded in 2011 to encourage tourism on Cambodia's beaches and to commemorate the country's inclusion in the 1,000 Most Beautiful Bays in the World list. The event, which is held every year in one of the four coastal provinces, allows the host province greater opportunities to showcase each of its distinct charms.

    Location: Preah Sihanouk province


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