Top 4 Online Courses To Learn About Computer Graphics

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The finest computer graphics online courses are those that include certification training as well as instructional lessons. Here are some online courses to ... read more...

  1. Individuals interested in generating visually appealing graphics might study OpenGL to build computer graphics for use in games or digital simulations. This Udemy Computer Graphics course has been designed to assist you in learning and understanding the code and theory of OpenGL applications. Prior knowledge of C++ and mathematics can aid in your understanding of the topics.

    Anyone who wants to study and comprehend computer graphics and build apps and games can attend the course. You will study vector and matrix fundamentals as well as shape transformations for graphic design. The course is divided into three sections: beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes that will guide you through the process of learning OpenGL step-by-step. This is one of the greatest online courses to learn about computer graphics.


    • Learn how to develop 3D computer graphics applications using OpenGL.
    • Use various in-built libraries in OpenGL to draw shapes and give details to them.
    • Design 3D models for games and graphical simulations
    • Understand the concept of light and how to apply shadows to add detailed features to visuals.
    • Learn to use camera inputs and movements to navigate 3D models.
    • Understand Skybox to design and implement 3D scenes.

    Duration: self-paced
    Udemy Rating:
    4.5 out of 5.
    Enroll here:

  2. AR and VR have advanced games and live 3D simulations to new heights. Creative people who also enjoy coding can enroll in UC San Diego's free edX course. The six-week course is broken into four modules: mathematical graphics fundamentals; shape transformations; OpenGL programming; and raytracing.

    Following each tutorial, there is a practice exercise and a code assignment. Students who complete the course with a score of 50% or above are eligible for Computer Graphics certification. After completing the course, you will be able to plan and design visual scenarios in OpenGL in order to construct 3D scenes. This is one of the best online courses to learn about computer graphics. You should try it.


    • Learn to design 3D graphics using OpenGL and GLSL programming languages.
    • Understand how to model real objects into computer visuals.
    • Learn the usage of Raytracing to create images through variations of light, shadows, and reflections.
    • A free course with assignments and immediate feedback for evaluation
    • Connect with instructors through discussion forums and thrive in the online community.

    Duration: 6 weeks.
    edX Rating:
    4.4 out of 5

    Enroll here:
  3. This course is one of the best online courses to learn about computer graphics. On this platform, the University of Tokyo is offering an Interactive Computer Graphics course to assist computer graphics designers in graphically addressing computational issues. You will get insights into producing computer graphics that may be utilized to increase the visual interaction of programs by using various tools and methods.

    Aside from 3D scene modeling, the training includes 2D drawings and animation using form manipulation. Apart from its contact with people via a command card interface, you may study a myriad of uses of computer graphics in robotics and interface design.


    • Understand visual problem solving through computer graphics.
    • Learn design fundamentals and algorithms to draw 2D and 3D graphic models.
    • Interactive course tutorial with assignments to aid you in implementing learned concepts:
    • use of tools for 3D computer graphic designs and animation development.
    • Insights on robotic interactions and behavior in day-to-day real-world applications

    Duration: self-paced
    Coursera Rating:
    4.4 out of 5

    Enroll here:
  4. This computer graphics course is designed primarily for pupils over the age of 12. Individuals new to computer programming can build confidence by following the basic and engaging tutorials in this course to learn computer graphics. The course focuses on the GIMP computer graphics application and comprises of progressive instructional lectures that begin with the installation procedure and advance through the creation of interactive visuals.

    This program is completely free and works in much the same manner as Photoshop. After completing this Udemy course, you will have lifetime access to the course as well as downloadable study material and a certificate in Computer Graphics. This is one of the greatest online courses to learn about computer graphics and is suitable for kids and beginners.


    • Understand the installation and usage of GIMP, a computer graphic design tool.
    • Work on texts and various fonts to stylize images.
    • Draw and transform shapes to manipulate images.
    • Create animated GIFs using GIMP tools.

    Duration: self-paced
    Udemy Rating:
    4.7 out of 5.

    Enroll here:

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