Top 12 Strongest Spy x Family Characters

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Spy x Family is a captivating series featuring a diverse array of compelling characters, each with their own unique strengths and abilities. From formidable ... read more...

  1. Yor Forger, a main character in the manga series Spy × Family, possesses a fascinating and unique power, known as her exceptional prowess as a skilled assassin under the code name "Thorn Princess." Her abilities as an adept Garden assassin allow her to navigate seamlessly between her secret life and her role as an ordinary office clerk at Berlint City Hall.

    Yor's mastery of combat and espionage, coupled with her extraordinary agility and strategic thinking, make her a formidable force to be reckoned with. Moreover, her adeptness in maintaining a facade of an ordinary life while being involved in high-stakes clandestine operations adds depth to her character. Yor’s resilience and adaptability in fulfilling her dual roles as an assassin and a member of the Forger family further amplify the enigmatic nature of her power and character.


    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 27
    • Height: 170 cm
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Eyes Color: Red
    • Abilities and Skills: Immense Strength, Speed and Reflexes, Durability and Stamina, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Intuition, Poison Tolerance, Intimidation, Weapons
    • Weaknesses: Alcohol, Cooking, Lying, Insecurities, Smart
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  2. Loid Forger, the enigmatic protagonist of Spy x Family, is a complex and intriguing character. As a master spy working for the country of Westalis under the code name "Twilight," Loid Forger exudes an air of mystery and sophistication.

    His handsome appearance and charismatic persona belie the dangerous and clandestine nature of his profession. His dedication to his mission leads him to enter into a marriage with the professional assassin Yor Briar and become the adoptive father of the telepathic Anya Forger, forming a "pretend family" with them.

    Loid's commitment to his role as a spy and his unwavering determination to protect his "family" underscore his depth and complexity as a character. With his impeccable style, intelligence, and moral complexity, Loid Forger is a captivating and multi-faceted character who adds depth and excitement to the world of Spy x Family.


    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 187 cm
    • Weight: 70-90 kg
    • Hair Color: Blond
    • Eyes Color: Blue
    • Abilities and Skills: Genius-level Intellect, Trap Mastery, Master of Disguise, Speed and Agility, Senses, Strength, Durability and Endurance, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Expert Marksman, Master Polymath, Cooking
    • Weaknesses: Overassessment
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  3. Fiona Frost, a significant character in the Spy x Family series, is a spy for WISE, operating under the alias "Nightfall." Tasked with sneaking into Berlint General Hospital as Loid Forger's assistant, she provides him with mission details.

    Fiona, a tall, pale woman with lilac hair, conceals her emotions proficiently due to training from Twilight, despite inwardly harboring deep affection for Loid. Her cold, purple eyes and emotionally distant demeanor give her an enigmatic allure.

    Despite an apparent lack of overt emotion, her unwavering dedication to her beliefs and trust in Loid make her a compelling and formidable character. Through her mysterious and captivating persona, Fiona Frost adds depth and intrigue to the series, making her an enigmatic and essential part of the Spy x Family universe.


    • Gender: Female
    • Height: 172 cm
    • Hair Color: White
    • Eye Color: Gray
    • Abilities and Skills: Strength, Speed and Agility, Poker Face, Senses, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant
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  4. Sylvia Sherwood, commonly known as Handler or the "Fullmetal Lady," is a significant character in the Spy x Family series. As the commanding officer of WISE within Ostania and Twilight's main contact for Operation Strix, Sylvia's role carries immense weight in the storyline.

    Her tall stature, strawberry-blonde hair, and fashionable attire, which often includes round-framed glasses and a striking wide-brimmed hat, make her a visually memorable character. However, despite her formidable appearance, little is known about her personality.

    What has been revealed depicts her as similar to Twilight in dedication, skill, and logical approach. Sylvia's mysterious and enigmatic nature adds depth to her character, leaving readers eager to uncover more about her past and motivations. Fans of the series are undoubtedly intrigued by her complexity, and her impact on the plot is undeniable.


    • Gender: Female
    • Height: 173 cm
    • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Abilities and Skills: Disguise, Spy Handler, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant
    • Weaknesses: Age
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  5. The Shopkeeper is a mysterious and intriguing character in the manga series Spy x Family. His role as the head of "The Shop" and Garden, an assassin organization, adds depth to the storyline. With a calm and patient demeanor, he exudes an air of mystery as he tends to his luxurious garden.

    His interactions with Yor Forger showcase his mischievous side and hint at a deep level of trust and connection between the two characters. The Shopkeeper's primary ambition to maintain the beauty of the world provides insight into his character and motivations.

    As a mentor to Yor, he has had a significant impact on her development as an assassin, further adding to his complex and pivotal role in the narrative. The Shopkeeper's intriguing persona and his influence on the plot make him a captivating and essential character in the Spy x Family series.


    • Gender: Male
    • Hair Color: White
    • Eye Color: Black
    • Abilities and Skills: Master Combatant, Teaching, Gardening
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  6. Yuri Briar, also known as Second Lieutenant Briar, is a pivotal and complex character in the Spy x Family series. As the younger brother of Yor Forger, his character is defined by a secretive allegiance to the State Security Service, Ostania's counterintelligence agency.

    Despite his covert involvement with the intelligence community, Yuri outwardly presents himself as a diplomatic civil servant. His enigmatic and multifaceted persona showcases a profound devotion to his sister, driven by a deep-seated sister complex stemming from their shared childhood experiences.

    Yuri's unwavering dedication to protecting Yor and his country is further complicated by his internal conflicts and inner turmoil. His handsome appearance and intellectual prowess belie his intense internal struggles, creating a compelling and multifaceted character essential to the storyline's development.


    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 20
    • Height: 179 cm
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Eye Color: Red
    • Abilities and Skills: Keen Intellect, Interrogation, Surveillance Expert, Immense Durability and Endurance, Marksmanship, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant
    • Weaknesses: Alcohol, Sister
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  7. Bill Watkins is a supporting character in the Spy x Family series. He is the disciplined son of a major in the national army, attending Eden Academy as part of Wald Hall. Despite his young age, Bill possesses impressive physical stature and an analytical mind nurtured through rigorous training from his father.

    His serious and chivalrous demeanor balances with a desire to make his father proud, reflecting deep respect and love for his family. Nicknamed "Bazooka Bill" due to his prowess in sports tournaments since nursery school, Bill exhibits enhanced strength and is capable of impressive feats like demolishing military training targets. His strategic mindset and dedication to his family's legacy make him a compelling and secret character within the Spy x Family series.


    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 6
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Abilities and Skills: Enhanced Strength, Analytical Mind
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  8. Matthew McMahon, a character from the "Spy x Family" series, as the Director of Policy at Berlint City Hall, he exudes authority and professionalism. Despite his age, he remains sharp and capable, displaying a no-nonsense attitude and dedication to his role.

    His affiliation with the Garden and his position as Yor Forger's manager suggest a high level of influence and expertise. Matthew's blunt and straightforward demeanor, combined with his unwavering commitment to his duties, make him an influential and formidable presence in the series.

    His experiences and interactions with Yor provide insight into his views on warfare and the individuals involved, showcasing a depth of character that adds to the complexity of the narrative. Matthew McMahon is an essential and powerful figure whose role significantly impacts the story's development and intrigues readers with his enigmatic nature.


    • Gender: Male
    • Hair Color: Gray
    • Abilities and Skills: Strength, Durability and Endurance, Speed and Reflexes, Weapons, Cleaning
    • Weakness: Age
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  9. Martha Marriott serves as a guardian and caretaker in the Spy x Family series, notably tending to Becky Blackbell and accompanying her on various outings. Through her interactions with Becky and Anya Forger, the readers witness the depth of her nurturing nature and her understanding of the complexities of youthful relationships.

    Martha provides insight into the challenges faced by individuals as they mature and navigate their social environments. Her character epitomizes the series' exploration of personal growth and the intricacies of human connections.

    Through Martha's involvement, the readers gain a captivating glimpse into the dynamics between the characters, emphasizing the importance of support and understanding in their world. Martha's presence adds a layer of warmth and understanding to the storyline, showcasing the multi-faceted personalities that enrich Spy x Family's narrative.


    • Gender: Female
    • Hair Color: Gray
    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Abilities and Skills: Fighting Skills
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  10. Franky Franklin is a recurring character in the Spy x Family series. As an informant, Franky possesses excellent information-gathering abilities and has an extensive network of contacts. Despite living in Ostania, he opposes the government's oppressive nature and collaborates with Westalian agents by passing them intelligence, which he sees as a form of resistance.

    Franky is portrayed as a kind-hearted individual willing to help Loid, the protagonist, in risky situations, often providing him with crucial information. He also displays a money-driven nature, accepting favors from Loid in exchange for material goods.

    Despite his advice to Loid about not getting close to others in their line of work, Franky often faces romantic failures due to a lack of mutual interest or the unavailability of his love interests. With his distinct personality and valuable skills, Franky Franklin significantly contributes to the intrigue and dynamics of the Spy x Family series.


    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 166 cm
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Eye Color: Black
    • Abilities and Skills: Intelligence Gathering, Inventing
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  11. Donovan Desmond, the patriarch of the rich noble Desmond Family in the Spy x Family series, is a character of formidable influence and enigmatic depth. With a distinguished history as an Imperial Scholar and former ruler of Ostania, Donovan exudes an air of sophistication and intrigue.

    His gaunt appearance and inscrutable nature contribute to an aura of mystery, making him a compelling and complex figure in the series. Donovan's political prowess and cautious demeanor add to his enigma, while his strained familial relationships and meticulous approach to social gatherings paint a multifaceted portrayal. His enigmatic personality and evident shrewdness create an enthralling presence, elevating him to a position of power and intrigue in the narrative of Spy x Family.


    • Gender: Male
    • Hair Color: Black with a White Lock
    • Eye Color: Black
    • Abilities and Skills: Chairman of the National Unity Party
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  12. Daybreak appears in several episodes of the Spy Family series. He's an inept but slightly fortunate spy who operates a private agency in Ostania. Daybreak regards himself as the "arch-rival" of Westalian spy Twilight and aspires to be as renowned as him, despite not being very skilled at espionage and being more interested in showing off.

    Daybreak is a young man who's around the same height as Loid Forger himself. He has a square face, shaggy brown hair, and a stubbly beard. As his outfit, Daybreak usually wears a blue turtleneck sweater under a black tracksuit, complete with an iconic white porkpie hat. The tracksuit also has an emblem on each arm of a rising sun on the horizon, befitting his codename.


    • Gender: Male
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Abilities and Skills: Great luck, Acrobatic skills, Espionage
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