Top 10 Descriptive Essay Examples on Grade 7

Bach Vu Tung 25 0 Error

Explore the world of descriptive writing in seventh grade with engaging topics and sample essays. Unleash creativity and learn to vividly express experiences, ... read more...

  1. Essay topic: Take your reader to a local market. Describe the sights, sounds, and aromas of the market, the vibrant atmosphere.


    Stepping into the local market is like entering a bustling kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and aromas that ignite the senses. The market is a vibrant tapestry of colors, with stalls adorned with fresh produce, textiles, and an array of goods. Fruits of every hue – from the deep purple of plums to the vivid orange of mangoes – are neatly arranged, creating a feast for the eyes. Vegetables, stacked in pyramids of green, red, and yellow, contribute to the lively palette that defines the market's visual identity. The air is filled with the sounds of enthusiastic vendors calling out their wares, engaging in friendly banter, and enticing passersby with the uniqueness of their products.

    Amidst the lively chatter, the market is alive with the musical symphony of transactions. The rhythmic clinking of coins, the rustle of paper bags, and the occasional honk of a nearby vehicle create a dynamic soundtrack that accompanies the ebb and flow of the crowd. The diversity of voices, from the excited haggling of customers to the cheerful greetings of vendors, contributes to the lively ambiance that defines the market experience.

    The aromas that waft through the air are a sensory delight. The scent of freshly baked bread mingles with the earthy fragrance of spices, creating an olfactory journey that guides visitors from one stall to the next. The unmistakable aroma of roasting coffee beans emanates from a corner café, enticing patrons with the promise of a warm and invigorating beverage. Each section of the market carries its unique scent, be it the sweet perfume of flowers in the florist's section or the pungent aroma of herbs and spices in the vibrant bazaar.

    As I navigate through the market, I encounter a tapestry of cultures and culinary traditions. The market is a melting pot of flavors, offering a diverse array of street food, snacks, and traditional dishes. Stalls selling samosas, kebabs, and other local delicacies add a gastronomic dimension to the experience, inviting visitors to embark on a culinary journey within the vibrant marketplace.

    The market is not merely a place of commerce; it is a community hub where locals gather to exchange not only goods but also stories and smiles. The vendors, with their friendly faces and welcoming gestures, create a sense of familiarity that transcends the transactional nature of the market. The market experience becomes a social event, a meeting point where neighbors, friends, and strangers converge, creating a sense of shared belonging.

    In conclusion, the local market is a sensory extravaganza that encapsulates the essence of community, commerce, and culture. The vibrant colors, lively sounds, and enticing aromas create an atmosphere that is both dynamic and welcoming. Navigating through the market is not just a shopping excursion; it is an immersive journey into the heart of local life, a celebration of diversity, and an opportunity to savor the rich tapestry of sights and sounds that define the marketplace experience.

    Photo by Clem Onojeghuo via pexels
    Photo by Clem Onojeghuo via pexels
    Photo by Pragyan Bezbaruah via pexels
    Photo by Pragyan Bezbaruah via pexels

  2. Essay topic: Explore your preferred outdoor activity. Describe the environment, the equipment or tools involved, and the joy it brings you.


    My preferred outdoor activity is hiking, a pursuit that allows me to immerse myself in the beauty of nature and experience the joy of exploration. When I set out on a hiking adventure, I find myself surrounded by the tranquil embrace of the great outdoors. The environment varies, from dense forests with towering trees to picturesque mountain trails that offer breathtaking panoramic views. The diversity of landscapes adds an element of excitement to each hiking expedition, making every step a journey of discovery.

    One of the essential aspects of hiking is the simplicity of the equipment required. Armed with a sturdy pair of hiking boots, a comfortable backpack, and weather-appropriate clothing, I embark on my outdoor escapades. The backpack carries essentials such as water, snacks, a map, and a first aid kit, ensuring that I am prepared for the journey ahead. Unlike some outdoor activities that demand extensive gear, hiking is accessible to individuals of all fitness levels, making it a versatile and inclusive pursuit.

    The joy of hiking lies in the rhythmic connection between my footsteps and the natural terrain. Each trail unfolds like a story, with twists and turns, ascents and descents, creating a sense of anticipation and wonder. The crunch of leaves beneath my boots, the rustling of branches, and the occasional call of birds contribute to the symphony of sounds that accompany my hike. The air is crisp and refreshing, carrying the scents of pine, earth, and the subtle fragrance of wildflowers.

    Hiking allows me to engage all my senses, offering a multisensory experience that transcends the routine of daily life. The sight of a cascading waterfall or a meadow adorned with vibrant blooms becomes a visual feast, while the feel of cool mountain air against my skin adds a tactile dimension to the adventure. The taste of a simple snack enjoyed at a scenic viewpoint or the sound of a babbling brook further enrich the sensory tapestry of the hiking experience.

    As I reach the summit or the endpoint of a trail, a profound sense of accomplishment and tranquility washes over me. The panoramic vistas that unfold before my eyes are a reward for the effort invested in the journey. Whether it's the vast expanse of a valley or the towering peaks of a mountain range, the beauty of nature in its untouched state becomes a source of inspiration and solace.

    In conclusion, hiking is not just an outdoor activity; it is a holistic experience that nurtures my connection with nature and brings me immense joy. The diverse environments, the simplicity of the equipment, and the sensory richness of the journey make hiking a cherished pursuit. It allows me to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, rejuvenate my spirit, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the wonders that the natural world has to offer. Each hike becomes a chapter in my personal exploration of the great outdoors, a journey that unfolds with every step and fills my heart with gratitude and joy.

    Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav via pexels
    Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav via pexels
    Photo by veerasak Piyawatanakul via pexels
    Photo by veerasak Piyawatanakul via pexels
  3. Essay topic: Detail your daily journey to school. Describe the scenery, people you encounter, and the routine of your commute.


    My daily journey to school is a routine that unfolds with a backdrop of familiar sights, sounds, and interactions. As I step out of my home, the first thing that greets me is the soft sunlight casting a warm glow on the neighborhood. The streets are lined with trees, their branches rustling in the breeze, and colorful flowers bloom in front yards, creating a picturesque scene that accompanies me on my way. The rhythmic chirping of birds adds a natural soundtrack to the start of my journey, creating a sense of tranquility as I navigate through the quiet residential streets.

    As I approach the bus stop, I join a group of fellow students, and we exchange friendly greetings. The diverse mix of faces reflects the community's varied backgrounds and interests. There's a camaraderie among us, a shared acknowledgment that we are all embarking on a similar journey, bound for the same destination. The bus arrives punctually, and we board with a sense of familiarity, finding our regular seats and settling in for the ride.

    The bus journey takes us through a blend of urban and suburban landscapes. Tall buildings stand as sentinels against the sky, and bustling traffic signals the proximity to the city center. As we move away from the urban sprawl, the scenery shifts to quieter residential areas with neatly arranged houses and well-maintained lawns. The journey is punctuated by the occasional stop, where more students board, each absorbed in their own preoccupations – chatting with friends, listening to music, or engrossed in a book.

    Upon reaching the school, the atmosphere changes. The surroundings transition from the hum of traffic to the lively buzz of students. The school campus is a hive of activity, with students heading to their respective classrooms, exchanging quick conversations, and preparing for the day ahead. The routine of the school day begins, but the journey itself remains a constant thread that ties us together.

    The return journey in the afternoon follows a similar path, but the landscape is often seen in a different light – the soft hues of the setting sun casting a warm glow on familiar landmarks. The routine becomes a comforting rhythm, a daily ritual that marks the transition between home and school, each journey a chapter in the larger story of our shared experiences.

    In conclusion, my daily journey to school is a blend of natural beauty, community interactions, and the routine of commuting. The scenic streets, the diverse faces at the bus stop, and the familiarity of the bus ride create a backdrop for the daily adventure of learning. The journey itself becomes a journey of connection, a shared experience that shapes the rhythm of my school days and adds a touch of continuity to the broader narrative of my academic life.

    Photo by Max Fischer via pexels
    Photo by Max Fischer via pexels
    Photo by Max Fischer via pexels
    Photo by Max Fischer via pexels
  4. Essay topic: Paint a picture of a family celebration. Describe the decorations, food, and the emotions that fill the air during the event.


    The family celebration is a jubilant gathering filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of shared moments. As I step into the festively decorated space, I am greeted by a burst of colors and the aroma of delectable dishes wafting from the kitchen. The room is adorned with streamers, balloons, and twinkling lights, creating a festive ambiance that sets the stage for the joyous occasion. The dining table is a masterpiece of culinary delights, with an array of dishes that showcase the diversity of family recipes and culinary traditions.

    The centerpiece of the table is a sumptuous feast that caters to every palate. There's a roast turkey, golden and glistening, surrounded by bowls of creamy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and vibrant vegetables. The air is filled with the tantalizing scents of roasted meats, aromatic herbs, and the sweetness of freshly baked pies that beckon from the dessert table. The clinking of utensils, the gentle hum of conversation, and the occasional burst of laughter create a melodic backdrop to the feast.

    Family members, young and old, gather around the table, each seat a place of honor. The room resonates with the joyous chatter of relatives catching up, sharing anecdotes, and reliving cherished memories. The atmosphere is one of camaraderie and unity, as generations come together to celebrate the bonds that tie them.

    Children excitedly run around, their laughter echoing through the air, as they eagerly anticipate the moment when they can indulge in the array of sweets and treats. Elders exchange stories, their faces adorned with smiles that reflect a lifetime of shared experiences. The exchange of gifts adds an extra layer of excitement, with the room temporarily hushed as each carefully wrapped package is opened, revealing tokens of affection and thoughtfulness.

    Amidst the festivities, there's a palpable sense of gratitude and appreciation. The celebration becomes a moment to reflect on the blessings of family, the strength of connections, and the enduring bonds that withstand the test of time. Embraces are shared, toasts are raised, and the air is filled with the warmth of genuine affection.

    As the evening unfolds, the festivities extend beyond the dining table. The living room transforms into a dance floor, with lively music inviting family members to sway and twirl in celebration. The flickering candles cast a soft glow on the faces of those gathered, creating an intimate and joyous ambiance.

    In conclusion, the family celebration is a tapestry woven with the threads of love, laughter, and shared moments. It is a feast for the senses, a visual and culinary delight that brings generations together. The festive decorations, delectable food, and the emotions that fill the air create a mosaic of joy, gratitude, and the enduring spirit of familial bonds. The celebration is not just an event; it is a cherished tradition that nurtures the heart and soul, leaving everyone with memories that will be treasured for years to come.
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels
  5. Essay topic: Take your reader on a visit to a zoo. Describe the different animals, their habitats, and the overall experience of exploring the zoo.


    Entering the zoo feels like stepping into a captivating world of wildlife wonders. The air is filled with a symphony of sounds – the chattering of monkeys, the trumpeting of elephants, and the melodic calls of exotic birds. The first stop on this adventure is the primate exhibit, where playful monkeys swing from branch to branch, showcasing their agility and curiosity. Their animated antics bring smiles to the faces of visitors, creating an atmosphere of joy and amusement.

    Continuing along the winding paths, the towering giraffes come into view, gracefully munching on leaves from the treetops. Their long necks and distinctive spots make them a captivating sight against the backdrop of the blue sky. Nearby, the big cats lounge in their enclosures, showcasing their regal demeanor. Lions bask in the sunlight, their majestic manes flowing, while tigers prowl with an air of mystery, captivating onlookers with their powerful presence.

    The reptile house offers a different kind of fascination, with slithering snakes, colorful chameleons, and the mesmerizing patterns of tropical frogs. The dimly lit exhibits create an ambiance of discovery, allowing visitors to observe these often misunderstood creatures up close. As the journey continues, the aquarium brings a splash of underwater enchantment. Graceful sea turtles glide through the water, vibrant coral reefs teem with life, and schools of fish move in mesmerizing unison.

    One of the highlights of the zoo visit is the feeding time at the penguin enclosure. These charming birds waddle with comical precision, their sleek black and white feathers contrasting against the icy blue water. Watching them eagerly dive and playfully interact with each other adds a touch of whimsy to the experience.

    The zoo is not just a collection of animals; it is a carefully designed environment that mirrors the natural habitats of its residents. The lush landscapes, artificial rock formations, and carefully crafted enclosures provide a comfortable and stimulating environment for the animals. Conservation messages are woven into the exhibits, emphasizing the importance of preserving these incredible species and their habitats.

    As the day unfolds, the zoo visit becomes a sensory journey, with the distinctive sounds, vibrant colors, and diverse scents creating a rich tapestry of experiences. Families with children, groups of friends, and curious individuals alike become immersed in the world of wildlife, forging connections with the creatures that share our planet. The zoo visit is not just an outing; it's an opportunity to marvel at the diversity of life, to learn about the importance of conservation, and to appreciate the beauty of the animal kingdom that surrounds us.

    Photo by Git Stephen Gitau via pexels
    Photo by Git Stephen Gitau via pexels
    Photo by Brett Sayles via pexels
    Photo by Brett Sayles via pexels
  6. Essay topic: Describe your absolute favorite meal. Include details about the flavors, textures, and why it holds a special place in your heart.


    My absolute favorite meal is a hearty dish that has been a cherished part of my family for generations: my grandmother's lasagna. This culinary masterpiece holds a special place in my heart, not just because of its delicious flavors but also because it carries the warmth and love of family traditions. As soon as the aroma of the lasagna wafts through the kitchen, I am transported to a realm of comfort and nostalgia.

    The layers of my grandmother's lasagna are a symphony of textures and flavors. The pasta sheets, perfectly cooked, provide a delicate yet sturdy foundation for the layers of savory goodness. Each layer is generously adorned with a rich and flavorful meat sauce, a secret recipe passed down through the generations. The ground beef, tomatoes, and aromatic herbs meld together to create a sauce that is both robust and comforting.

    One of the highlights of my grandmother's lasagna is the creamy béchamel sauce that blankets the layers. It adds a velvety texture and a subtle richness that elevates the dish to a level of indulgence. The golden-brown crust on the top layer adds a delightful crunch, offering a satisfying contrast to the tender layers beneath.

    The blend of cheeses is another star of this culinary masterpiece. A generous sprinkling of mozzarella, Parmesan, and ricotta contributes to the lasagna's gooey and cheesy perfection. The cheeses meld together during baking, creating a gooey and irresistible layer that binds the entire dish.

    Beyond the flavors and textures, my grandmother's lasagna holds sentimental value. It is a dish that brings the family together, often prepared during festive occasions or when loved ones gather. The process of making the lasagna involves shared laughter, storytelling, and the passing down of cooking tips from one generation to the next. As I savor each bite, I am not just enjoying a meal but relishing a connection to my family's history and the love that has been woven into the very fabric of this dish.

    In conclusion, my absolute favorite meal, my grandmother's lasagna, is a culinary masterpiece that transcends the realm of mere sustenance. It is a symphony of textures and flavors that not only satisfies the palate but also carries with it the warmth of family traditions and the love that has been passed down through generations. This dish is not just a meal; it is a cherished link to the past, a celebration of family, and a source of comfort that holds a special place in my heart.

    Photo by sl wong via pexels
    Photo by sl wong via pexels
    Photo by Pixabay via pexels
    Photo by Pixabay via pexels
  7. Essay topic: Paint a picture of the bustling school cafeteria during lunchtime. Include details about the food, conversations, and atmosphere.


    The school cafeteria during lunchtime is a lively hub of activity, brimming with energy and the delightful hum of conversation. As students stream into the spacious room, the vibrant colors of the cafeteria walls and the aroma of various foods create a sensory symphony. The lunch counters are adorned with an array of options, from piping hot pizza to crisp salads and hearty sandwiches. The clattering of trays and the soft whirr of the drink dispensers fill the air as students make their choices.

    Groups of friends gather around tables, their laughter and animated discussions blending into a cheerful cacophony. The atmosphere is one of camaraderie, with students sharing stories from their morning classes, discussing weekend plans, and occasionally engaging in friendly banter. The tables are adorned with colorful trays and lunch bags, each one a unique expression of personal style.

    The cafeteria's windows allow the natural light to filter in, casting a warm glow on the scene. Posters showcasing healthy eating habits and colorful artwork decorate the walls, adding a touch of vibrancy to the surroundings. The murmur of conversations mixes with the occasional sound of chairs scooting across the floor as students find their seats, creating a dynamic rhythm that defines the lunchtime experience.

    The menu caters to diverse tastes, accommodating everything from vegetarian options to comfort foods. The aroma of freshly baked bread, sizzling grilled cheese, and the rich scent of pasta sauces mingle in the air, creating an enticing bouquet. The lunch staff works diligently behind the counters, serving students with a smile and ensuring that everyone has a satisfying meal.

    In the midst of this bustling activity, there's a sense of order and routine. Teachers monitor the cafeteria, maintaining a friendly yet authoritative presence. The sound of the bell signaling the end of lunchtime echoes through the space, prompting a final flurry of activity as students gather their belongings and return trays. The once animated atmosphere gradually subsides, leaving behind a space that will come alive once again with the energy of the next lunchtime.

    In conclusion, the bustling school cafeteria during lunchtime is a dynamic blend of sights, sounds, and aromas. It is a place where students come together to nourish not only their bodies but also their friendships. The lively atmosphere, diverse food options, and the camaraderie shared around the tables make the school cafeteria a vibrant and integral part of the student experience.

    Photo by Anna Shvets via pexels
    Photo by Anna Shvets via pexels
    Photo by RDNE Stock project via pexels
    Photo by RDNE Stock project via pexels
  8. Essay topic: Introduce your best friend to your readers. Describe their personality, interests, and the bond you share.


    Allow me to introduce my best friend, Sarah, a remarkable individual who has been a constant source of joy and support in my life. Sarah is a person with a heart as vast as the ocean and a spirit that radiates positivity. Her personality is a delightful blend of kindness, humor, and unwavering loyalty.

    One of Sarah's most admirable qualities is her kindness. She has an innate ability to empathize with others, always ready to lend a helping hand or offer a comforting word. Sarah's generosity knows no bounds, and her genuine concern for the well-being of those around her creates an uplifting atmosphere in every interaction.

    Sarah's sense of humor is infectious. She has a unique ability to find joy in the simplest moments and can effortlessly lighten the mood with her laughter. Whether it's a witty remark or a funny anecdote, Sarah's humor has away of turning ordinary situations into memorable and joyful experiences.

    In terms of interests, Sarah is a person of diverse passions. She is an avid reader with a love for literature, often immersing herself in the pages of a good book. Sarah's appreciation for art extends beyond books; she enjoys exploring museums, attending art exhibitions, and even dabbling in creative pursuits herself. Her artistic sensibilities add a vibrant and imaginative dimension to our friendship.

    The bond I share with Sarah is truly special. We've weathered the storms of life together, celebrating triumphs and supporting each other through challenges. Our connection is built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and shared experiences. Sarah is not just a friend; she is a confidante, a pillar of strength, and a companion on life's journey.

    Our friendship is a tapestry woven with countless memories – from spontaneous road trips to late-night conversations filled with laughter and vulnerability. Sarah's presence has a way of turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, and I cherish the shared experiences that have shaped our bond.

    In conclusion, Sarah is more than a friend; she is a treasure in my life. Her kindness, humor, diverse interests, and the unbreakable bond we share make her an irreplaceable presence. Through thick and thin, Sarah remains a constant source of inspiration, and I am grateful for the gift of her friendship.

    Photo by Brett Sayles via pexels
    Photo by Brett Sayles via pexels
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels
  9. Essay topic: Detail your ideal weekend day. What activities would you engage in? Where would you go? Who would you spend time with?


    On my ideal weekend day, I envision a perfect blend of relaxation, outdoor activities, and quality time spent with loved ones. The day would begin with a leisurely morning at home. I'd wake up to the gentle sunlight streaming through the curtains, allowing me to start the day in a calm and unhurried manner. After enjoying a hearty breakfast with my family, I would embark on a nature-filled adventure.

    One of my favorite activities is exploring local parks, and on this ideal weekend day, I would choose a picturesque park near my home. The park is adorned with towering trees, blooming flowers, and winding pathways that invite exploration. I would take a serene stroll, immersing myself in the beauty of nature, and perhaps bring along a picnic basket to savor a meal in the midst of this natural haven.

    To add an element of fun and excitement to the day, I'd engage in recreational activities within the park. This could include playing frisbee with friends, flying kites, or simply lounging on a blanket with a good book. The laughter of children playing, the chirping of birds, and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze would create a symphony of sounds, enhancing the overall experience.

    As the day unfolds, I would head to a local café for a cup of coffee or tea, enjoying a moment of relaxation in a cozy environment. Whether alone or with friends, the café provides a laid-back setting to unwind, chat, and perhaps indulge in a sweet treat.

    The ideal weekend day wouldn't be complete without spending quality time with family and friends. In the evening, a home-cooked dinner shared with loved ones would be the perfect way to wrap up the day. Whether it's a barbecue in the backyard or a potluck-style gathering, the emphasis would be on togetherness and creating cherished memories.

    To cap off the night, I might choose to watch a favorite movie or engage in a friendly board game with family or friends. The atmosphere would be one of warmth and camaraderie, fostering a sense of connection and contentment.

    In essence, my ideal weekend day is a harmonious blend of nature, recreation, relaxation, and meaningful interactions. It strikes a balance between active pursuits and moments of tranquility, allowing me to recharge and savor the simple joys of life. This envisioned day encapsulates the essence of what I consider a perfect weekend – a time well-spent surrounded by the beauty of nature and the company of those I hold dear.

    Photo by Leah Kelley via pexels
    Photo by Leah Kelley via pexels
    Photo by Min Ha via pexels
    Photo by Min Ha via pexels
  10. Essay topic: Imagine and describe your ideal smartphone. Include details about its design, features, and how it would make your life better.


    In envisioning my ideal smartphone, I picture a sleek and elegant device that seamlessly combines style with functionality. The phone would boast a slim and lightweight design, fitting comfortably in my hand and easily slipping into my pocket. Its exterior would feature a smooth, matte finish, resistant to fingerprints and scratches, ensuring it maintains its pristine look over time. The color would be a sophisticated blend of deep blue and silver accents, reflecting a balance between professionalism and a touch of personal flair.

    Turning my attention to the features, my dream smartphone would be equipped with a high-resolution and expansive display that brings images and videos to life. The touchscreen would be responsive and intuitive, allowing for smooth navigation and effortless interaction. The device would also incorporate advanced camera technology, featuring a high-megapixel lens capable of capturing crisp and vibrant photos, even in low-light conditions. Additionally, a variety of creative modes and filters would be available, enhancing the photography experience.

    On the software front, my ideal smartphone would run on an intuitive and user-friendly operating system. The interface would be customizable, allowing me to arrange apps and widgets according to my preferences. It would also support seamless integration with various applications, providing a smooth and efficient user experience. The phone's battery life would be impressive, ensuring it can keep up with my busy day without the need for frequent recharging.

    Connectivity features would be another highlight of my dream smartphone. It would support the latest wireless technologies, enabling fast and reliable internet connectivity. Additionally, the device would have ample storage space for apps, photos, and videos, with the option to expand storage through a microSD card.

    What sets my dream smartphone apart is its commitment to enhancing my daily life. It would include innovative health and wellness features, such as a built-in step tracker and sleep monitor, encouraging a healthier lifestyle. The phone would also have a robust security system, ensuring the safety of my personal information through advanced biometric authentication methods.

    In essence, my ideal smartphone combines aesthetic appeal with cutting-edge technology, aiming to simplify and enrich my daily experiences. It's not just a device; it's a companion that seamlessly integrates into my life, offering functionality, style, and features that cater to both my professional and personal needs. With this dream smartphone in hand, I can envision a more connected, efficient, and enjoyable lifestyle.

    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via pexels
    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via pexels
    Photo by PhotoMIX Company via pexels
    Photo by PhotoMIX Company via pexels

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