Top 10 Strongest Anime Characters With Psychic Abilities

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Discover the strongest anime characters with psychic abilities that among the most intriguing and powerful people are those who harness certain abilities. ... read more...

  1. Top 1

    Saiki Kusuo

    Saiki Kusuo occupies the upper position at the table when it comes to being the deity of psychic skills. Saiki was endowed from birth with a variety of paranormal psychic powers, including telekinesis, hypnosis, mind control, memory altering, size enhancement, shapeshifting, bilocation, clairvoyance, and elemental manipulation. With all of these powers at one's disposal, it stands to reason that one would go insane and develop a God complex.

    Saiki, on the other hand, simply wants to live a regular life free from outside intrusion. He wears two antennas on his head since his psychic abilities are too strong for him to control. Saiki is a burden since he lacks control over his abilities and is forced to endure banal thoughts all day long without any way to silence them. Well, if nothing else, his psychic abilities ensure that he will always be able to defend himself.

    Saiki Kusuo typically makes an effort to stay away from contentious or attention-grabbing situations, but his efforts are never successful and invariably have unfavorable outcomes to his chagrin. His distinctive features include a permanent scowl, glasses with a green tint, and two pink antennae that are placed just above each ear and serve the purpose of limiting his strength. No wonder why he is one of the strongest anime characters with psychic abilities.

    Anime: The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.

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  2. Top 2

    Shigeo Kageyama

    The star of the Mob Psycho 100 series is Shigeo Kageyama, also known by the moniker "Mob" and "White T-Poison". He is a third-year student at Salt Middle School and serves as the vice-president of the Body Improvement Club. He was formerly Arataka Reigen's assistant and disciple. Shigeo discovered while he was young that his psychic ability was connected to his emotions. He dislikes and avoids hurting people because he can do so under the influence of powerful negative emotions. He consequently makes an effort to control his emotions in general.

    Shigeo Kageyama may appear to be a stupid, worthless person, but when he goes crazy, the mayhem he causes is incomprehensible. Shigeo has psychic talents that react to his unfavorable feelings. The feelings he experiences when he achieves his maximum level of 100% determines the improved potential of his psychic talents. Shigeo possesses a wide range of psychic skills, including Chlorokinesis, Telekinesis, Spiritual Awareness, and Astral Projection. He has the ability to absorb psychic energy and transmit it to both espers and non-espers.

    Shigeo's extraordinary psychic abilities, which surpass those of nearly every other esper in the series, are his ultimate strength. He and Toichiro Suzuki are undoubtedly the two most potent espers in the entire series. He can store enormous amounts of psychic energy, which he largely requires to maintain his already-present abilities. He can actually pick up new skills fairly quickly, as seen by the fact that he was able to project his soul out of his body with just one encounter with chlorokinesis during the battle with the farm spirit.

    Anime: Mob Psycho 100

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  3. Top 3


    Tatsumaki is the S-Class Rank 2 professional hero of the Hero Association and is also known by her hero alias Tornado of Terror. She is regarded as one of the strongest heroes by the Hero Association as well as one of the strongest anime characters with psychic abilities. She is an esper, the elder sister of Fubuki, and a self-declared instructor. The Psychic Sisters are the name given to her and her sister. Tatsumaki has command over both facets of conflict thanks to her psychic skills. It's difficult to contain her whether you're on defense or offensive.

    Tatsumaki is a very strong S-Class hero, ranking second. She is the strongest esper to date and one of the most potent heroes overall. She is compared to Sweet Mask by Fubuki, a monster that decides not to move up from A-Class to S-Class in order to stop weaklings from doing so. She is regarded as the association's ultimate weapon because of the fact that many people think there is no person that can fight her through normal means.

    The most potent esper in the series is Tatsumaki. She produces more psychokinetic energy than Geryuganshoop. She is able to bring the gigantic spaceship of Boros back at her with the same, if not greater, force that she used to easily stop the bombing strike. She has the ability to cause the Hero Association's main office, which was constructed to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 6, to shake severely and without anyone feeling a thing.

    Anime: One-Punch Man

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  4. Top 4

    Shisui Uchiha

    Shisui is revered as the Uchiha clan's shining prodigy and top shinobi. Due to his adept usage of the Body Flicker method, which makes him incredibly quick, he is known by the nickname Shisui of the Body Flicker. Shisui Uchiha was most known for the Dojutsu Kotoamatsukami, which allowed him to cast a Genjutsu to influence the thoughts of his adversaries.

    Shisui's renowned talent and unparalleled command of the Body Flicker Technique earned him the moniker "Shisui of the Body Flicker". He might use it to disappear from view, leaving no clue of his existence or his location. In the anime, his speed and agility allowed him to move covertly while simultaneously leaving behind several visible afterimages that were capable of being struck by real force. His agility allowed him to outrun an army of foes and evade barrages of projectiles with ease.

    In multiple sparring rounds, Shisui Uchiha was able to overcome Itachi thanks to his skill with tai jutsu. He also had a high pain threshold because he didn't flinch when either of his eyes were removed. Shisui's abilities and deeds continued to have an impact on the globe for many years after his death. Itachi preserved Shisui's other eye in observance of his friend's last request to save the hamlet and the good name of their clan, while Danz utilized the eye he stole for his dubious purposes to sustain their community.

    Anime: Naruto

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  5. Top 5


    Mewtwo is a Generation I Legendary Pokémon of the Psychic type. It was produced utilizing DNA from Mew. Mewtwo is a Pokémon of the Psychic kind and one of the most potent figures in the Pokémon world. It can even go toe-to-toe with Pokemon that can burst planets, like Deoxys. Mewtwo has the capacity to influence both humans and other Pokémon with its potent psychic skills. He is also one of the strongest anime characters with psychic abilities.

    Mewtwo is unquestionably one of the most tyrannical Pokémon in the series, which speaks volumes about its great strength. Its strength is so tremendous that it can transport a lake miles long underground and withstand extreme torture in Mewtwo Returns. Mewtwo takes a great deal of pride in its personality, as was demonstrated in the first Pokémon movie. Its general nature is actually so complicated that it almost approaches human levels, with the ability to learn and evolve solely for the purpose of winning battles.

    Mewtwo, who was already highly intelligent and powerful in battle, suddenly outgrew its ability to be contained and escaped the lab. Pokemon trainer Red discovered Mewtwo as it was hidden in Cerulean Cave. And Mewtwo in particular has a very intriguing ability called Mega evolution. Mega Evolution refers to a creature's capacity to transform into a transient form in order to increase its battle prowess. Mewtwo is one of the two unique, uncommon Pokemon that exhibit this evolution. Mewtwo can develop into Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y, respectively, depending on the outcome of the battle.

    Anime: Pokemon

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    Netflix After School
  6. Top 6

    Yuu Otosaka

    As a young boy, Yuu Otosaka had the power to temporarily take over another person's body. He became the strongest being in his world, nevertheless, towards the end of the series when his full talents were revealed. At the beginning of the series, Yu is a narcissistic, egocentric, and self-centered young man who regularly abuses his power. Despite this, Y is obviously brilliant because he can come up with meticulously thought-out plans to accomplish his cunning objectives.

    Yuu possesses the power to inhabit someone else's body for about five seconds. He frequently makes advantage of this ability to spy on honors students as they take examinations in order to memorize and take their answers. His pupils turn bright teal while in use, and his irises turn lime green. While using this power, though, his body slumps into oblivion. Recently, it has also been found that he is capable of using other powers while in control of their bodies.

    Yuu Otosaka had nearly all of the psychic abilities of the inhabitants of his world by the end of the anime. In addition, Yuu has the ability to use several psychic powers at once, giving him an advantage in any conflict. The only drawback to his ability is that it causes him to lose his mind more quickly the more powers he absorbs.

    Anime: Charlotte

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  7. Top 7

    Hitoshi Shinso

    The anti-hero of My Hero Academia and a student at U.A. High School is named Hitoshi. Hitoshi Shinso may not appear to be the most powerful hero at first but he is still one of the strongest anime characters with psychic abilities. He is a distinguished member of Class 1-C who uses Aizawa's Binding Cloth and his Brainwash Quirk in concert to try to make up for his lack of physical strength. The latter is particularly important since, once the requirement for this Quirk is satisfied in battle, it can quickly change the course of a battle.

    Hitoshi initially lacked the skills for direct combat and instead relied on the strength of his Quirk. He had training from his mentor, Eraser Head, nevertheless, after opting to move to the U.A. High School Hero Department. Hitoshi showed great teamwork during the two rounds of the aforementioned training, using his Ultimate Move, Persona Chords, and the voice-modifying ability of his Artificial Vocal Cords to confuse his opponents and leave them vulnerable to surprise attacks from Hitoshi's teammates.

    Before the Quirk can go into effect, Hitoshi Shinso needs his opponent to respond to one of his questions. When he tricks individuals into replying to his questions using a voice modulator, which gives him complete control over a person's actions, this power becomes even more powerful. Midoriya had to shatter one of his fingers during the U.A. School Festival in order to be able to continue competing in the competition for those who were affected by this power, proving that victims of his brainwashing will have to take extremely drastic measures to recover from the effects of his influence.

    Anime: My Hero Academia

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  8. Top 8

    Giorno Giovanna

    Giorno Giovanna, DIO's illegitimate child born from Jonathan Joestar's stolen body, is born. His name is declared to be Haruno Shiobana. He mentions his desire to become a "Gang-Star" and his ambition to join the notorious group Passione. Additionally, he serves as an ally in the graphic novel JORGE JOESTAR. Giorno looks to have surpassed Jotaru Kujo's descendent in terms of raw power now that no JoJo protagonist has been able to match his prowess in the past. This was accomplished at the very end of Golden Wind, when Giorno's defense turned into Golden Wind Requiem as a result of a special arrow piercing him.

    Even a powerful character like Diavolo couldn't compete with Golden Wind Requiem's enormous potency. The villain was rendered permanently helpless by a single blow from this stand, which then sent him into an endless loop where he would continue to suffer horribly as retribution for his actions. One of the series' most adaptable Stands is Gold Experience. Giorno can generate and control life, and by doing so, produces little animals and plants most frequently. Both have a wide range of applications, from camouflage to origin tracing.

    Experience in Gold Giorno Giovanna uses the Stand-creating Arrow to pierce Gold Experience, and then he receives Requiem as a result. The physical strength of Gold Experience is astounding, and it still has a significant improvement in its ability to provide life. It also obtained the capacity to stop his adversaries from "reaching the truth." Requiem's victims will also "never arrive at the truth behind their death," trapping them in an endless cycle of death.

    Anime: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

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    Satô Benkei
  9. Top 9

    Lelouch vi Britannia

    Lelouch vi Brittania, aka Lelouch Lamperouge, the Eleventh Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the founder and head of the Black Knights, is a very intelligent man. Lelouch displayed the talent that gives him "The Power of Absolute Obedience" when C.C. granted him the power of Geass. By doing this, he may influence people's thoughts just by making eye contact. Lelouch may not be the most endearing person on this list, but that doesn't really matter because he wouldn't be interested in winning a popularity contest. He is still one of the strongest anime characters with psychic abilities.

    Lelouch's appearance is unimpressive. He has the physical strength of a youngster who doesn't do much or any vigorous exercise. As a result, Lelouch's incapacity to run quickly or for a long time is one of his characteristics. Lelouch is perpetually surpassed by his classmates in every circumstance, and even the simplest manual labor duties fatigue him before he completes anything meaningful.

    Lelouch is also demonstrated to have exceptional talent for most domestic tasks, such as cooking and sewing; it has been claimed that this is the result of his seven-year care of himself and Nunnally. He has demonstrated a talent for cooking, and he frequently prepares the food for Student Council gatherings because the others don't. Lelouch also has some proficiency with guns; when he threatens someone, he typically brandishes a Britannian pistol. Only above-average evidence of his Knightmare piloting ability has been found.

    Anime: Code Geass

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  10. Top 10

    Tetsuo Shima

    The primary adversary in the AKIRA series is Tetsuo Shima. He is a metaphor for the devastating potential of power in the hands of bad people. His personality drastically changes after gaining the abilities of the Espers and surviving their attempt to murder him. He rushes through Neo Tokyo in search of Akira while carelessly using his psychic abilities to hurt both the military and innocent bystanders.

    He is sent to a military facility following a collision with the Esper Takashi. Here, he starts to manifest latent, potent psychic skills comparable to those of Akira, the person who caused ancient Tokyo to experience a psychic explosion years earlier. In addition to conferring devastatingly destructive abilities, these capabilities also produce excruciatingly severe headaches as they grow.

    Tetsuo Shima teases and attacks Kaneda after this rampage to stroke his own ego. Despite the way he treats Kaneda and his expressions of contempt, he shows true fear when his body starts to grow out of control despite the fact that he and Kaneda were unable to stop the mutation. The main focus of the film is unquestionably Tetsuo's mental breakdown as he becomes an esper with supernatural abilities. He develops into one of the most powerful anime characters of all time due to the fact that he eventually creates his own universe.

    Anime: Akira

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    The Vile Eye

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