Rosa Parks was an African-American lady who was born in Tuskegee, Alabama in 1913 and was dubbed "The Mother of the Modern-Day Civil Rights Movement." She is ...
German-speaking scientist Gregor Mendel is renowned for his pea plant experiments, which revealed how hereditary traits are passed down from generation to ...
Famous educator Louis Braille is credited with developing Braille. The blind employ a method like this. Braille coding enables blind people to read and write ...
The moveable type printing technology was invented in Europe by Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor. In the printing industry, his invention is regarded as ...
Alexander Hamilton, the star of one of the greatest musicals ever, was a crucial founding father of the United States of America. In addition to being a member ...
From January 1961 until his murder on November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, also known as "JFK," was the 35th President of the United States. JFK, who was seen ...
To Kill a Mockingbird, regarded as one of the finest books ever written, was written by American novelist Nelle Harper Lee, who is well-known throughout the ...
Melania Trump was born in Novo Mesto, Yugoslavia, on April 26, 1970, under the name Melanija Knavs (now in Slovenia). She served as the country's first lady ...
On December 10, 1896, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, who was born on October 21st, departed this world and entered his heavenly home. Nobel, a Swedish entrepreneur, ...
Better recognized by the honorific moniker Mahatma (literally, "Great Soul") is Mohandas K. Gandhi. He was a lawyer who advocated against colonialism and was ...
American women's rights advocate Susan B. Anthony dedicated her life to promoting racial, gender, and educational equality. She was a key figure in the women's ...
Hinduism is the world's oldest religion, with roots in prehistoric times between 5000 and 10,000 BC. It follows that many stories, beliefs, and mythologies ...
Italian painter and architect Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, also referred to as Raphael or Raffaello, was born in that country. On March 2, 1483, he was born in ...
On October 25, 1888, Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr. was born. He was a well-known explorer and American Navy officer. He rose to become the navy's read admiral for ...
Sir Isaac Newton, an English physicist, and mathematician who, more than anyone else, drove the world towards the scientific revolution, is regarded as one of ...
Erwin Rommel was one of Germany's most famous generals, who played an important role in World War I and World War II. Rommel's tactical skills, experience and ...
There are interesting facts about Joseph Stalin that you may not know. If you just look at the picture of Joseph Stalin, you can see an old man smiling back at ...
Born in 1961, Barack Obama is an important politician of the United States. He studied political science at Columbia University, majoring in international ...