Top 10 Most Popular Trinidadian Street Foods

  1. top 1 Kachourie
  2. top 2 Baiganee
  3. top 3 Gulab Jamun
  4. top 4 Aloo Pie
  5. top 5 Bake And Shark
  6. top 6 Roti
  7. top 7 Pelau
  8. top 8 Corn Soup
  9. top 9 Pholourie
  10. top 10 Doubles

Bake And Shark

Bake and Shark is an iconic Trinidadian street food that has gained popularity both locally and internationally. It is a sandwich made with fried shark meat, typically served in a fried bread called "bake" and topped with various condiments and sauces.

To make Bake and Shark, the shark meat is usually marinated in a mixture of herbs, spices, and sometimes lime or lemon juice to impart flavor and tenderize the meat. The meat is then breaded and deep-fried until golden and crispy. The bake, a type of bread, is made from a dough consisting of flour, water, salt, and sometimes baking powder or yeast. The dough is rolled out and fried until it puffs up and becomes light and fluffy.

Once the shark meat and bake are prepared, the sandwich is assembled. The fried shark meat is placed in the bake, and then various condiments and toppings are added according to personal preference. Common toppings include shredded lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and a variety of sauces such as tamarind sauce, garlic sauce, mango chutney, or hot pepper sauce. The combination of crispy fried shark, soft bake, and flavorful toppings creates a delicious and satisfying street food experience.

Bake and Shark is often associated with Maracas Bay, a popular beach in Trinidad, where it originated. There, you'll find several food stalls and vendors specializing in this dish. It has become an iconic Trinidadian culinary experience and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike as a tasty and filling meal while enjoying the beach atmosphere.

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Mark Wiens

Top 10 Most Popular Trinidadian Street Foods

  1. top 1 Kachourie
  2. top 2 Baiganee
  3. top 3 Gulab Jamun
  4. top 4 Aloo Pie
  5. top 5 Bake And Shark
  6. top 6 Roti
  7. top 7 Pelau
  8. top 8 Corn Soup
  9. top 9 Pholourie
  10. top 10 Doubles

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