Code: Breaker

Code: Breaker is an anime that fits into action, supernatural, and psychological thriller categories. The story is about Sakura Sakurakouji, a high school student who sees a strange blue fire burning people in a park. There, she meets Rei Ōgami, a young guy who doesn't seem hurt by the fire. Rei is a Code: Breaker who can do supernatural things and works as an assassin. He's given the job to get rid of evil people.

Sakura gets curious about Rei and what he does. This leads her to learn about the Code: Breakers and how they follow complicated rules. Knowing more about Rei and his group, she wants to understand why the Code: Breakers do what they do and how they deal with hard choices.

The characters in the show are complex, with their reasons for doing things. Rei Ōgami, the main Code: Breaker, feels terrible about being an assassin and what he does. Sakura is like a guide for what's right, and she challenges Rei's way of thinking while trying to figure out why he does things the way he does. The anime has exciting scenes with lots of action, often showing the Code: Breakers fighting their enemies.

The Code: Breaker anime
lasted from October 2012 to March 2013. It got mixed opinions from people who watched it and from critics. It is an anime that combines action with thinking about how people make choices and what's right and wrong. If you like that, along with special powers and cool fights, you might enjoy Code: Breaker.

Detailed information:

  • Directed by: Yasuhiro Irie
  • Released: October 7, 2012 – December 30, 2012
  • Link to watch:
  • IMDb Rating: 6.7/10
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Video by Crunchyroll Store Australia

Top 10 Best Assassin Anime of All Time

  1. top 1 Hunter X Hunter
  2. top 2 Death Note
  3. top 3 Assassination Classroom
  4. top 4 Akame ga Kill!
  5. top 5 Darker Than Black
  6. top 6 Gunslinger Girl
  7. top 7 Noir
  8. top 8 Black Cat
  9. top 9 Code: Breaker
  10. top 10 Assassins Pride

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