Enhanced Video Conferencing

Presenter Overlay, a function for videoconferencing, is one of the most used hidden features in Sonoma. Available in FaceTime and popular video conferencing apps like Skype and Zoom, Presenter Overlay proves invaluable when delivering presentations during video calls. This remarkable feature empowers users to simultaneously showcase themselves and share their screens. You have the option to appear superimposed over the shared screen or as a floating circle that remains visible throughout the presentation.

Sonoma also incorporates a Screen Sharing picker, simplifying the process of sharing an app while engaged in a video call. By clicking the green button located in the upper left corner of the desired app, you can effortlessly select and share it within the ongoing call, streamlining collaboration and enhancing productivity.

Additionally, Sonoma introduces an array of new reactions, adding a touch of excitement and enjoyment to video calls. Choose from an assortment of reaction images, including hearts, confetti, and more, to dynamically express your emotions and engage with fellow participants during virtual gatherings.

By harnessing these remarkable hidden features within macOS Sonoma, you can elevate your videoconferencing experience, fostering seamless collaboration and injecting a dose of fun into your virtual interactions.

Photo by Apple via https://www.apple.com/
Photo by Apple via https://www.apple.com/
Photo by Apple via https://www.apple.com/
Photo by Apple via https://www.apple.com/

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