Provide a source of vitamin D

Your body needs calcium to maintain and grow healthy bones, and vitamin D aids in this process. White mushrooms may be the solution if you're wanting to gain vitamin D via your food since many individuals rely on pills or sunlight to do so. They are the only fruit or vegetable that contains vitamin D.

Certain mushrooms may produce more vitamin D when exposed to UV or sunshine, much like people can. The greatest vitamin D is produced by white button mushrooms following exposure to sunshine or UV rays. Slice three mushrooms (or one portabella) to the recommended daily serving size, let them sit in the sun for at least 15 minutes and then eat. You may accomplish the same result without exposure to the sun by eating little more than one cup of white mushrooms.

Provide a source of vitamin D
Provide a source of vitamin D
Provide a source of vitamin D
Provide a source of vitamin D

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