San Anton School

top 2
Phương Hoàng

San Anton School ranks second among the best international schools in Malta, offering a comprehensive education grounded in academic excellence, character development, and a global perspective. Established in 1988, the school is situated in the picturesque village of Attard and provides a nurturing and inclusive environment for students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Academically, San Anton School is renowned for its rigorous curriculum that integrates both the Maltese educational standards and international benchmarks. From early years through to secondary education, the school is committed to fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning. The dedicated faculty members, many of whom hold advanced degrees in their respective fields, are instrumental in providing a challenging and supportive academic environment for the students.

Beyond academics, San Anton School prioritizes holistic development, offering a diverse range of extracurricular activities and sports programs. Students are encouraged to explore their interests and talents in areas such as music, art, drama, sports, and community service, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

As an international school, San Anton values cultural diversity and promotes intercultural understanding. The student body represents a multitude of nationalities, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives within the school community. This multicultural environment not only enhances the educational experience but also prepares students to thrive in an increasingly globalized world.

San Anton
's infrastructure is designed to support modern educational practices, with well-equipped classrooms, science laboratories, art studios, and sports facilities. Additionally, the campus incorporates technology to enrich the learning experience, ensuring that students are prepared for the digital demands of the 21st century.


Address: St Paul's Bay MGR 2850, Malta

Phone: +35627780821

Curriculum: International

Tuition Fee: N/A

Ages: 1.5 - 16

Language of instruction: English


Top 6 Best International Schools in Malta

  1. top 1 St.Edward's College
  2. top 2 San Anton School
  3. top 3 GBSB Global Business School Malta
  4. top 4 San Andrea School
  5. top 5 Verdala International School
  6. top 6 QSI International School of Malta

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