Washington Monument

Between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial, in the middle of the National Mall, is the Washington Monument. The political and military leadership of George Washington was crucial to the formation of the United States. He brought together Americans from thirteen different states as the head of the Continental Army, defeating Britain's greater armed force. Washington's outstanding leadership set the bar for all presidents who came after him as the nation's first leader. The Washington Monument stands as a magnificent reminder of George Washington's glory over the city that bears his name.

Built-in the shape of an Egyptian obelisk, evoking the timelessness of ancient civilizations, the Washington Monument embodies the awe, respect, and gratitude the nation felt for its most essential Founding Father. Standing just over 555 feet (169.294 meters) tall, the Washington Monument is the world’s tallest obelisk as well as the world’s tallest stone structure. Like many modern obelisks, it is not monolithic but rather composed of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss. Construction began in 1848 and was completed only in 1884. It is one of the most recognized symbols of Washington and even the United States.

Location: Washington DC
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Olin Studio

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