Top 12 Best Fights in Naruto

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Naruto is one of the most popular anime series of all time, with a rich and complex story that spans hundreds of episodes. One of the main attractions of the ... read more...

  1. The epic final battle between Naruto and Sasuke unfolds in Naruto Shippuden episodes 476-478, famously known as "The Final Battle." The intense confrontation takes place in the "Final Valley," where Naruto is determined to halt Sasuke's plan of eliminating the five Kage and taking control of the world. Naruto harnesses the mighty power of Kurama, the Nine Tails, while Sasuke deploys his formidable Susanoo, achieved by acquiring Itachi's eyes.

    Both fighters also draw on the Sage of Six Paths powers granted to them by Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Despite their evenly matched strength, a crucial distinction arises: Naruto fights with a reluctance to kill, staying true to a promise made years ago, while Sasuke approaches the battle with lethal intent. This monumental clash signifies a profound ideological conflict, encapsulating Naruto's unwavering determination against Sasuke's mission to sever his last remaining bond.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 699
    • Anime debut: Episode 476
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    Image via Pixelstalk
    Video by Blackdiamond AMV's on Youtube

  2. The battle between Naruto Uzumaki and Pain, the Akatsuki leader, stands as one of the most gripping moments in Naruto: Shippuden. It all kicks off when Pain storms Konohagakure to capture Naruto, who, armed with Sage Mode, steps up to confront him. Despite Naruto's newfound power, Pain's abilities initially overwhelm him.

    A turning point arises when Hinata Hyuga steps in to shield Naruto, expressing her love for him. Though seemingly sacrificed by Pain, this tragic event triggers Naruto's transformation into his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. The battle rages on, with Naruto gradually gaining the upper hand.

    In the end, Naruto seals the deal by defeating Pain with his Rasengan. Following the intense fight, Naruto engages in a profound conversation with Nagato, Pain's true identity, delving into themes of war and peace. This showdown not only underscores Naruto's evolution as a shinobi but also lays the groundwork for pivotal future events in the series.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 427
    • Anime debut: Episode 162
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    Video by Oppai Anime on Youtube
  3. The clash between Might Guy and Madara Uchiha, featured in Naruto Shippuden episodes 418-420, highlights the strength found in determination and sacrifice. The fight kicks off as Guy, unleashing his Seventh Gate technique known as "The Blue Beast," charges bravely at Madara. Despite Madara's formidable power, Guy's unyielding determination drives him to unleash the full extent of his abilities.

    Facing overwhelming odds, Guy resorts to the Eight Gates Formation, a technique honed over two decades. The battle intensifies, and Guy manages to repeatedly push Madara back. In a final desperate move, Guy employs the Night Guy technique, dealing a devastating blow that obliterates half of Madara's body. Despite this powerful attack, Madara stands tall, expressing excitement not felt since facing Hashirama.

    Though the intense battle leaves Guy severely injured, it significantly alters the course of the war, underscoring Guy's incredible bravery and unwavering determination.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 690
    • Anime debut: Episode 424
    Image via Narutopedia
    Image via Narutopedia
    Video by Anime on Youtube
  4. The showdown occurs when Sasuke, driven by a deep-seated desire for revenge, confronts his older brother, Itachi, who has been shrouded in mystery and controversy. The battle unfolds in a torrent of emotions as Sasuke seeks to avenge the annihilation of their clan, the Uchiha.

    Itachi, a master tactician and wielder of the powerful Sharingan, unveils his prowess against Sasuke's relentless onslaught. The battlefield becomes a canvas for jutsu and strategy, with Itachi employing his Mangekyo Sharingan techniques. The Amaterasu flames and Tsukuyomi illusions test Sasuke's resilience and determination.

    As the fight progresses, the layers of the Uchiha brothers' complex relationship unravel. Itachi's motives, initially enigmatic, gradually surface, adding depth to the confrontation. The battle concludes with a shocking revelation, altering the trajectory of Sasuke's journey and leaving a lasting impact on the narrative. The Sasuke-Itachi clash remains a poignant moment, blending action, emotion, and revelations in the intricate tapestry of Naruto's narrative.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 430
    • Anime debut: Episode 169
    Image via Narutopedia
    Image via Narutopedia
    Video by Mr.Sakamoto on Youtube
  5. The clash between Kakashi and Obito, shown in Naruto: Shippuden Episode 375, unfolds as a battle between once-close friends turned foes. Set in Kamui's dimension, the skirmish sees both friends striking each other with Lightning Cutter and Fūma Shuriken. Choosing to abandon genjutsu, they engage in a genuine battle, reflecting on their childhood sparring sessions.

    Kakashi, noting Obito's resemblance to Naruto, determines to defeat the present Obito. He pierces Obito's heart with a lightning-infused kunai, but Obito, unwavering, refuses to yield and teleports to the Ten-Tails' head. Despite being impaled, Obito persists in his determination to continue the war.

    The fight becomes a testament to their shared history and diverging paths, with Kakashi ultimately delivering a more decisive blow. However, Obito's resilience and refusal to surrender underscore the depth of his conviction, revealing the complexities of their intertwined destinies.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 652
    • Anime debut: Episode 471
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    Image via Fanpop
    Video by Crunchyroll Collection on Youtube
  6. The showdown between Jiraiya and Pain, unfolding in the "Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant" arc of Naruto: Shippuden, stands as a crucial moment in the series. Jiraiya ventures into Amegakure to gather intel on the Akatsuki and crosses paths with Pain, sparking a fierce confrontation. Employing Sage Mode and summoning Fukasaku and Shima, Jiraiya attempts to combat Pain's numerous creatures, but the struggle is real.

    Pain unveils a sinister plan to harness the tailed beasts for a forbidden jutsu, intending to erase entire nations and force the world into maturity, steering clear of war. The battle concludes with Jiraiya's sacrifice, marking a pivotal shift in the narrative. His selfless act yields vital information about Pain's identity, proving instrumental for Naruto in his subsequent face-off against Pain. Undeniable, this is also one of the saddest moments in Naruto Shippuden series.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 368
    • Anime debut: Episode 127
    Image via Narutopedia
    Image via Narutopedia
    Video by SENSEI ANIME on Youtube
  7. In the "Fourth Hokage's Death Match" arc of Naruto: Shippuden, a crucial battle unfolds between Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and Obito Uchiha. The confrontation is triggered when Obito attacks Konoha with the intent of kidnapping Naruto. Recognizing the imminent danger, Minato steps up to face Obito in a fierce duel. Despite Obito's intangibility, Minato skillfully lands successful hits using his Flying Thunder God Kunai and Rasengan.

    Minato's strategic prowess and quick thinking come to the forefront as he places a Contract Seal on Obito, wresting control of the Nine-Tails from him. This battle not only highlights Minato's abilities but also showcases the formidable nature of Obito's powers. Despite the intense struggle, Minato manages to safeguard Konoha and his newborn son, Naruto, marking a significant moment in the series that sets the stage for future conflicts and developments.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 500
    • Anime debut: Episode 282
    Image via Narutopedia
    Image via Narutopedia
    Video by Crunchyroll Collection on Youtube
  8. The fight between Shikamaru and Hidan from the Akatsuki is a big deal in Naruto: Shippuden. It all kicks off when Hidan kills Asuma, who's like a mentor to Shikamaru. Seeking payback, Shikamaru comes up with a plan to take down Hidan. He teams up with Kakashi, Sai, and Ino to track down and face Hidan and Kakuzu in the forest, moving on to the second part of the battle.

    Shikamaru pulls a fast one on Hidan, leading him away from Kakuzu. Using Asuma's cigarette lighter, he sets a trap that burns Hidan. Despite Hidan's immortality, Shikamaru's clever strategy effectively takes him out of the fight. This showdown highlights Shikamaru's smarts and growth as a ninja, making it a turning point in the series as it foils more of the Akatsuki's plans.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 312
    • Anime debut: Episode 108
    Image via Narutopedia
    Image via Narutopedia
    Video by Ms. Akali Rift on Youtube
  9. In the "Konoha Crush" arc of Naruto, the fight between Orochimaru and the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, unfolds. Orochimaru, posing as the Fourth Kazekage, launches an attack on Konoha during the Chunin Exams. Their confrontation takes place on the arena's rooftop, where Orochimaru discloses his true identity.

    Orochimaru brings back the reanimated corpses of the First and Second Hokages to face Hiruzen. Despite being outnumbered, Hiruzen calls upon Enma, the Monkey King, for assistance, showcasing a variety of techniques that earned him the nickname "the professor".

    The battle is intense, and in a tragic twist, Hiruzen sacrifices himself to seal Orochimaru's arms, preventing him from using ninjutsu. This clash not only underscores the Third Hokage's strength and wisdom but also exposes Orochimaru's sinister goals and the extreme measures he's willing to take to achieve them.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 172
    • Anime debut: Episode 56
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    Video by jirai ya on Youtube
  10. The clash between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha stands as a key moment in the Naruto series. Happening in the Warring States Period, Hashirama, leader of the Senju clan, and Madara, leader of the Uchiha clan, were once pals dreaming of peace. However, their different ideas drove them apart, turning them into enemies.

    During the battle, Hashirama goes into Sage Mode, brandishing a sword and the Scroll of Seals. Meanwhile, Madara activates Complete Body - Susanoo, showcasing a slew of eye powers and wielding various weapons. It's a fierce face-off, both shinobi displaying their incredible strength.

    Despite the intense struggle, Hashirama comes out on top. However, he doesn't realize Madara survives, lurking in the shadows and plotting. This battle becomes a foundation for many conflicts to come in the series.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 699
    • Anime debut: Episode 476
    Image via Wallpaperaccess
    Image via Wallpaperaccess
    Video by Crunchyroll Collection on Youtube
  11. The showdown involving Sakura Haruno, Lady Chiyo, and Sasori of the Red Sand is a major moment in the Naruto: Shippuden series. It all kicks off when Sasori, an Akatsuki member and puppet master, faces off against Sakura and Chiyo. Sasori comes at them with flamethrowers and Water Stream Shooters, but despite the fiery attacks, Sakura and Chiyo stand their ground.

    Then Sasori ramps it up by using his Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets, bringing in a hundred puppets. In response, Chiyo pulls out her White Secret Technique: The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets, showing that having quality beats having a bunch. The battle gets intense, and it seems like Sakura and Chiyo have Sasori trapped and beaten using the Sealing Technique: Lion Closing Roar.

    But Sasori isn't done. He sneakily transfers his core into another puppet, keeping the fight going. Despite the tough odds, Sakura and Chiyo's teamwork and determination eventually lead to Sasori's defeat. This whole battle not only highlights Sakura's growth as a ninja but also showcases Chiyo's skill in puppetry.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 244
    • Anime debut: Episode 103
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    Video by Narutoshipulan on Youtube
  12. The fight holds a crucial place in the Chunin Exams arc of Naruto. Both are Jinchuriki, with Naruto housing the Nine-Tailed Fox and Gaara the One-Tailed Shukaku. The clash kicks off with both unleashing their full power. Gaara relies on his sand for defense, while Naruto taps into the Nine-Tails' chakra to boost his strength and speed.

    More than just a physical bout, the fight reflects a clash of ideologies. Gaara, shaped by a troubled past, leans towards destruction and killing, while Naruto champions friendship, love, and never giving up. As the battle unfolds, Naruto gains the upper hand. Utilizing the Rasengan, he breaks through Gaara's defenses and delivers a potent blow. The fight concludes with Naruto emerging victorious, prompting Gaara to reconsider his beliefs. This battle marks a turning point, showcasing the power of Naruto's convictions in the face of adversity.

    Detailed information:

    • Manga debut: Chapter 220
    • Anime debut: Episode 80
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    Image via Pinterest
    Video by SINBAD-LOL on Youtube

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