Top 10 Chinese Good Luck Charms Used in Feng Shui

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Chinese good luck charms are important in Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese technique that tries to align people with their surroundings. These charms are thought ... read more...

  1. The Laughing Buddha is a representation of a Buddhist monk who was known for his joyous and generous personality. The Laughing Buddha is usually depicted as a chubby, bald man with a big smile and a large belly, holding a sack of treasures, a string of beads, or a fan. He is often surrounded by children or animals, symbolizing his playful and generous nature.

    The Laughing Buddha symbolizes happiness, generosity, contentment, and enlightenment. He also helps to reduce stress and bring laughter and joy into your life. It is also said to ward off negative energy and evil spirits.

    You can also rub his belly for extra luck and fortune. The most important factor in using Laughing Buddha is your own mindset and attitude. You should always have a clear and positive intention when placing and arranging your charm.

    Laughing Buddha is widely used in Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the environment with the natural forces of energy. There are many varieties of Laughing Buddha charms, each with a different meaning and symbolism.

    For example, a Laughing Buddha holding a sack; a Laughing Buddha holding a string of beads, or a Laughing Buddha holding a fan. You can also choose a charm based on the meaning, material, color, size, or design that appeals to you.

    The best location for your Laughing Buddha charm depends on the bagua map, which is a Feng Shui tool that divides any space into nine areas corresponding to different aspects of life. For instance, if you want to attract wealth and prosperity, you can place your charm in the southeast area of your home or office, about love and romance, you can place it in the southwest area, to attract career success, you can place it in the north area. You can also place it near the main entrance of your space to welcome good luck and guests.

    The Laughing Buddha is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. By placing him in strategic locations in your home or office, you can enhance the flow of positive energy and attract prosperity, happiness, and harmony into your life. You can also use him as a personal talisman or a gift for someone you care about. The Laughing Buddha will surely bring a smile to your face and a light to your heart.

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  2. The Money Frog is a representation of a mythical creature that is said to have the power to bring wealth and prosperity to its owner. They are also known as Jin Chan, Chan Chu, or Zhaocai Chan Chu, which means "wealth-inviting toad" in Chinese.

    This charm is usually depicted as a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth, sitting on a pile of coins or ingots. Sometimes, it also has red eyes and jewels on its back. They represent the mythical creatures that emerged from the moon during a lunar eclipse and brought fortune to those who possessed it.

    The Money Frog is believed to be the manifestation of Liu Hai, a Taoist god of wealth and abundance. He was known for his kindness, generosity, and wisdom. According to legend, Liu Hai had a pet toad that could spit out gold coins. He used his toad to help the poor and needy and also to trick the greedy and evil. The toad became a symbol of wealth and generosity and was later adopted by Feng Shui practitioners as a charm for prosperity.

    Money Frog is used in Feng Shui to enhance the flow of money and opportunities in your life. They can be placed in various areas of your home or office, depending on your goals and intentions. You can place them near your front door or entrance to welcome wealth and luck into your space.

    You can also place them in your living room, dining room, or bedroom to activate the wealth sectors of your Bagua map. Moreover, you can even place them on your desk or near your cash register to attract more business and income. On the other hand, they can also be used to protect against bad luck, misfortune, and theft.

    Money Frog is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. They are powerful tools that can help you create a more balanced and positive energy flow in your space. By using them wisely and respectfully, you can attract prosperity, happiness, and harmony into your life.

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  3. The Lucky Money Cat, also known as Maneki Neko or Welcoming Cat. It is a figurine of a cat with one or both paws raised, usually holding a gold coin or a red envelope. The origin of this charm dates back to the 17th century in Japan, where a poor monk lived with his cat in a temple. It is believed that this charm attracts good fortune, prosperity, and customers to the owner.

    The Lucky Money Cat is not only a cute and cheerful decoration, but also a powerful Feng Shui charm that can enhance various aspects of your life. Depending on the color, position, and gesture of the cat, it can have different meanings and effects. For example, a white cat represents purity and happiness, a black cat protects from evil and illness, a gold cat attracts wealth and prosperity, and a red cat brings love and romance.

    The cat can also hold different items in its paw, such as a coin, a fish, or a bell, which signify abundance, good health, or wisdom respectively. The position of the paw also matters: a raised left paw invites customers and money, while a raised right paw invites good fortune and happiness.

    The most important aspect of using Chinese good luck charms in Feng Shui is the placement and arrangement. The Lucky Money Cat should be placed in a visible and prominent location, such as near the entrance, on a shelf, or on a desk. It should face the door or window to welcome the incoming chi (energy) and opportunities.

    Lucky Money Cat is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. By incorporating the Lucky Money Cat into your space, you can create a more harmonious and prosperous environment for yourself and your loved ones. This charm will not only bring you luck but also joy and gratitude for all the blessings in your life.

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  4. Lucky Emperor Coins are round metal discs with a square hole in the center, and they usually have Chinese characters or symbols on both sides. Lucky Emperor Coins are often used in Feng Shui as talismans or amulets to attract wealth, success, and good fortune. They can also be used to ward off negative energy and evil influences. They are believed to bring good things to whoever owns them.

    According to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the environment with natural forces, lucky emperor coins can activate and enhance the energy of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. This is because they have a perfect balance of yin and yang, the two opposite and complementary forces that govern everything in the universe.

    The round shape of the coin represents yin, the feminine, receptive, and nurturing energy, while the square hole represents yang, the masculine, active, and creative energy. They symbolize heaven and earth, unity and harmony, completeness and wholeness.

    Lucky Emperor Coins are versatile and easy to use in any space. You can simply hang them on doors, windows, walls, or ceilings to invite auspicious energy into your home or office. Additionally, you can use it as a piece of jewelry or carry it in your pocket to enhance your luck and personal charisma.

    Besides that, the number, color, and orientation of lucky emperor coins can affect their potency and meaning in Feng Shui. The number of coins should be auspicious, such as 3, 6, 8, or 9. These numbers are associated with abundance, harmony, prosperity, and completion in Chinese culture. Avoid using 4 coins, as this number is considered unlucky and signifies death. And the color of the coins should match the element of the area where you place them.

    Lucky Emperor Coins are one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. They can help you improve various aspects of your life, such as wealth, health, relationships, and career.

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  5. The Dragon Turtle is a mythical creature that combines the features of a dragon and a turtle. The dragon represents power, authority, and success, while the turtle represents longevity, stability, and protection. They form a symbol of strength, wealth, and longevity.

    The Dragon Turtle is often depicted sitting on a bed of coins or ingots, holding a coin or a ru yi (a scepter of authority) in its mouth, and with a baby turtle on its back. These elements further enhance the charm's ability to bring good fortune, career advancement, and family blessings.

    The Dragon Turtle is said to have the ability to ward off evil spirits, protect against misfortune, and bring good luck in wealth, career, and health. It is also a symbol of authority, success, and leadership. The Dragon Turtle is widely used in Feng Shui practices to enhance various aspects of life. Depending on its placement and orientation, it can have different effects and benefits.

    The Dragon Turtle charm is not only a powerful Feng Shui tool but also a beautiful piece of art that reflects the rich culture and history of China. By using the Dragon Turtle charm in your space, you are not only inviting good luck into your life but also connecting with the ancient heritage and wisdom of China.

    You are honoring the spirit of this magnificent creature that has been revered for centuries as a symbol of prosperity, longevity, and harmony. Apart from that, you are also creating a more balanced and positive energy flow in your space that will benefit you and everyone around you.

    The Dragon Turtle is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. Whether you are looking for wealth, health, love, or success, the Dragon Turtle can help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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  6. A Wealth Ship is a miniature replica of a sailing vessel that is loaded with gold coins, ingots, jewels, and other symbols of abundance. It is believed that placing a wealth ship in your home or office can attract money and opportunities from all directions.

    A Wealth Ship is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. It has a long history and cultural significance in China, where sailing was a major mode of transportation and trade. The wealth ship represents the idea of sailing towards success and fortune, and bringing back wealth and treasures from your journeys.

    The placement and direction of your wealth ship are very important to maximize its potential. You should place your Wealth Ship in the wealth corner of your home or office, that is the southeast sector according to the classical Feng Shui bagua map.

    You should also make sure that your wealth ship is facing inward, towards the center of your space, so that it can bring in money and opportunities, rather than facing outward, which can cause money to flow away.

    You can also enhance your wealth ship by adding other Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui, such as crystals, plants, fish, dragons, or coins. These can amplify the energy of abundance and prosperity that your wealth brings.

    You can also personalize your Wealth Ship by adding items that represent your goals and aspirations, such as business cards, contracts, invoices, or photos. This can help you manifest your desires and attract more success.

    Using a Wealth Ship as a Chinese good luck charm in Feng Shui can be a fun and rewarding way to improve your financial situation and achieve your dreams. By incorporating this charm into your own space, you can create a more positive and balanced energy flow that supports your well-being and happiness.

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  7. Top 7

    Pi Xiu

    Pi Xiu, also known as Pi Yao, is a mythical creature that resembles a winged lion with a dragon head. It is believed to be a powerful protector and a loyal guardian of wealth.

    According to legend, Pi Xiu was once a heavenly beast that violated a law and was punished by having its anus sealed. As a result, it can only eat but not excrete, making it a symbol of the endless accumulation of wealth.

    In Feng Shui, Pi Xiu is regarded as a powerful enhancer of wealth and prosperity. It is especially beneficial for those who want to increase their income, business success, or career advancement. It is also helpful for those who suffer from financial losses, bad luck, or misfortune. Pi Xiu can help you overcome obstacles, attract opportunities, and manifest abundance.

    Pi Xiu comes in various forms and materials, such as statues, pendants, bracelets, rings, or coins. Pi Xiu charms can also be worn as jewelry or carried as amulets to boost one's personal luck and ward off evil spirits. You can choose the one that suits your preference and budget.

    Pi Xiu charm needs to be placed in the right location and direction. The wealth sector is the best place to put your Pi Xiu charm, but you can also place it in other areas that need enhancement or protection.

    You can put it near the main entrance to guard against thieves or bad people, or near your bed to improve your health and sleep quality. You should also make sure that your Pi Xiu charm faces the door or window so that it can attract more Qi from the outside.

    Pi Xiu is an amazing Chinese good luck charm used in Feng Shui. You can create a more balanced and positive energy flow in your space and enjoy more wealth, prosperity, happiness, and harmony in your life. Pi Xiu charms are not only decorative items but also powerful tools that can help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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  8. Chi Lin, also known as Qi Lin or Kei Loon, are mythical creatures that resemble a cross between a dragon and a horse. They are symbols of wisdom, protection, and longevity in Chinese culture.

    They are often depicted with scales, horns, wings, and a flaming pearl on their forehead. Chi Lin is said to be able to walk on water and clouds and to bring good fortune wherever they go.

    Chi Lin has a long history and cultural significance in China. They are believed to be the guardians of the gates of heaven and to have accompanied many legendary figures in Chinese history.

    For instance, Chi Lin was said to have appeared when Confucius was born, signifying his great wisdom and virtue. Chi Lin was also associated with emperors and nobles, who used them as symbols of their authority and dignity.

    The most important aspect of using Chi Lin in Feng Shui is the art of placement and arrangement. You need to consider the direction, number, size, color, and material of your charms, as well as the overall harmony of your space.

    You want to make sure that your charms are well-positioned and well-matched with your environment so that they can enhance the energy flow and balance of your space.

    Chi Lin is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. They are usually placed in pairs at the entrance of a home or office, facing outward to guard against negative energy and welcome positive energy, depending on your personal goals and needs. For example, you can place them in the south sector of your space to enhance your fame and recognition, or in the southeast sector to boost your wealth and abundance.

    Chi Lin is a great Chinese good luck charm used in Feng Shui. It is a powerful and versatile charm that can help you improve your luck, prosperity, and harmony in life. You can create a more positive and prosperous environment for yourself and your loved ones. You can enjoy the benefits of these ancient and powerful charms, and experience more luck and happiness in your life.

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  9. Dzi Beads are cylindrical or oval-shaped beads made of agate, a type of quartz. They are believed to be of Tibetan origin, but they have been widely adopted by Chinese culture as a symbol of protection, prosperity, and success. Dzi Beads are often worn as jewelry or placed in the home or office as decorative items.

    Dzi Beads are widely used in Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging your environment to harmonize with the natural flow of energy or Qi. They have different patterns and colors, each representing a different meaning and purpose. Some of the most common patterns are eyes, stripes, waves, squares, circles, and dots.

    Feng Shui practitioners believe that by placing Dzi Beads in certain areas of your home or office, these patterns are believed to attract positive energy and ward off negative influences. Thus creating a more balanced and favorable atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones.

    Depending on the pattern and color of the Dzi Beads, it can have different effects on the user. For example, a Dzi Beads with one eye can help with wisdom, focus, and protection; two eyes can help with love, relationships, and marriage, and three eyes can help with health, wealth, and happiness,...

    The placement and arrangement of the Dzi Beads also matter, you can use a string, a chain, a bracelet, or any other accessory to wear your Dzi Beads as jewelry. You can also use a stand, a bowl, a vase, or any other container to place your Dzi Beads as an ornament. Make sure to put it in an area that corresponds to your intention and goal.

    Dzi Beads are amazing Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui that can help you achieve your dreams and goals. They are also beautiful pieces of art that reflect the culture and wisdom of China. By using them wisely and respectfully, you can enhance your luck, prosperity, and happiness in all aspects of your life.

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  10. The amethyst crystal tree is a symbol of abundance and wealth in Feng Shui. It is made of natural amethyst crystals, which are known for their healing and calming properties. The crystals are arranged on a metal or wooden base, forming a tree-like shape. The tree represents growth, stability, and longevity, while the crystals represent the fruits of your labor and success.

    The amethyst crystal tree can be used in different areas of your home or office, depending on your goals and intentions. If you want to attract more money and career opportunities, you can place the tree in the southeast corner of your space, which is the wealth area in Feng Shui.

    If you want to improve your health and well-being, you can place the tree in the east area, which is the health area. If you want to enhance your love and relationships, you can place the tree in the southwest area, which is the love area.

    The placement and arrangement of the amethyst crystal tree are very important in Feng Shui. You should always keep the tree clean and dust-free, as dirt and clutter can block the flow of energy.

    You should also avoid placing the tree near sharp objects, such as knives or scissors, as these can create negative energy and harm your luck. More than that, You should also avoid placing the tree in direct sunlight or near a heat source, as these can damage the crystals and fade their color.

    The amethyst crystal tree's beautiful and powerful charm is one of the Chinese good luck charms used in Feng Shui. This is more than just a charm, it is a reflection of your aspirations and achievements. You are also connecting with the rich history and culture of China, where these charms have been used for centuries to enhance fortune and happiness. It can help you create a more balanced and harmonious environment for yourself and others.

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