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Top 6 Dive Sites in Germany

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Germany has a wide range of attractions. You can immerse yourself in crystal blue Alpine lakes or dive into the Baltic Sea. With the exception of the Baltic ... read more...

  1. An historic opencast chalk mine about 50 miles outside of Hamburg in northern Germany was later flooded by groundwater seeping up from below as the mine delved deeper and deeper. When mining ceased in the 1970s, the entire mine was eventually filled with fresh water. The factory buildings that surrounded the mine were demolished, and some of them were dropped into the lake to provide support for the pit's edges.

    Hemmoor Kreidesee
    (Kreidesee means "chalk-lake" in German, referring to the lake's mining background) became a popular dive destination in the 2000s. To assist the diving, a number of artificial reefs have been created in the lake, and a dive center has sprung up near the lake's entrance.

    This ex open cast chalk mine, which was flooded when mining ceased in the 1970s, is an intriguing quarry dive for all levels of experience. The remnants from the mining era are perhaps the most intriguing parts of this location. You may still see the flooded houses and woodland that were above water before the pumps stopped and the mine gradually filled with water if you swim down the old road that led to the mine.

    If you're in North Germany, this is a must-see with a maximum depth of 60 meters and visibility of up to 30 meters.

    • Location: Lower Saxony

  2. The subterranean settlement of Nordhuisia was designed with divers in mind. You can tour the city's buildings, see a graveyard, and view "people" in their homes. Everything in the village was built with environmentally safe materials to provide a home for marine life and a whimsical diving experience for divers. Dry suit divers will enjoy the cold water atmosphere, which is also a great spot to practice underwater photography and cinematography. Crabs, eels, pike, perch, sturgeon, and a few chainsaw sculptures made of oak may be found as you float along the submerged streets. The highest depth is 31 meters/102 feet, with an average visibility of 10-15 meters/32-49 feet. Wolfgang Tröger contributed to this image.Sundhäuser See is among the top Dive Sites in Germany

    Even without the excellent diving attractions added by Action Sport dive center, Sundhäuser See would be worth a visit in and of itself.

    Nordhuisia, a subterranean 'city' modeled after the free imperial city of Nordhausen, was designed specifically as a dive site to attract not only divers, but also fish, crabs, and sponges. It was painstakingly lowered into the lake, piece by piece, using environmentally acceptable materials. You may go around the city, see'residents' in their homes, and even visit a graveyard and a church. Dieter and Sebastian Kruger, chainsaw artists, have produced a plethora of sculptures throughout the city, all made of wood.

    • Location : Sundhäuser
  3. Europe/Berlin (Europe/Berlin cet) is the timezone for this city, which has a population of 11,620 people. Möhnesee is regarded as one of Germany's best snorkeling, scuba diving, and diving locations.

    s square area is 123 square kilometers, making it perfect for visiting a mid-sized city and a site worth visiting. Because of the inexpensive lodging rates in this town, you may save money, and you can use Möhnesee as a base to see all of Germany and the Möhnesee area.

    It has a height of over 241 meters above sea level, often known as meters above mean sea level (MAMSL). This is why, if you and your friends enjoy plain land, this city is the ideal place to visit for your next holiday.. This is Sauerland's largest dam. There's more to this place than diving because it's surrounded by nature; several walking and cycling routes weave around the topside, and there's something to do all year.

    Dive shops are easily accessible, and night diving, which is generally prohibited, can be organized through Pro Dive. If you're thinking of diving here, a night dive is a must to see fish, crabs, and hunting eels that you wouldn't see in Germany.

    • Location: North Rhine-Westphalia
  4. Constance Lake is a body of water in Germany. Germany is distinguished by a diverse range of cultural and landscape features. Beautiful views of the Alps can be had from the German side. Lake Constance is accessible from both Baden Würtemberg and Bavaria in Germany.

    In the northwest corner of the lake, the areas Untersee and Hegau with Konstanz, Gailingen, and Radolfzell are framed by magnificent mountain slopes. Everything that makes Lake Constance so appealing can be found in the tiniest of places in the Untersee district.

    Natural beaches, exquisite islands, lovely bays, charming mountain ridges, and, of course, a plethora of historic buildings and medieval cities like Lindau.

    Lake Constance Germany
    also boasts an international airport, Friedrichshafen, from where I arrange my tourist flights. The popular Zeppelin Museum is open to the public.

    The Rhine's Lake Constance is made up of three bodies of water. It is the second largest freshwater lake in Central and Western Europe in terms of volume. Unlike many other diving locations in Germany, this lake was produced over 10,000 years ago by the Rhine Glacier during the ice era. If you're interested in aquatic life, Lake Constance has roughly 45 different fish species, including eels, catfish, and trout. A few wrecks can also be found here, including the famed paddle steamer Jura, which sits at a depth of 39 meters. The water beneath the surface, on the other hand, is extremely frigid, scarcely reaching 10 degrees Celsius even in the summer.

    • Location : northern foot of the Alps
  5. Süplinger Canyon, located just outside of Magdeburg, provides simple diving with consistent visibility all year. The entrance is roughly 100 meters from the parking lot, and buoys indicate ideal diving practice platforms. Sturgeon, catfish, whitefish, and (depending on the season) freshwater jellyfish live in the former quarry, which is located in the scenic countryside near Haldensleben.

    On a steep cliff, there's also an underwater forest, minor wrecks, a construction cart, cable drums, and plenty of other small items to explore. The maximum depth is 12 meters/39 feet, with an average visibility of 6-8 meters (19-26 feet). Julia Wratschko contributed to this image.

    The Süplinger Canyon is a disused quarry with excellent visibility all year, making it the top Dive Sites in Germany. The entrance is roughly 100 meters from the parking lot, and there are diving practice platforms with buoys. During buoyancy exercises, a scaffolding is also accessible for visual orientation.

    The ruin of a sailing yacht, a construction vehicle, a MZ, cable drums, and plenty of other items to discover are among the site's highlights. The underwater forest and the sheer wall on the west side of the lake are also worth visiting. There are sturgeons, catfish, whitefish, and freshwater jellyfish to be observed depending on the season.

    • Location: Outside Magdeburg
  6. Though not a single dive site, it would be negligent not to include diving in Germany without mentioning the Baltic Sea; with a plethora of historical diving, the Baltic has a special fascination for divers and among the top Dive Sites in Germany. The benefits are bountiful, despite the fact that diving here is not for the faint of heart.

    The German Baltic Sea waters occupy less than a tenth of the sea's surface area, yet they are rich in marine heritage. Over 1,000 artefacts have been discovered in these waters, albeit the precise position of all the objects is not necessarily known to the public.

    The Helland wreck, WWII wrecks, and other wrecks from various eras are among the famous wrecks that may be viewed.

    • Location: Baltic Sea, Germany

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