Civil War also called the War between the States, four-year war (1861 - 1865) between the United States and 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union and ...
After years of simmering tensions over slavery, state's rights, and westward expansion between northern and southern states, the American Civil War broke out ...
The use of artillery was crucial in many Civil War battles and demonstrated how technological advancements might profoundly alter how war and battles were ...
Baltimore, which was established in 1729 as a catholic city in United States in a catholic colony, is a city of captains and demons, national anthems and ...
The potential to document combat occurrences in order to increase public awareness was first investigated with the discovery of photography in the 1830s. One ...
Most people are aware that the firing on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, in Charleston, South Carolina, signaled the start of the Civil War, which was waged ...
The small town of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, played a significant role in United States history, even before the state of West Virginia was separated from ...
The Civil War is a central event in America's historical consciousness. The North's victory in the conflict maintained the United States as a nation and put an ...
The Battle of Camden was a major victory for the British in the American Revolutionary War. In this list, we'll give you 12 facts about this battle that you ...
The Southern Campaign is one of many important events of the American Revolution. The Southern Campaign began with British concern over the course of the war ...
The American Civil War's Battle of Cedar Mountain, also known as Slaughter's Mountain or Cedar Run, took place in Culpeper County, Virginia, on August 9, 1862. ...
The Battle of Franklin was fought between the American Army and the Confederate States Army in Franklin, Tennessee, as part of the Franklin–Nashville Campaign ...
The Second Battle of Rappahannock Station, fought on November 7, 1863, was the decisive battle of the Bristoe Campaign in Northern Virginia. It is considered ...
The Vicksburg campaign was a series of maneuvers and battles in the Western Theater of the American Civil War directed against Vicksburg, Mississippi, a ...
Clara Barton was one of the most prominent medical volunteers in the Civil War and helped revolutionize battlefield medicine well after it ended. In this ...
Even though sectional conflicts over slavery had been a major cause of the Civil War between North and South America, ending slavery was never a goal of the ...