少年ジャンプ (Shonen Jump)
少年ジャンプ (Shonen Jump) is a renowned platform for reading raw Japanese GL manga, attracting readers from around the world. Developed by Shueisha Inc., Shonen Jump was first released in 1968, making it one of the longest-running manga magazines in Japan.
Shonen Jump offers a vast collection of popular raw Japanese GL manga, including titles such as "Citrus," "Bloom Into You," and "Girl Friends." These manga feature compelling stories and diverse characters that resonate with readers, contributing to their popularity.
Shonen Jump has become famous for its ability to showcase unique GL manga that explores themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Its captivating storytelling and high-quality artwork have captivated manga enthusiasts globally.
While specific visitor statistics are not publicly available, Shonen Jump attracts a significant number of monthly visitors due to its reputation as a trusted source for raw Japanese GL manga.
Founded: 1968
Founder: Shueisha Inc.
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Official Website: shonenjump.com