As another website to enjoy Chinese web novels, 17K is prominent to provide a diverse selection of web novels across various genres. Founded in 2005, it has since grown to become one of the most popular platforms for Chinese web novels.
What makes it popular is absolutely its quality and diversity. It provides an array of genres that can cater to diverse reading preferences. Whether you are looking for romance, adventure, or action, it can satisfy you with the best titles and latest chapters. The image is also carefully drawn and edited several times before publishing on the web.
Moreover, the interactive community of writers and readers is another plus point that people enjoy. Through features such as reader comments, author interactions, and ratings, 17k provides a space for enthusiasts to engage with each other and participate in discussions about their favorite works. They can also make discussion forums or community boards to engage in broader conversations about specific novels, genres, or other related topics.
17k currently offers mobile apps that allow readers to access their favorite web novels conveniently on their mobile devices and enjoy their favorites on the go. With these features mentioned, this is absolutely one of the highly recommended websites to enjoy Chinese web novels.
Website: https://www.17k.com/