A Squatter Lived in a Church Attic for 3 Years
When you think about it, it's completely realistic that something or someone could be lurking in an attic in a horror movie. Most folks don't often visit their attic. There may be numerous furnishings and other items to keep you engaged, as well as frequent easy access to it. That may have contributed to William Baker's decision to live in the church's attic in Arlington, Virginia's St. Ann Roman Catholic Church. Baker was able to live there for a remarkable three years because it was a church attic rather than an attic in a house. It was also even less busy because it was an attic.
With clothes, a guitar, and a cooler filled with food he had stolen from the church, Baker, who was homeless, had managed to create a comfortable haven for himself. For those three years, it actually felt like people's only inkling that something wasn't right was a lack of food, but that certainly wasn't enough to persuade them that they had a squatter.
Through tiles in the ceiling, Baker entered the attic. He would use a ladder to ascend, then raise it afterward to conceal his actions. Nobody became aware of the situation until a repairman showed up at an unexpected hour and heard noises upstairs. After calling the police, Baker was accused of trespassing.