A Superstition

Essay topic: Do you have your own superstition? Or maybe someone around you? What is interesting about it?


Superstitions weave a strange pattern in the tapestry of human ideas, defying logic and reason. One such superstition, passed down like a holy secret through centuries, unfolds like a strange dance between the tangible and the otherworldly. Its roots penetrate deep into the psyche, affecting behaviours and beliefs in ways that transcend logic.

In a quaint village nestled between hills and rivers, the superstition in question takes the form of a silver thread intricately woven into the fabric of daily life. It is whispered that when a black cat crosses one's path, a cosmic shift occurs, altering the course of events for those who bear witness to the feline apparition. The village, steeped in tradition, embraces this superstition with a blend of trepidation and reverence.

The interesting aspect lies not merely in the superstition itself, but in the nuanced rituals that follow. Villagers, upon encountering the elusive black cat, perform a series of intricate gestures, touching fingertips to lips, casting salt over their left shoulders, and murmuring ancient incantations. The belief in the cat's mystical influence becomes a communal bond, uniting the village in a shared dance with the unknown.

As for my own experiences, a friend harbors a superstition of knocking on wood to ward off ill fortune. In moments of uncertainty or vulnerability, the rhythmic tapping of knuckles against a wooden surface becomes a reflex, a whispered plea for the universe to avert impending misfortune. What is intriguing is the genuineness with which this ritual is performed, as if the act of knocking on wood possesses a transcendental power to shape the fabric of destiny.

Superstitions, whether born from ancient lore or whispered through the corridors of time, illuminate the intricate dance between the known and the enigmatic. They reveal a collective human desire to navigate the unpredictable currents of life with a sense of control, however illusory it may be. In the village and within personal circles, these superstitions become threads in the vast tapestry of human experience, binding individuals and communities in a shared narrative of belief and mystery.

Photo by M.Emin  BİLİR via pexels
Photo by M.Emin BİLİR via pexels
Photo by Kübra Kuzu via pexels
Photo by Kübra Kuzu via pexels

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