A Vast But Walkable City
The largest city in Sicily and one of the biggest in Italy is Palermo. The other is that Palermo is a rather simple city to get around in. In fact, you may stroll through the city's old district with relative ease.
Two streets that converge in the city's historic core are mostly responsible for this walkability. Great long pedestrian avenues Via Maqueda and Via Vittorio Emanuele intersect at Quattro Canti, the square mentioned before. These two streets connect several of the major Palermo attractions like a freeway for tourists. Although they are no longer pedestrian-only at those locations, they also pass past Palermo Central Station and the port.
These aren’t the only streets tourists should explore mind you. You should wander around and see the backstreets, especially those in the Kalsa neighborhood. The point is that you’ll definitely become quite familiar with Via Maqueda and Via Vittorio Emanuele during a visit here. If you’re not feeling too confident exploring on your own, consider doing a walking tour to settle in, whether it be a food tour or a cultural tour.