Accounting 101: How to read an Accounting Balance Sheet

Millions of individuals, including you and me, are involved in reading financial figures in some way. Understanding money, whether it's for your business, personal finances, or savings, is now a necessary pre-requisite for business survival and educated decision-making.

Surprisingly, the one most important life skill that can determine your financial success is not taught in school. Many entrepreneurs operate their companies without knowing how to read a balance sheet. Business owners are dangerously uninformed of their numbers and tax regulations, and they will continue to be so.

  • A recent study showed that 55% of small business owners did not review their monthly balance sheets, because they did not understand them.
  • Another survey finds that 83% of small businesses face a serious financial literacy gap.
  • The survey also found that the single reason why most small businesses didn't succeed was the lack of financial literacy skills needed to navigate the obstacles.

One of the top Online Courses to Learn Accounting is Accounting 101: How to read an Accounting Balance Sheet. This course reveals exactly how you overcome these issues by following the simple steps and tips we give in this course!

This course requirement:

  • Open mind and time to go through the entire course
  • You should not be shy to ask any questions/doubts on the discussion board.

Udemy Rating: 4.5/5
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