In Adaptation (2002), Nicolas Cage played Charlie Kaufman, a bewildered L.A. native screenwriter overcome by feelings of insecurity, sexual dissatisfaction, and self-loathing, as well as by his leeching twin brother Donald's screenplay aspirations (also played by Nicolas Cage). As he struggled to adapt Susan Orlean's "The Orchid Thief,"a masterpiece written by Kaufman (portrayed by Meryl Streep), his life spirals from pitiful to bizarre. The lives of the characters in Orlean's novel and Kaufman's own life become curiously entwined as their pursuits of passion clash.
The insanity of Adaptation (2002) might have grown out of control if it fell into the wrong hands, but Jonze had a near-perfect pitch. Even Kaufman's craziest digressions are grounded in genuine emotions, since he never imposes absurdity. And Meryl Streep hasn't been this entertaining to watch in years, as she reveals her truly humorous side. Zonked out of her mind, the actress had an inspirational moment as she grooved to the timeless harmonics of a dial tone.
And of course, as Charlie, Cage's distressed eyes widen in a manner similar to Gene Wilder, leaving the most long-lasting impact on the audience. And he is just as humorous in his role of the amiable Donald!
Year of Release: 2002
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 90%