AdBlock Plus
AdBlock Plus (ABP) is a popular ad blocker with extensions for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Opera. ABP has a rapid setup, pre-loaded filter lists that allow users to easily block most adverts, as well as the option to filter malware and social media links.
To keep their ad income in the black, savvy consumers may choose additional ban lists, configure custom filters, or whitelist their favorite sites. AdBlock Plus offers "non-intrusive advertising" through filters, which may irritate some users; however, this option may be removed in settings. The AdBlock Browser app for Android provides a Firefox-based browser that blocks incoming advertising, and the AdBlock Plus app for iOS connects with the content blocker system to effortlessly block advertising on Safari with little setup.
AdBlock Plus adds extra security to keep you safe from dangerous malware. To begin, it filters malware-infested websites, preventing your device from becoming infected. It also prevents advertising from tracking your online activities by disabling trackers. This prohibits advertising from snooping on your online browsing habits. With these features, you can be confident that my browsing will remain private.
Detailed information:
Cost: Free
Used by: 100M devices