
In the beginning of "Akira", in the year 1988, a powerful blast rocks the vibrant city of Tokyo, caused by a young boy with extraordinary psychic abilities. The aftermath of this cataclysmic event sets in motion the devastating World War III. Determined to prevent further destruction, the boy is captured and locked away, disappearing from the world's view.
Fast forward to the year 2019, and Neo-Tokyo emerges as a rebuilt city, plagued by gang violence and terrorism against the ruling government. In this turbulent landscape, we meet Shoutarou Kaneda, who leads a crew known as "the Capsules." They're a group of rebels, renowned for their fearless motorcycle riding and their ongoing rivalry with the infamous "Clowns."
As fate would have it, during one of their intense clashes, Shoutarou's best friend, Tetsuo Shima, gets entangled in a life-altering accident. This accident introduces him to an escaped esper, a psychic with incredible powers, who seeks refuge on the bustling streets of Tokyo.
What follows the rest of "Akira" is a riveting tale of self-discovery and the awakening of extraordinary abilities. Tetsuo finds himself grappling with newfound powers, while the government races to contain this potentially dangerous force. Neo-Tokyo hangs in the balance as tensions escalate and the city becomes a powder keg ready to explode once again.
Release: 1988
My Anime List Score: 8.16