Al Oruba International School

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Al Oruba International School is the top educational institution for young minds in Saudi Arabia. Their main focus is on creating a safe and positive environment where every student can reach their full potential.

The school's curricula are designed to match their mission, which is all about empowering students with the knowledge, skills, and attitude to succeed as lifelong learners. They prioritize building strong content knowledge and enhancing abilities, including the skills to understand, critique, and use technology.

Independence is a key aspect of the learning process at Al Oruba International School, encouraging students to take responsibility for their education. Moreover, fostering an attitude of understanding towards different perspectives and cultures is woven into the learning experience, making lifelong learning accessible, no matter where you are.

In terms of subject curricula, they use the Common Core State Standards for English and Mathematics. For Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education, they follow the McRell standards. French Canadian standards are applied to French instruction. As an international school in Saudi Arabia, they ensure alignment with the Saudi Ministry of Education's standards for Arabic, Saudi History, and Islamic Studies.

Al Oruba International School
delivers a well-rounded education, preparing students for success in our ever-changing world. With a focus on nurturing lifelong learning skills, cultural understanding, and academic excellence, the school lays a solid foundation for students to thrive and achieve their goals.

  • Address: Ahmed Bin Roshed Street, Fasil Bin Fahd Road, Near King Fahed Cultural Center Al Rafeeah Zone, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Phone: 9661 1400 3269
  • Mail:
  • Curriculum: American
  • Ages: 3 to 18
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Website:
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