With more than 313 million stock photos, vectors, films, and 360-degree panoramic pictures, Alamy has the most varied collection of stock photos in the world. Everything from common photos to specialty products can be sold. Over 110,000 customers and over 60,000 contributors from around the world use the platform. That is one of the best websites to sell photos. Additionally, it provides the Stockimo app, where you can sell iPhone pictures and make additional money with your selfies. Alamy features a simple, user-friendly payment mechanism that pays contributors once each month. You can get up to 50% of direct sales if Alamy is the exclusive home of your photographs. 40% of all direct sales go to images that are not Alamy exclusives. Alamy does not offer long-term contracts either.
In less than a day, you may put your photographs up for sale because to how easy it is. Become an Alamy contributor if you haven't already; it only takes a few minutes. Verify your understanding of the Alamy image preparation process. Choose between online upload and FTP to send us your photographs. The Quality Control (QC) team will review your photographs after uploading them. When they do, you can add captions and tags (sometimes referred to as keywords) to them in your account. Your photos will be available for purchase the following day once you've done adding tags.