Allied Sinterings, Inc.
Allied Sinterings, Inc. specializes in powder metallurgy processes with a focus on sintering, which involves compacting and sintering metal powders to create precision parts. Powder metallurgy is a manufacturing process that produces metal parts from metal powders using powder compaction and sintering to achieve the desired properties.
Companies in the powder metallurgy industry, like Allied Sintering, typically manufacture various components such as gears, bushings, bearings, and other precision parts. For mission-critical applications of powder metallurgy parts, companies like Allied Sinterings follow high-quality standards and have quality control measures in place to ensure the reliability and durability of the parts.
Allied Sinterings provides customers with affordable, low-cost solutions for the production of high-quality, precisely designed mesh parts. With 90% of tool maintenance done in-house, completion times are faster, resulting in quicker delivery times.
Founded: 1959
Headquarters: Danbury, CT
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