Alvin York
Despite entering the war as a conscientious objector, Sergeant Alvin York was reportedly referred to be the "greatest civilian soldier" of World War I. York, a very religious man from Pall Mall, Tennessee, a small mountain hamlet, first rejected going to war because it went against his belief in God. Nevertheless, his appeal was turned down, and in May 1918, he traveled to France with the 82nd Division of the American Army.
On October 8, 1918, during the Meuse-Argonne offensive, York would become well-known. He and about 17 other Americans were under intense fire from enemy machine guns after having just taken prisoners from a German regiment. However, York, a skilled shooter from his days as a turkey hunter, managed to escape unharmed and start taking out the German gunners with his rifle. Nine of the Americans were immediately injured or killed. York pulled out his 45 pistol and shot all six of the enemy who attempted to assault him with bayonets. On his way back to the American lines, he later took more prisoners after having quickly forced the remaining Germans to submit. In total, York and his men seized 132 enemy soldiers, and it's possible that he alone killed 20 German soldiers. He received multiple commendations for his gallantry, including the Distinguished Service Cross and the Medal of Honor, for his services. After the war, the hesitant soldier avoided the spotlight and returned to his Tennessee home, where he started farming. Later, he sought to establish new schools in his neighborhood of mountains.
Lifespan: December 13, 1887 – September 2, 1964
Nation: America