Always time for a fika
Top 3 in Top 10 Reasons to Visit Sweden

"Always time for a fika" is one of reasons to visit Sweden. A coffee break is the closest English term to describe a Swedish fika. A fika, on the other hand, is much more than that. It is an essential component of Swedish life and culture. A fika does, indeed, involve coffee and sweet sweets. The social side of catching up with friends, relatives, or colleagues, on the other hand, is just as vital as the food and beverage. In fact, many Swedish companies include a clause in their contracts that allows employees to take fika breaks!
Originally, the genuine fika was the coffee itself, which was introduced in Sweden in the 18th century. However, the accompanying baked pastries, known as fikabröd (fika bread), became equally as significant as the social part of the ceremony throughout time. The arrival of patisseries in Sweden in the nineteenth century solidified the practice as a coffee-and-cake ritual shared with friends.