Amala– consciousness

By delving into an even more profound and potent stratum of consciousness, known as the ninth consciousness or the Amala-consciousness, derived from the Sanskrit term "amala," signifying purity and immaculateness—we can enact a profound metamorphosis of our karma, ultimately engendering paramount value and boundless joy within this very existence.

This ninth consciousness, characterized as the "fundamental pure consciousness," resonates at the profound depths of existence, untainted by any vestiges of karmic impurity. It stands synonymous with the sublime realm of Buddhahood, epitomizing a state of being untarnished by the burdens of karmic encumbrances.

As practitioners delve into the depths of their Amala-consciousness through the profound practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, a remarkable transformation of their karmic inclinations and responses unfolds. This transformative process empowers them to extract value from every facet of existence, even scenarios as seemingly challenging as being subjected to a friend's outburst.

Amala-consciousness is closely tied to the concept of karma and rebirth. It is believed to carry the imprints of past actions and influences the circumstances and experiences of future lives. The cycle of suffering and rebirth continues through Amala-consciousness and karma.

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Video by Centre For Amala Consciousness

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