Angel Falls
The tallest waterfall in the world and the highest waterfall in South America is called Angel Falls. The falls are Venezuela's most well-known tourist destination, and they are situated in a remote area of the jungle within Canaima National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors to Venezuela's Angel Falls (Salto ngel) are equally entranced by the sheer vertical drop as they are by Iguaz's expansive panorama. They are possibly best known as "Paradise Falls" from Disney's Up.
The Spanish name for Angel Falls, Salto Angel, is Jimmie Angel, a US pilot who flew over them in the middle of the 20th century. However, there has recently been debate over whether the name ought to return to its original indigenous form.
The native name, once known as Kerepakupai-Mer, translates to "Waterfall of the Deepest Place." Although the naming of Angel Falls has received more attention in recent years, no one in authority has formally declared the name changed.
Location: Southeastern Venezuela.