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Angular & NodeJS — The MEAN Stack Guide [2022 Edition]

"Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide" is the next name on the list that Toplist would like to introduce to you. This is another wonderful point of a course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, one of the most favorite Udemy instructors, and it not only covers Angular but also NodeJS and the MEAN Stack. The total length of this course is about 12 hours and 45 minutes, with 13 sections (151 lectures).

This course takes a hands-on approach, which means that the entire course is built around a single large application, and each concept will be explained in detail as it is introduced in this application. After learning, you can create real-world Angular + NodeJS apps, know how to use Angular and how it interacts with backends, and interact with data on the backend, using MongoDB and Mongoose. In addition, you can also use Optimistic Updating on the Frontend to provide a great user experience and improve any Angular (+ NodeJS) application by adding Error Handling.

This course offers:

  • 12.5 hours on-demand video
  • 22 articles
  • 40 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Course by: Udemy

Estimated time: 12h 45m

Udemy Rating: 4.6/5.0

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