Animation and Art Style
Poor animation quality has the potential to undermine an otherwise compelling premise. Take the Berserk series, for example; despite its fan base, the 2016 adaptation's awkward and stiff animation turned it into a subject of ridicule. Another example is Seven Deadly Sins 3rd season, this series had badly criticized due to such terrible art style and animation. Fortunately, Spy x Family doesn't grapple with this problem, at least not in its first and second seasons.
The series' positive attributes, previously mentioned, are closely tied to its animation quality. WIT studio takes responsibility for the anime adaptations. The action scenes strike a balance between being visually striking without overwhelming, character movements flow seamlessly, and the humor is easily comprehensible, all thanks to the well-executed animation. Spy x Family successfully avoids the pitfalls of subpar animation, ensuring that its engaging elements, such as action and comedy, are enhanced rather than compromised.