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Anime is Not The Biggest Form of Entertainment

There is no doubting the appeal of anime, which is a $20 billion business. Only recently has the West begun to embrace anime culture, and fans of the genre are now at ease discussing their passion for it. It shared the same destiny as sci-fi or comic novels for a long time, being stigmatized as the domain of nerds and outcasts.

The notion that anime must be just as popular, if not more popular, in Japan seems to make sense as Western viewers become more accepting of it. If anime is from Japan, then it must be well-liked there. That's not fully accurate though.

Manga is more well-liked in Japan than anime, which is true. Manga is more well-liked in Japan than anime, which is true. Manga, the novels on which most anime is based, is typically seen as the more mature or refined version.

Adult anime fans in Japan
are frequently referred to as otakus. The term has gained popularity in the West, and many anime fans openly identify as otakus, yet it is used in the same manner that a nerd would. The word was initially used as an insult, and for many people it still is.

The term "otaku," which translates to "your abode," indicates that you are a recluse. It's the same as when someone claimed on social media that someone was residing in their mother's basement. Consequently, open fandom is frowned upon, at least in some circles, despite the fact that the anime industry is a lucrative one.

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