Anime-Planet has established itself as one of the best sites to watch anime for free in India, captivating anime enthusiasts with its extensive library and interactive community. Developed by a dedicated team, the site has been providing its services for several years, catering to anime fans worldwide.
Anime-Planet offers a diverse range of popular anime series, including highly acclaimed titles such as "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood," "Death Note," "Attack on Titan," "One Punch Man," and "Hunter x Hunter." The site has become famous for its comprehensive recommendation system, allowing users to discover new anime based on their preferences.
While specific monthly visitor numbers are not publicly disclosed, Anime-Planet enjoys a significant monthly viewership. Its popularity can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, personalized recommendations, and active community engagement. The platform's commitment to providing a holistic anime-watching experience, from streaming to community interaction, has contributed to its reputation as one of the best sites to watch anime for free.
Founded: 2001
Founder: N/A
Headquarters: N/A
Official Website: