Antonio Vivaldi became a master of the violin
Vivaldi moved to the Ospedale Della Pietà, an orphanage in Venice, after quitting the priesthood, and there he became the master of the violin.
In addition to being a well-known composer, he is regarded as a technically superb violinist. At the age of 24, he began working at the orphanage, where he remained for more than three decades, writing most of his significant works.
Although Vivaldi is most recognized for his compositions, he was also a very skilled musician. Vivaldi was referred to as "the famous composer and violinist" by the German architect Johann Friedrich Armand von Offenbach, who also praised his playing, saying, "Vivaldi played a solo track excellently and at the end, he added a piece of free-form fantasy [an improvised cadenza] that completely amazed me, because it is unlikely that anyone has ever played, or played, like that." At the age of 24, Vivaldi accepted the position of maestro di Violino at the Pio Ospedale Della Pietà orphanage in Venice and he officially became a master of the violin. However, he quickly established himself as a prominent music instructor there. Children who were abandoned, orphaned, or from low-income families might find housing and education in orphanages. Vivaldi tutored and instructed young people who were starting to gain recognition and admiration abroad.