
The center of South Turkey today was the homeland of one of the oldest cities in the world - Çatalhöyük, mysterious lost civilizations that once existed. It is part of a large civilization growing from 9,000 to 7,000 years ago and then suddenly disappeared. What makes Çatalhöyük unique is its similar structure - the houses built next to each other and go through the holes on the roof, can be approached with a ladder and aerial path. Although humans have disappeared for a long time, they still leave a lot of items about their lives and rituals.

Often called the oldest city in the world, Çatalhöyük is part of agricultural civilization and building a big city from 9,000-7,000 years ago. The interesting thing about Çatalhöyük is its structure, completely unlike most other cities since then. It has no sugar as we know, and instead is built like a honeycomb, with houses built next to each other and going through the holes in the roof. It is believed that people grow everything from wheat to almonds outside the city walls, and come to their homes with ladders and sidewalks passing through their roofs. Typically, these people decorate their entrance to the cowboy and bury the bones of their honor below the packaging dirt on their floor. This civilization is before the iron and unknown period, but they still leave rich evidence of a sophisticated society, full of art and public rituals, which may have existed for 10,000 years in a lot.

  • Time: 6700 BC
  • Location: South-central Turkey
Source: sci.news
Source: sci.news
Source: scientificamerican.com
Source: scientificamerican.com

Top 10 Mysterious Lost Civilizations That Once Existed

  1. top 1 The Mayan Civilization
  2. top 2 The Khmer empire
  3. top 3 The Indus civilization
  4. top 4 Easter Island
  5. top 5 The Mississippians
  6. top 6 Minoan Civilization
  7. top 7 The Empire Of Aksum
  8. top 8 The Nabataeans
  9. top 9 Çatalhöyük
  10. top 10 Olmec Civilization

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