Atanga (Dacryodes Edulis / Butter Fruit)

What is it about this fruit that makes it stand out on this list? This unique Atanga will delight your taste buds from the first bite. It contains vitamins A, B1, B3, D, and C. The most striking feature of Butter fruit advantages is that 47% of the fruit contains fat. When cooked, the fruit has the consistency of butter and is incredibly nutritious. Fat does not build in the body as a result of the amino acids in it. It is employed in the treatment of skin conditions.

Atanga is high in vitamins A and C, as well as magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The fruit also has a high oil content and a high concentration of vital amino acids like threonine, lysine, and leucine, which enable the body accomplish all necessary processes like tissue repair, nutrient transport, and digestion. Boiling the fruit, removing the outer shell, and eating the inside alone or with salt/sugar to taste is the most recommended way to enjoy Atangas. When biting, you may expect an avocado-like texture and the tartness of a moderate olive.


  • Atanga (Dacryodes Edulis / Butter Fruit)


  • Wash Atanga gently but thoroughly to get rid of sand.
  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Once boiled, dunk the Atanga in it for no longer than 3 minutes and strain. (You can salt the water if you like but it’s unnecessary
  • Atanga can also be steam cooked, cooked over a coal fire, placed on top of a hot pot to cook. It pretty much needs just a little bit of heat.

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