Along with BMW and Mercedes, Audi is a German-based car, thus Germans are always proud of their technological prowess and their skilled craftspeople since they have produced works of art that have won them a lot of admirers. August Horch, a German engineer, founded Audi in 1932. The pride of those who desire to possess is truly Audi. Additionally, Audi was created to be a car for successful people, therefore it is simple to understand why Audi is so well-liked. They have 2.1 million Twitter followers, which puts them in the fourth position on this list.
Auto Union AG, a car company that preceded Audi, was formerly a renowned racing team in addition to being a car company. Audi is a fairly well-known automaker; you can easily spot one on the road, particularly the luxury sedan Audi A5 and the SUV Audi Q7. In particular, Audi introduced a turbocharged engine, a four-wheel drive system, and an aerodynamic body. All of these technologies are currently widespread. However, it was seen as a significant advancement in the global auto industry at the time Audi invented it. In addition, Audi inspires awe by consistently setting technological trends.
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