AXA (France)
As responsible asset managers, they make active long-term investments to benefit their clients, the general public, and the planet at large. They are able to find the best worldwide investment opportunities across alternative and core asset classes thanks to our conviction-led strategy. They already have more than €887 billion1 in assets entrusted to them. A team of more than 2,400 people working as a part of the AXA Group, a global leader in financial protection, combines a variety of specialized talents and experience to best meet the needs of clients. The mix of responsible, active, and long-term characterizes not only their investing strategy but also their company practices, the foundation of our client partnerships, and what motivates individuals.
Megatrends including climate change, longevity, technology, and regulation are pushing the world economy toward a more egalitarian and sustainable model. We hope to actively contribute to accelerating that transformation by promoting sustainability.
Founded: 1816
Net income: €7.29 billion (2021)
AUM: US$b 1.170 (2022)
Phone: +33144457000
Ranking: 2 of the 10 Top Asset Management Firms